Hello lovely Deskers, another Wednesday rolls around and once again we share our projects at Sarah's Craft Shed, linking up with folk around the world.

I'm afraid it's full on Christmas here:

I'm making gnomes are little thank-yous for all the help I've received recently. I had the stash so am using it up. Flat gnomes look a bit sad don't they?!

That's better, one down, a few to go,,,,

I had to make a few more lengths of bunting too as the last lot all went....

But there's some non festive crafting going on as well! That rather groovy 60s fabric is being cut up for tote bags as I've only got two left. The green plastic bag has five Terry's Chocolate Oranges inside for the last craft fair I'm doing on Friday - I have resisted so far *grin*  They'll be going into the knitted Christmas pud covers that an RNLI friend made.

The last Dunelm stall was quieter than the first week but we still made £250! So that's £820 total between the three stalls so far. I'd love to think I'd crack the £1k but don't think that's going to happen on Friday - it's still very pleasing though!

I swapped to the warmer side of the entrance aisle and layered up well so wasn't as cold this time! It was a fun day and I was helped by my friend Kim in the morning and my SiL Jill in the afternoon, the time went very quickly!

Hope you have a good week, may it be happy, healthy and full of crafting xxxx


Neet said...

Glad you had another successful sale with your lovely goodies. £820 is a massive amount so you deserve a big pat on the back. You work so hard.
Love the photo of you with your stand and that groovy fabric is terrific.
Lovely to see gnome production on again, I loved my one I bought last year. I smiled at the tartan circle in the photo - made me think of a gnome wearing a tam o shanter.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Helen said...

well done on another successful fair., hope Friday hits your target, you never know! I do love he gnomes, they are fabulous. Happy WoyWW Helen #4

Sarah Brennan said...

Glad you have been doing so well with your stalls Jan. Hope you crack the £1000 barrier. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Twiglet said...

Well Jan what an achievement so far. I shall be willing you on to get to that £1k. What would we do if we couldn't sew eh! The gnomes are fab and a fun little thank you gift. Have a happy crafty week - resist the orange!!!!!! x x Jo 🌈

Lynnecrafts said...

Well done you! That’s a great total so far that you’ve raised. I hope this Friday is as good. It’s a lovely photo of you behind your stall. I had a look to see if there were any felt Xmas pud tree decorations, as I love mine and even wore them as earrings (attached to a headband) for one online Xmas quiz. 😀. Couldn’t see any though. Your gnomes are cute, though.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 9 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Lovely photo of you and gorgeous gnomes and bunting no wonder you do so well who wouldn't love those. Wishiing you even more success next time. Happy woyww, Angela x10x

craftyani said...

Well done with your stalls. Remember the day when I topped £1000 at a 3 day craft fair. It really makes you try and try when the total is so near. Hope you reach your target. Craftyani xx

Annie said...

Well done you with the funds raised. You look amazing in the photo...you def are wearing those winter drawers ;-) Fingers crossed for you to reach the £1000.
Annie x # 7

Crafting Queen said...

wow, well hadone you. Anesha

BJ said...

So adore your gnomes flat or otherwise - LOL. So must get around to making one for myself.... one day...and the bunting is gorgeous too. Stall is doing amazing and let's pray you get to a grand, you never know. Hugs BJ#11

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Another week passed away. You were busy as can be!
What a great amount. Please be proud of you and your lovely helpers. I love the gnomes!
Eva from Austria

Lindart said...

Great sales! Wonderful stall! Those 60's bags are going to be great as well! Your gnomes are very cute, I'm sure they will be well received! I love the bunting, I keep meaning to make some and never do! Have a lovely week, Lindart #12

Mary Anne said...

Fabulous. You are a whirlwind of fundraising!! Bet you do crack £1k :D
Are you in striking distance of Yeovil? Maddie wnet to a place called The Hub (charity+dayservice disability place) and I know they have a load of fabric. You pay about £8 and can fill a basket. Might be worth a look for your RNLI stuff.
SO late for WOYWW!
Mary Anne (5)

Kyla said...

It's amazing the charity work you do, it looks fantastic and such a great cause too


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...