Hello lovely Deskers, hope you've had a good week! It's been a full one here with lots going on.

I've been getting to know my new machine but haven't yet ventured to the Dark Side of the stitch selection...

There's a few to choose from! I'm already in love with three fairly basic features, the automatic needle threading, the auto thread cut and especially the pivot function. All huge savers in time and thread!

I do a lot of pivoting, lol! And this new function means when I stop, the needle remains down and the foot lifts ever so slightly, I turn the work and off we go - six former stages condensed into one. It's genius and time saving too.

So making this flags for the Christmas bunting was so much quicker...

Sets of flags and tape ready to go, I like being organised!

I've also been making more angels:

It's amazing how their personalities are all different - I'd keep my eye on the one top right, she looks a mischief maker *grin*

I decided to pack my old Janome sewing machine away in its case/box to keep the dust off (I don't have room to keep both out) and of course the box was tucked away right at the furthest point in the JanCave wardrobe....typical. So out everything came:

Ooops...you don't realise quite how much stuff you have until you see it like this! I took the opportunity to have a really good sort out, lots will be going to the charity shop and I reorganised everything...

That's better! I do love having a sort out, sad but true......

Hope you have a good week!



Helen said...

You may have a lot of stuff but it is VERY organised - I wish I could keep my stuff so well sorted. I do love your angels, I am sure they will behave themselves..! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Twiglet said...

Plenty of stash to sort out there Jan. Come and do mine when you have finished. I love the Christmas bunting and that machine will work wonders for you. x x Jo 🌈

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I have been organised but right now I'm not which often happens about now, it's making C. cards and trying to do other stuff at the same time, crazy. I am very jealous of how organised you are, it's very comforting when you do this. Pleased you're enjoying the new machine too. Happy woyww. Hugs Angela x7x

Lynnecrafts said...

Love your mischievous angels! Enjoy your new machine, it sounds as if it will be very helpful. Have you found anything you’d forgotten about in your sort out?
Take care and happy WOYWE
Hugs, Lynnecrafts 6 xx

Neet said...

Has that young angel been sniffing the gin? I found a new one a few weeks ago, got a teeny bottle and now want more. It's Brambleberry by Herdwick - can drink it neat!
That pivoting sounds wonderful and you have certainly been taking advantage of it with all that glorious bunting.
A gorgeous desk as always
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Susan Renshaw said...

That new machine has some brilliant features!
I really need a good sort out!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #9

Annie said...

I really love your new machine Jan....I've been having a good look at it ;-) It's very like the one I use and I love the features.
Annie x #13

Crafting With Jack said...

Gosh your new machine has a lot of stitches! You will laugh, but I used my machine for the first time in a year and I couldn’t remember how to turn it on or how to thread it. I wasted a whole load of thread before I realized I had threaded it up wrong! It worked fine after I threaded it properly. 🤣🤣. Happy WOYWW. Angela #111

Marit said...

O my, that looks like an awfully complicated sewing machine... I still use the one that I got from my mum and dad when I was 18 and went to "seamstress-school" (yes, I do have that education and even degree, I only sew on paper though these days *grin*) I like the little angels you created. Lovely to see them, lovely to see you! Hug from Holland, Marit #14

BJ said...

Ah Plasterer's tape - you need to go have a look at my SHINE page on last week's post (#804). I stuck pieces on both pages to give the paper some substance without obliterating the paint beneath (white mesh) I also used it for inking through like a stencil, on the same page the brown squares. And yes the pens were a bargain, £2.50 for 20! And my favourite colour in there too.
Glad you explained the pivot function, it's brilliant! Adore your angels. Love the re-org. Those hanging shelves are FAB aren't they. Hugs BJ#10

Sarah Brennan said...

Some great organisation Jan. Glad the new machine is such a hit. Sorry I am late commenting but I had to rush out yesterday morning then got told last minute we had a 2 hour meeting after school! Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Lindart said...

A new machine? Exciting! I have a machine that has only a fraction of the fancy stitches yours does, and I still only uses straight stitch and zig-zag! I'm sure you find many creative things to do with all your choices! The Angels are beautiful! Have a great week, Lindart #15

Eva said...

Sorry for commenting so late! But wish you and Gordon a nice Sunday. It's a pleasure to see your joy with the new sewing machine.
The Christmas bunting is so nice. Love the colors.
And the angels are so well done.
Sorting out is always a special day. Don't like it.....
Best wishes, Eva

Spyder said...

sorry I thought I'd been! late as always and I probly forgot to press the comments button...I know I said I loved all your crafty makes and that they would all get sold at your next craft fair so, I hope they have! Happy very late WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #12


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...