Hello again lovely Deskers, hope you've had a good week! I do look forwards to Wednesdays very much seeing what you've all got up to xx

My desk looks as if I'm sewing at midnight but this was 2pm last Saturday, it was as black as Hades but fortunately we escaped the flooding unlike some poor folk around here:

I nearly sold out of the trios of bag, purse and case at Dunelm last Friday so made some more - isn't this fabric pretty? The extension table is very useful as a bigger working area and also I can stash the tools I use a lot underneath. Win Win!

Sunshine! This was yesterday morning, I'd sold out of bunting too...

We had a fab time at Dunelm, it was a lovely sociable day, lots of the RNLI volunteers popped in to support us but we had some nice feedback from the shoppers too. I had a lot of support on the day:

My dear mates Sue and Kim who helped out by being there but also by making extra bits and pieces. I have my coat on as it was cold at 2pm and we were by the entrance doors!

Sue made these fun things from face cloths:

They sold so well this is the second lot for this coming Friday where we do it all again!

I am very proud to say that we made £421! That includes £80 from pre-sales but the support on the day was fantastic. I really didn't know what to expect as this was the first time but we were bowled over. I am looking forward to this Friday, it's unlikely we'll make the same amount but you never know!

Hope you have a great week, may your crafting be joyous xx


Helen said...

the stall looked great and that is a great total - good luck again this weekend! I am glad you weren't affected by the flooding. Any time is bad, but so close to Christmas is awful. happy WOYWW Helen #2

Twiglet said...

What a joyful post - happy photo of the three of you and what a fab stall and brilliant result. Well done all. I don't use the extension table on my machine unless I'm doing something big but I really think I should give it a go - especially as I could tuck my tools under it instead of them getting in my way! x x Jo 🌈

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

So pleased how well you've done and you must have gone home happy. Good luck with the next one too. Have a great woyww. Hugs Angela x10x

Mary Anne said...

Amazing stall and what a haul for RNLI! Everything looks adorable abd I am not surprised you made a ton. Well done, such good work!
Off knitting AGAIN on WOYWW day!
Mary Anne (5)

Annie said...

Well done to you all raising such a lot of money. I love the face cloth critters...fab idea. Hope this week goes as well but don't forget thosre winter drawers ;-)
Annie x #9

Eva said...

Dear Jan (and helpers!)
What a wonderful report from Dunelm! Sold out! Thumbs up!
And such an incredible amount! I knew: You rock it!
Let your sewing machine glow.
Lot of hugs,
Eva from Austria

Neet said...

You have had very profitable sales again! Well done Jan and her helpers. It certainly looks bright and cheerful as do the three little elves behind the stall. Love those facecloths, how clever.
The floral fabric in the first picture is gorgeous, so bright and cheerful.
Sorry some folks suffered with flooding close to you, I saw a photo of a park nearish to us that was completely under water. Thankfully we live on a bit of a hill.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Susan Renshaw said...

Brilliant result from the sale and hope this weekend is equally successful. Yes it is a pretty fabric!
Happy WOYWW! Susan#7

Lynnecrafts said...

Well done for your Dunhelm sale. I hope you do well this week, too. I’m glad you had friends with you.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 11 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

What a great amount for your stall, those wash cloths are adorable and I love the flower fabric. It’s great to have friends to keep you company and best of luck this Friday. Happy WOYWW. Angela #13

Julia Dunnit said...

So nice to take time to catch up yesterday, still in awe...£400 plus is a massive amount of sales, no wonder you were knitting and making more! So glad that it was a fab day all round, not just the money part! Your machine looks great, that extended table is just brill, what a great new tool!

Sarah Brennan said...

Such a great looking stall - not surprised you did so well Jan. Hope you have another great day on Saturday! Love the new machine too! Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah

BJ said...

Wow the stall was fab and the proceeds even better. Adore the pansy fabric and the facecloth critters. Glad you liked my fabric endeavours. The Sashiko stitching was in the middle of the cat btw. Hugs BJ#12

Lindart said...

Wow, I love your stall - gorgeous and lotas of wonderful things to buy! You are doing so well with your sales, congrats! Glad you avoided the flooding, it looked so bad for so many, heartbreaking so close to Christmas. Have a wonderful week! Lindart #15


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...