Morning folks, another week has whooshed past, literally after Storm Daragh rushed through last Saturday. Goodness me it was frightening, 87mph winds recorded on our beach - fortunately we didn't sustain any damage but there have been many in the area without power for four days now.  Thankfully the RNLI weren't called out at all, phew, I think everyone in the area heeded the Red Warning not to leave home.

This was the evening before however:

The Pembrey craft fair managed to go ahead just before the storm started. It was steady rather than busy but we made over £200 which took the grand total to just over £1000, as many of you will have seen on FB. Proper chuffed we were!

A lovely parcel turned up out of the blue from those naughty Shrewsbury Sisters, with two beautiful cards and a little parcel:

Isn't that tempting?

I LOVE those colours together, thank you so much Jo, I really will enjoy using them, you're so kind xx

I might have bought some fabric myself, it was on sale at one of the online places I buy from:

Fun huh? It's a slightly coarser weave perfect for tote bags, not the folding kind - I only have two left, they sold really well at the Dunelm stalls.  I thought the ducks were fun and the wave just reminds me of Lynnecrafts, right up our street!

I've cut into that already, four bags ready to be constructed and a peg bag already done. I've got a little bag to make for Lynne as well.

We met up with my brother and sister in law for lunch on Monday to celebrate G's birthday and Jill gave us this hanging she'd made, isn't it fantastic? She's so clever, her quilting is spot on - it's now got pride of place in our hallway.

And finally, Christmas makes of another kind:

It's got to be done! I made 36, 24 of which are going straight into the freezer but there's a few left if you fancy popping over for a coffee and mince pie....I'll get the kettle on!

Hope you have a wonderful week and manage to carve out some crafting time xxxxxx


Helen said...

well done on the fundraising and for avoiding any damage from storm Darragh - can't imagine 87mph wind.... glad the lifeboat wasn't needed either. the hanging from Jill looks amazing. so do the mince pies... Happy WOYW Helen #2

Sarah Brennan said...

Ooh I wish I could make it over for a mince pie Jan - they look delicious. Well done on the fund raising! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Twiglet said...

Your mince pies look so neat and tidy. I over filled mine and they oozed everywhere but they tasted ok. Would love to pop round for quick mince pie! I love the blue fabrics Jan. I must say I was a bit disappointed with Doughtys fancy fabrics. Lots of lovely bland ones but nothing that really sang out apart from the one I picked for you. x x Jo ๐ŸŒˆ

Mary Anne said...

As I predicted :). Your stuff is all so lovely it must just fly off the table. Those mince pies look gorgeous too. Yum. And Twiglet & Wipso are such lovely ladies. How kind of them!
On time for WOYWW!
Mary Anne (5)

Lynnecrafts said...

That’s an amazing total for the RNLI, Jan, well done you. Your new fabric, both gifted and bought, is lovely. Let me know how much I owe you, I’m happy to contribute to that total! I’m so glad you didn’t suffer any damage. Your mince pies look lovely. Happy WOYWW, hugs Lynnecrafts 9 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

I am not a mincepie fan, but I’ll take a cuppa with you at any time๐Ÿ˜Š. Sad to say I won’t be able to make the crop this year either. We shall be in Scotland! That is a fabulous total for your charity. You work so hard all year round. A huge well done! Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Diana Taylor said...

You've done an amazing job raising money for such a good cause - and a great relief they weren't needed during the storm. I absolutely love the fabric from the Shrewsbury Sisters! They have such good taste and I would have homed in on that instantly - what a gorgeous colour combo. The blues are beautiful too and I love the wave fabric. The hanging is gorgeous - what a very talented lady your SIL is.
Well I can never resist a mince pie and will be round shortly!!
Have a great week
Hugs, Diana xx

Crafting Queen said...

Wonderful creations, love them all. Well done on your fundraising. Anesha x

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Wow!! Mince pie! Oh, how I loved them in England. Wonderful memories. I'm glad to read that you had no damage by storm!
And my depest respect for your last craft fair.
The grand total over Pound 1.000! How stunning is this!
Lovely parcel and pretty fabric. And wonderful hanging from Jill!
I wish you and Gordon all the best.
Eva from Austria

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, think I confused you as that's not a card on my blog it's the papers for the new baby journal. I absolutely love the fabric with the waves, it's gorgeous. Pleased you did so well at the craft fair too. Love the Christmas hanging and the Mince pies look scrummy! Have a good week and happy woyww. Hugs Angela x11x

Annie said...

Coffee and a mince pie would be really lovely to enjoy with a friend. Well done on all the wonderful money made. Love the new fabrics.
Annie x #10

Jackie said...

I always love seeing what you make! The duck fabric is so cute! Can't wait to see how the bags turn out. You have been busy! I am a bit behind on my Christmas crafting because we just had our kitchen cabinets painted and that project put me on pause for a bit. Now that it is finished I need to get going again to finish gifts in time for Christmas haha. Thanks for sharing your projects! & the pies look so yummy!

Neet said...

Well, where to begin, you are such a busy bee. Congrats yet again on the fund raising, you certainly have done so well for the RNLI. Love the parcel from Jo, such fab fabric and the two pieces you chose are gorgeous. Love the ducks but that wave is so like Lynn's work recently I can understand you thinking of her when you were sewing it.
Your sil's wall hanging - WOW! That certainly deserves pride of place in your hallway. It really is beautiful. A treasure to keep for every Christmas from now on. A new heirloom in fact.
Now, the mince pies, too far for me to travel for one so I will just drool over my PC.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

BJ said...

Oh my, all good intentions to comment on Wednesday, but with Church home group in the morning everything gets pushed back. Not sure I am breathing really, hurt back some more too, oh my.
Yay you made it over a grand, congrats, good reason to be chuffed indeed. Oh a prezzy for you too, love those colours as well, nice to see them on something pretty, nice duck and sea prints also. Super hanging, very special. Love the stars on top for your mince pies, do you freeze before or after baking them? Just curious as I have absolutely no idea about it all.
Hugs BJ#4

Lynnecrafts said...

So sorry to hear about Christine, Jan. Send on my condolences, if you can, please.
I remember with pleasure St Illtyds and being Rhys’s godmother. On the subject of Rhys, I realised when I saw the Nadolig Llawen in the window of the ex gin house that I got my Welsh muddled up in his pressie. Please say sorry for me!
Your fabrics are beautiful and your little hats are great. Enjoy your lovely jewel colours.
Happy WOYWW Christmas
Lynnecrafts 8 xx


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...