Thank you all for joining in the WOYWW anniversary last week, it was a lot of fun and I enjoyed reading the comments!  Apologies if you were one of the 7 out of 68 deskers who had problems linking up - I have no idea why that was. I know that other folk managed to link you up so you could join in the swap, grateful thanks goes to them. Also to Nikki C who gave good advice on how to overcome the problem and made those awesome WOYWW7 badges - thank you, lovely gal!

Julia is in the High Dependency Unit, recovering from the very long operation yesterday to remove the acoustic neuroma that has made her life so difficult over the past 9 months. Mr Dunnit texted me last night saying that the surgeon was pleased with how everything went.  If I hear anymore through the the day, I'll update this post with the news.

She really appreciates the fact that the weekly desking madness is continuing, so a big thank you from me for all your support.

My desk is somewhat chaotic:
I've been dragging out various fabrics to make lavender hearts, little zipped bags and totes. A friend in my band is having a craft stall at the Rainscombe Steam Fair on June 11/12th and asked if I'd make a few things to fill her table up. I don't have many things made at the moment, so as the weather today (Tuesday) is looking iffy, I foresee an afternoon of sewing. Yippee!!
I'm not going to go crazy, just make a couple of each item. It'll be fun!  This does mean that the giveaway planned for this week is going to be postponed.....

A huge thank you for the gorgeous ATCs, I've received so far!  Hopefully everybody who wanted to join in had some fun on the day - can I congratulate you for remembering the asterisk by your names?!  Lol, I'm the world's worst for forgetting and was muttering to myself when linking up Julia's post '...do not forget star, do not forget star....' I'm sure Mr LLJ thought I was losing it.....
A photo full of loveliness, huh?! Beautiful work from Wipso, Twiglet, SandraDe, Kim Young, Bishopsmate, Annie C, Shaz Silverwolf, Debbie TatteredRocks, Diana VelvetMoth and Cindy Plantslist. Thanks, lovely gals, they made me smile - and thank you AnnieC for the crafting ribbon and cat buttons!!

So, relatively short today - let's hope Mr Linky is feeling fit and lets us link up without any drama!


Bridget Larsen said...

Well for some reason I could link today, I tried 2 test links on previous WOYWWs and they were working so who knows what happened. Good to hear Ms Julia is recovering, prayers to her. Wow the ATCs are wonderful
Bridget #1

Robyn said...

thanks for the news of Julia! A little desk chaos is a wonderful thing- so much possibility!
I have not heard from either the person I am to send my ATC to or the person sho should send one to me- any suggestions? thanks for the visit!
Robyn 3

Kelly said...

Great selection you've received. As to Robyn's comment above, I've contacted her via her blog this evening. We've been experiencing lots of rain/ thunderstorms so I've been off-line since Wed. afternoon. Sorry for the delay in contacting her. I'll link up in the morning. Creative Blessings! Kelly

Unknown said...

Hello Jan. Thank you for all your hard work in continue up with WOYWW for Julia and I am so happy to hear that the surgery went well to. I see you are having a very busy desk I just love the fabrics and hope you post a picture of all the goodies you are making. How fun to receive the ATC from the swaps and they look beautiful. Have a fantastic week Hugs ~Anne L #3

Unknown said...

Oh it was #3 and now I am bumped to #4

Sharon said...

Your desk looks wonderful as always! I love seeing all the bright coloured fabrics on it. The ATCs look wonderful!

Thanks again for hosting
Sharon K #5 - it is JUST after midnight here and I'm off to bed. I'll be reading posts in the morning lol

dmgarafalo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dmgarafalo said...

Those ATC's are beautiful - Kudo's to everyone! Nice to hear that Julia is recovering. Would love to send her a card if you could send me an address to my email. Donna #6

Darnell said...

Hi LLJ, Thank you so much for keeping Julia's hop going and for giving us the news of how her big operation went! Phew! Please give her my love and let her know she is in my thoughts and prayers for a full and smooth recovery! I can't wait for July to meet you both!

Even though I couldn't join in, I followed the excitement of another wonderful WOYWW anniversary and ATC swap! The ones you received are fantastic! Lots of hugs to all! Darnell

Claire Grantham said...

Hey LLJ - thanks so much for the update and for keeping us all together whilst Julia gets fighting fit. Its midnight here and I am off to bed LOL. Be back in the AM to nosy around. Love all the wonderful fabrics that you got out, I really need to have a sewing session. Cx #7

Nikki said...

Thanks for keeping us posted on Julia and so happy she's on the road to recovery. Looks like your going to be busy with all the fabric. Look at all those wonderful ATC on your desk yours arrived today too super quick too
Hugs Nikki 8
Plus I have some candy too

Helen said...

Can't get my link added even using Nikki's tip from last week.. can someone add me in please? http://stampingbyh.blogspot.co.uk/2016/06/woyww-365.html

so pleased to hear the news from Julia - have been thinking of her and Barry and you Jan. Love the atcs and the squares for your lavender bags.

Andrea said...

morning Jan thanks for the update and keeping us posted on Julia. What fab ATCS,they are all mini works of art ...I am looking forward to a good look properly later today . I've a apoligy to make I have only just posted mine as decided to make cards to go with them! was a good idea at the time .no WOYWW desk today as yet ,will hopefully do a quick post after work.... but no ATCS to show .... as no one will have recieved them yet !....so much for being organised last weeek . Thanks again for holding the fort and our thoughts are with Julia ...your a great friend. It looks like you will be having some fun with all that great fabric. crafty hugs andrea x

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Aww, I missed the WOYWW anniversary! Those ATCs are lovely! And if my desk was like yours, I would say it was tidy. MINE is chaotic!
I'm so glad the doctor is pleased with how Julia's operation went. Sending prayers for a speedy recovery! Happy WOYWW!

Judys Lace Creations said...

Oh what a relief that Julia's op was a success.
What lovely ATC's.
LOVE your sewing as always.Thanks for taking this on(WOYWW).

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Your have a beautiful collection of fabrics. One of these years I'm going to join the ATC exchange, but it's just really busy for me this time of year with work. Thanks for hosting our weekly party!

glitterandglue said...

Good morning, Jan. So glad to see that all went well yesterday and that the surgeon is so pleased with how Julia is. I'm sure everyone is saying the same to you... but when you see her, or are in contact with Mr Dunnit, please send her our love and tell her we continue to pray for her.
You have some delightful fabrics covering your desk today - hope you had that afternoon of sewing. I'm off to do some gardening in a few mins before it rains.... then will visit folk later before we head off to the Wirral for dinner with half our family who are staying there courtesy of Clatterbridge.
Take care, dear girl - you are doing great.
Love and God bless.
Margaret #15

jill said...

Morning Jan, Thanks for the up date on Julia & another thank you to you for keeping woyww going .Jill #17

Lisca said...

Hi Jan, I'm so glad Julia's operation went well. (I didn't even know it was going to be yesterday). I know you will keep us updated and thank you very much for doing that and for continuing the whole WOYWW thing. You are a star! (lol)
Your fabrics are looking bright and jolly and will make beautiful little somethings that people will want to buy even if it was just for the pretty fabric. I hope the sale goes well.
Aren't those ATCs lovely! I have participated for the first time and I am almost embarrassed that I cannot make them that beautiful.... I hope they have been received in the spirit they have been given.
Have a good week,

Lisca said...

PS I have problems linking. I thought I'd linked but it has not done it....

Annie said...

Hey there gorgeous girl. Thanks so much for holding the fort and for the updates on Julia. Lets hope she goes from strength to strength and is soon back in the fold. As to your desk today....what a lot of pretty fabrics you've got there [just wish we lived closer].
Have a good day,
Annie x

Twiglet said...

Ooo lovely fabrics there - wouldn't we have fun - you me and Annie all sewing up some lovely bits and bobs with that lot!! Thanks for the update on Julia - give her our love. Have a good week - shout if you need us. x Jo

Jackie said...

Thank you for the update on Julia and keep everything going . The weather is awful were I am in the east so I will join you with a little crafting this afternoon before the grand children arrive . I think staying in the warm is a good idea today ! You would never guess it's the first of June today in the east of England !

misteejay said...

You do know that tune will be buzzing around my head all day now LOL. Thank you for the update on Julia - good to hear that things have gone to plan.
Your desk is a lovely sea of fabric and those ATCs are fabulous.
Toni xx

Kathyk said...

Fab desk and material loveliness along with a gorgeous collection of ATC's too

Happy 7th + 1 WOYWW


Lynn Holland said...

We've had Julia in our prayers and thoughts. Tell her we miss her wit and desk.
A big thank you to you Jan for keeping us all together.
You've got some lovely cards. I found some in my treasure box and hadn't realised how long I've been playing along. In fact I think I'll check back on my blog and see when I actually started.
Have a fun time with your stitching
Lynn xx

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Jan, what beautiful fabrics, they'll look really colourful on your friend's stall. I love those hearts, I keep meaning to have ago at those myself - do you fill them totally with lavender or do you use stuffing as well? Please pass on my very best wishes to Julia, hope she isn't on HDU for too long, tell her we miss her and hope she'll be back soon, but thanks for looking after us in the meantime :o) Annie C #26

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, busy as ever. Pleased to hear that Julia has come through the op. successfully that's great news. Gorgeous collection of ATCs too. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 25

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ooh, just look at all those lovely fabrics. A fabulous selection of ATCs you received there. Thanks for keeping us updated on Julia. Much appreciated. Just popping in before I head out to teach my class will post my desk when I get back. Have a great day xx

Debbie Rock said...

Good morning lovely lady ... love your desk of creativity ... the hearts seem most appropriate today as we all have Julia close to our own. Much love to both of you. Debbie xXx

Sue said...

Hi Jan, I am loving the fabrics. You are so kind to make the items for your friends stall.

What a lovely variety of ATCs and always nice to get sent some goodies.

Thanks for letting us know how Julia is doing.

Sue #28 (or I was the last time I checked:))

Diana Taylor said...

I love that bird fabric and the little butterfly heart is soooo perfect - I love it!
I am so pleased Julia's surgery went well, I am sending lots of love and hugs to the both of you.
Diana xx

Christine said...

Can't seem to link up today, will keep trying ... could be my PC it is almost as old as me and much more temperamental!
Thanks for the news of Julia and well done for looking after us for another meetup.
The Steam Fair sounds fun, hope your friend's stall sells out.

BJ said...

Beautiful fabric Jan. On my way out shopping for some smart clothes for my teen son for his work experience week after his exams, so catch you all later. BJ#32 I think?????

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Lots of loveliness on your desk, Jan! Loving the kitty fabric and all the ATCs you've received. Good to know that Julia's over the big operation and on her way to recovery. xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Dear Lunch lady Jan,
It was so good to pop over and to read your update on our dear Julia.
I was praying on and off yesterday, especially through last evening here, which would have been your morning - for good news result wise, for skilful, wise and caring hands during and after surgery. What a trooper, she was to press on as she did for so long with such debilitating symptoms!

I will keep on praying till … and hope to hear more good news in the days ahead.
Well done on all your desky loveliness too, how nice to make some things to help your friend out on her stall.

And WOW! What great atcs, but then the desky lot are very clever, aren’t they?

Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #33
PS my second comment ... blogger ate the other one.. sigh.

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

sandra de said...

Lovely to hear that so far all is going well for Julia. Love and prayers going her way from down under. Very nice collection of ATC's and I am surprised in the promptness of the post these days. Beautiful collection of fabrics and I imagine your friends stall will be stunning.
sandra de @ ???

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

PS: I wasn't able to link at first, but after clearing my internet cache (using CC Cleaner) my link went through!

April said...

Thank you so much for the update on Julia and carrying on the WOYWW. :-)

LisaDV said...

Such fun and exciting fabric patterns. The ATCs are gorgeous. Happy Wednesday! LisaDV #38

Sue Jones said...

Lovely ATC's . Those cute cats look fab too. Have a great week. Soojay 40

pearshapedcrafting said...

Having trouble linking! Love those fabrics on your desk…and of course those fab ATCs! Hugs, Chrisx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Chris, try clearing your cache! It worked for me!

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan,I smiled when I saw your ATC last week- great minds indeed. Or seriously disturbed ones, take your pick, lol.Love all the fabric-y brightness on your desk this week, and those cats! So cute. Very happy last night to read your update on Julia, super happy all went well, send our love to Barry & Jennie, as well,know it's a hard time for them too.
So many fab ATC's again this year, they are amazing, aren't they?
The physio really is making a big difference, and it's great that I can see it working, so more incentive to keep it up.
Lots of love and squishy super hugs, xxxxxxx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

It is good to be back on the blog hop after missing for so many weeks. This year has just flown past with terrifying speed. Next time we meet up, you can have a go with the Groovi and create your own parchment beauty. It is very addictive. Good to hear the good news about Julia. Please give her my love. We are all thinking about her. xxx Maggie. #2

Unknown said...

Wow! You do have a busy desk and I bet your lavender hearts will be a big hit! Great ATCs!! Wonderful talent in those! So glad for the update on Julia and that she is doing well. And thank you for taking over for her here!!!! Thanks for the visit!
Carol N #9

Carmen said...

I can't believe I missed the anniversary AGAIN! One of these years :P

Lovely to see all the gorgeous fabric ready for your creations Jan. The cat one in particular is a very happy pattern :)

Stacy Sheldon said...

I am so glad you have news about Julia Jan thanks for sharing that. when I try to post a link it tells me an error has occurred and it does not go through. I don't have any spaces in the box, but I did clean out all the cookies in my computer last week so, will look at seeing if its some kind of a sign in thing tonight after work. love all the art you have on display this morning :) ~Stacy

Sharon Madson said...

Oh, such fabulous ATCs! Love the Crazy Bird one! :) Your fabric is always so pretty. I like the fabric pattern of the one you cut the hearts out of.
#51 It is only 11 and still I am 51! :)

alifefullofpassion said...

I love the fabrics you have on your work desk, it makes me want to learn how to saw :P

Beverley Baird said...

Thanks for sharing the news about Julia. Glad to hear she is doing well.
Love all those fabrics - can't wait to see how finished product will look.

Neet said...

If the atc does not turn up at Julia's let me know and you can have another one. I ove playing with those birds so it is no hardship.
Thanks for keeping us in touch with how Julia is doing and thanks for holding the fort for her.
Love the fabrics you have on show, you are a love making things for that fair. Good luck with the sewing (although you don't need it you sew beautifully).
Hugs, Neet 14 xx

Unknown said...

Wishing Julia a speedy recovery.

Lovely fabrics on your workspace.

Linda #54

Mrs.D said...

Hi Jan, thanks for the update on Julia, I have a card here for her, I'll email you for her address.
We will be on the K & A from Friday, going west from Bath to Bristol initially, but will be heading west eventually. We will certainly ring you when we get closer.
I love the Atc's you got, brilliant. You have another lovely selection of fabrics there to make lavender bags, someone is going to get nice bags.
Chris #40

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, I love everything here, but I'm over the moon with the kitty fabric! You are doing so nicely co-piloting for our dear Julia...please let her know how much we are thinking of her and miss her and wanting her to recover well and quickly. Hugs to you soul sister! Sandy Leigh

Cara said...

Thank you for hosting again and the news on Julia. Looking forward to seeing your creations. Cara x

Chidkid said...

Fabulous ATCS... Please pass on our love to Julia! Thanks for hosting! Elaine no. 27

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Thanks for the update on Julia. Great stuff on your desk this week. I love that kitty fabric (of course!). I took some photos but then we were (gasp) without internet for an hour that morning. Now I'm busy.

Anne said...

Hello Jan. I've not joined in this week as I've not been well. So pleased that Julia has had her surgery and that surgeons etc are pleased with her progress. I have left a message on her blog.
Love all the different fabrics you have pulled out to use. The ATC's are fabulous. Anne x ( Copper Beech Crafts)

Kim said...

Lovely bright patterns; they will definately brighten up her table. It's probably good your not completely into scrapping; I can only imagine all your fabrics duplicated in papers! Of course, at least you use your fabrics...Would you like some paper? Thanks for the updates on Julia, and for keeping the torch burning! Your ATC arrived safe and sound! Lovely! Have a great week.
-K #57

Marit said...

I just commented but cannot see it published, so I try it again.... what I wanted to say is THANKS for the update about Julia´s surgery. It´s good to hear it went well! I love the colorful ATCs you received, the annual anniversary is becoming a fun and creative event isn´t it. Love it! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and happy (belated) woyww. Hug from Holland, Marit #45

Unknown said...

SO happy to hear that all went well about Julia's surgery. Give her my blessings. It's nice to see what's going on on your desk. I love the fabric with all of those colors and lovely patterns. You have a marvelous ATC collection! Such talented ladies here!!
Michelle ♥
P.S. Thank you for your birthday wishes :-)


  WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT? Another week has whipped by! It seems no time at all that I was noseying around all your desks last week, I don&#...