Hi everyone, hope you've had a good week! Mine has been full of log shifting, shop volunteering and making Christmassy things for the upcoming fairs. Can't be bad eh?

My mate Kim came over to help make some angels - there might have been more talking than sewing...*cough*

The effect is rather pretty! 

It's like Christmas up in the JanCave too:

The stockings will have candy canes in and the snowmen are covers for Ferrero Rochers. 

The carrot noses are a bit squiffy but ah well, that's how they'll be, I'm not losing sleep over it!!

I was gifted some fabric by a friend and it was perfect for some gift bags:

I've got to thread ribbon through and then they're ready to go.

The Christmas runner I made for the tearooms is now in situ:

The gap was 53", the fabric was 52". meant to be!

But the biggest surprise of all is a very early Christmas present from G:

It's the Rolls Royce of machines, there's a lot of new things to learn but I'm looking forward to it, it's got automatic needle threading for one thing, wahoo. I shall do some simple stuff while I learn what all the buttons do, there are some really useful features. It's going to be a lot of fun! My dear old Janome is going to be a spare machine for when friends come round, I can't get rid of it, it's an old friend and has done hard work for me.

Watch this space!!
Have a good week and keep safe, well and happy xx


Helen said...

the runner in the shop looks perfect! well done on the noses, they look fine! That's a super present from G, and I am sure it will be as well loved as your Janome. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Twiglet said...

Your little runner is a perfect fit and looks lovely. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with your New machine. It really is a beauty and you will soon be addicted to the fun you will have with it. When I tested my embroidery stitch patterns I did it on pages of white cotton and made them into a reference book. It's so easy to pick a nice stitch then. I have a few favourites but if I'm looking for something different it helps to see the size of the real stitch pattern on fabric. Tip of the week! 🤣x x Jo 🌈

Lynnecrafts said...

Your Ferrari rocher covers are cute, I’m sure they’ll sell even better with wonky noses, and the Xmas runner will be perfect. Wow, Gordon’s early Xmas pressie looks smart! I love the idea of an automatic threader.
You’ll whizz along with that! I was looking at some Japanese knot bags yesterday would they work for your stall? No threading ribbons through.
Take care and happy WOYWW, Lynnecrafts 10 xx

Mary Anne said...

Oh the snowmen are adorable, sqiffy noses and all, and the runner looks fab. But your new machine - wowza! Mine needs replacing but that Rolls Royce is more than I need. I need a ... what is that three-wheeled car? LOL! Enjoy the bells and whistles and can't wait to see what you make when you learn all the tricks it has to offer. Well done G!
Lunch cancelled due to illness so I'm here
Happy WOYWW.
Mary Anne (3)

Julia Dunnit said...

Wow, that's a space ship of a machine! You'll have a lorra fun with that, specially as your brain and your heart love the research part! What a great gift.
I love the little snowmen, I didn't realise how little they were till you said a Ferrero Rocher, blimey that's fiddly knitting! The windowsill runner is fab too, I know it didn't happen but I have an image of you checking window sill sizes throughout Burry Port so that you could use the perfect fabric!

Annie said...

So many lovely things today Jan but that new machine has won my heart...I can see many happy hours spent playing on that.
Annie x #7

Sarah Brennan said...

The runner looks perfect on that window sill Jan. Fabulous angel and snowmen too. Loving the new machine. Have fun! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Neet said...

OMG - what a fabulous husband you have, but then you know that. That machine looks The Business!!!
Love all the things you have been making, the angel is sweet, the snowmen are wonderful and my favourites (can only see the nose on the first one from the angle of the photo and it looks perfect to me, if not remember they sell wonky veg these days), the stockings are so pretty and the gift bags are so Christmassy.
The runner looks lovely in situ plus it brightens a large sill up immensely.
Have another good week.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
The angel looks so pretty. Peace and Christmass! I really love the snowmen. Is it able to get a description?
The Christmas runner fits perfect! And looks well with the dragon.
Your hubby is the best!! Congrats to your new sewing machine.
I've a Brother Innovis too, but an older one. Me silly nut - I ruined the automatic needle threading with a needle, not comparing
with the Brother machine.
Stay well and take a break after working so hard.
Eva from Austria

Crafting With Jack said...

How wonderful to get a new machine. Of course you deserve it and I am sure you will have fun with all those buttons! The runner looks lovely on the windowsill and your Christmas creations are very sweet! Happy WOYWW. Angela #13

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan. I love all your Christmas projects, the snowmen are adorable. Lucky you, that looks like a great machine and I'm sure you'll have fun with it. You asked me about the felting I'm doing. Yes I do use finer and smaller pieces. I prefer to use Batting rather than Roving as it's finer and shorter but I have a lot of wool from when I used to do spinning and dyeing so I tend to break it up and this makes it easier to felt. I like to combine the colours too, to get the shade I want. I hope that answers your questions. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww. Hugs Angela x11x

Rachel said...

Your angels are adorable, and I love that Christmas fabric. Hooray for a new machine, have fun playing!! Happy WOYWW, Rachel #9

BJ said...

Oh my word what a snazzy new sewing machine, you'll be zooming along in no time. But getting back to the Angels, I love them, I might just have to have a go myself. Hugs BJ#14

Kyla said...

ooh you have been busy, hope all the fairs go well too (and posh machine, nice). Also, love that Welsh dragon painted stone.


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...