Hi there lovely Deskers, how are you all this week? Another day of meet ups around the globe, having a peek at what everyone is up to and getting ideas and inspiration at the same time!

I'm gearing up for the craft markets, the first is this Saturday:

It's in a farming area where Welsh is very much the first language so I thought I'd do some more flag items. Sheep, chickens, dogs, bees and ducks will definitely be taking precedence on the table as well!

I've been hooked on making these sweet little angels and will feature them on the two Dunelm stalls later in November:

I adore this holly and ivy fabric! I'm using up some red ribbon stash as well...

Making the bodies out of tulle is easy....

...but hot gluing their hair and wings on seemed a bit harsh....

Worth it though! I like them, but we'll see how they go.

I've not been the only RNLI volunteer making Christmassy things though, a friend knitted these Ferrero Rocher covers:

Fun huh? They're for the Christmas at the Boathouse event on 1st December, featuring an excellent local choir, mulled wine, mince pies and a couple of craft stalls. I'm looking forward to it!

Hope you all have a marvellous week xxxxxxxx


Helen said...

I hope the first of the fairs goes well, and I hope the angels fly at the next one! Happy WoyWW Helen #2

Sarah Brennan said...

Best of luck with all the craft fayres Jan - I am sure the angels will go down well. Love your friend's Ferrero Rocher knits too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Twiglet said...

Oh those angels are so cute. You have been busy there. The little Christmas puds look so lovely displayed in their box too. I wish we lived s bit closer and could pop round to your craft fairs. Best of luck and hope you clear your tables. Take lots of photos.šŸ˜€x x Jo šŸŒˆ

Mary Anne said...

I loved knitting little Innocent hats but those FR covers are adorable. Love your little angels too - super sweet. Best of luck at the fairs - I bet you sell out :)
It's a sad/angry/scared but doing my best WOYWW
Mary Anne (8)

Annie said...

So many fab makes for the Christmas fairsā€¦Iā€™m sure they will all sell well. Well done to all the makers.
Annie x #5

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Of course they will all sell, who wouldn't love those gorgeous angels and the little chocolate covers are so sweet. Happy woyww with hugs Angela x11x

Lynnecrafts said...

Love your angels and your holly&ivy fabrics. I hope your fairs go well, Iā€™m sure your makes and your friendā€™s will sell.
Lynnecrafts 10 xx

Spyder said...

Thank you for the tip about tidying up - I will give it ago! love the idea of puting covers on chocolate...but I don't seem to keep the chocolates for long! They are too yummy! The little angels are fabulous, I'm sure they will all sell at your fairs! Happy WOYWW!? (Lyn)12

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Wish you all the best for the comming craft markets. Thumbs up!
The little angels are so sweet, think, they all will fly away...
The knitted Ferrero covers from your friend are cool!
You are always so busy - having the new sewing machine and Gordon at your side.
Eva from Austria

Lindart said...

All those angels look awesome! They will be flying away fast I think! The Ferrero covers are very fun, you guys have so much fun making new things! Have a great week, Lindart #14

BJ said...

Oh my life Iā€™m WAY behind. Went for a blood test first thing Wednesday followed by Home Group. Got my blood test results Thursday and my Cholesterol has gone up despite the new ā€œLifestyleā€ diet; so pretty miffed about that. Today just SOOOOO tired, Iā€™d had a hospital appointment Monday too so I think Iā€™m just mentally exhausted with it all.
Just delighted to see your choir of angels they are adorable. Thanks for the colour name, will add that to my notes.
Hugs BJ#7

Kyla said...

ooh hope it went ok Saturday and those Ferrero Rocher covers are a brilliant idea too. ps Chris McCausland was AMAZING on Saturday fingers crossed for tonight

Neet said...

Love that holly and ivy fabric - what a find that was and so lovely when made up.
You should do well with all of your stuff, good thinking about the lifestock fabric for where you are going.
Love the mince pies.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...