Once again it's time for joining in with all the lovely deskers on What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday, now hosted by Sarah over at her Craft Shed. It's always inspirational to see what everyone is up to!

I've had a finishing off sort of week. After catching up with those naughty Shrewsbury sisters Wipso and Twiglet, seeing Annie's string quilt squares reminded me that I had a nearly finished project that I'd put to one side. 

The quilt top was already done and pinned to the backing, so I made 7m of border and set to. I liked the soft grey, it went well with the myriad colours.

Ta da! A bit of fun and all made from scraps, that pleases my parsimonious crafty nature.

Up in the JanCave, I made a present for a friend who is approaching her 70th birthday. I didn't know what to get her but she does travel a lot so I thought I'd make her a little jewellery wallet. I haven't made one of these for a long time and had lost the details so made it up!

The finished interior with a little zippy pocket, lace strip to hook your earrings onto, a ring keeper and a little open pocket at the bottom. It folds up into this:

About 6" wide by 5" tall. It takes up less room than a jewellery roll. I hope she likes it.

And back to finishing off projects, I'd done some more little watercolours last week and got round to making them into cards:

Three cards using the same four paints. I outlined the paler of the top two but thought the darker version could do without. The bottom one was very quick and dirty, five circles of watercolour and pen doodles.

Choosing the backgrounds - the graduated paper is very sparkly and the pad was only £3 from The Works. I shall have to get some more, it's great fun and I do like the ombre effect.

I had a fabric delivery from ebay, one I shall keep for projects but the pattern of the other was much bigger than I'd realised so not so good. However, it'll make an awesome tablecloth for our very wide table!

I'll have to hem and iron it but isn't it fab? It makes me happy every time I walk through the room. Love, love, love it!

Well, I hope you have a marvellous week - look forward to seeing what you're all up to today xxxxxx


Helen said...

What a busy week - love the fabric (shame it won't do for your original purpose but does look great on the table) and the cards are just lovely! the little jewellery pouch is so clever. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sounds like you've been busy and more to come. I'm sure your friend will love the jewellery pouch, very useful. Love the quilt cover very nice but the table cloth, that is one big pattern. I like it but not first thing in the morning Lol! I would have to shut my eyes. Happy woyww, Angela x11x

Mary Anne said...

WOW! The string quilt is amazing - love it so much. And that fabric is gorg! I have 4 or 5 cloths I got at Spitalfields, when we lived in London - or maybe Brick Lane proper, not sure now, but they were meant to be used as sofa covers or beadspreads or something but I have always used them as tablecloths. But this fabric is so so pretty. What a lucky shipment :D
Dashing around before knitting…
Mary Anne (2)

PS Heart are in the round magic loop. Happy to send the pattern so far if you'd like to test it...

Neet said...

Just been for the repeat blood test. Discussion with dr on Friday?
I have a jewellery pouch, I could have sent you a photo - mine travels with me whenever I go away - it has been invaluable since I got it. Love mine so am sure it will be well received. Sounds as if you are busy as usual and I must once again say how much I love your watercolours. My favourite is the pink and blue/lilac one on the second photo. That is worth framing. Of course they are all lovely and I think you were right, the darker one did not need outlining.
Love the new tablecloth, it will be a "posh affair" at your house when that one comes out.
Hugs, Neet xx 6

Sarah Brennan said...

Loving that table cloth fabric Jan - it looks so cheerful! Some great projects as ever in your Jancave! You can tell it's the summer holidays because I have had a lie in! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

BJ said...

Yes the table cloth would make me happy too. Your watercolours are amazing adore the flower/cakes, the poppy one is still my favourite though. Love how you use lace for earrings on the jewellery wallet and such a gorgeous quilt all finished - yay. Hugs BJ#13

Annie said...

Love the latest watercolours. Great minds think alike with the strip quilt…mines finished now too. Love the table cover….very cheery. It’s always good to have a catch up with you….will book another soon 😀😀😀
Annie x #7

Crafting With Jack said...

Fabulous quilt and brilliant watercolours. I did mean to do some this holiday, but not touched them so far. Now that would be an idea when ICADs are finished. We are at our last site, the slope caused huge problems for my husband - we need to carry bigger bits of wood! Your fabric on the table is very snazzy! Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Lindart said...

What a great tablecloth! Very 60's! I love your watercolour cards, awesome! And your quilt is beautiful! the grey goes very well around the edges. I would love to have a jewelry holder like to to travel with! I think she will love it! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #15

Morti said...

Hello lovely!

I promise I didn't disappear just because you started joining in again heheheh. Just.... Mum and all that...

Lovely stuff as always in the Jan Cave. I am now the proud owner of not one but three.... THREE!.... sewing machines. Not bad for someone who doesn't really sew. I have the little workhorse Mum bought me in my early 20's, and now a basic embroidery machine (sews fancy hems) and an overlocker! Oh...my...life... I'm starting to develop a yen to do more sewing, so I think Ma must be haunting me!

love and light
Morti x

Lynnecrafts said...

Your quilt is so beautiful, Jan. That grey just sets it off and your tablecloth looks just right for your dining room. I’m can testify to how useful your jewellery case is- mine goes on holiday with me!
Lovely watercolour cards as well xx
The take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 4 xx

Lisa-Jane Johnson said...

That fabric is glorious indeed! So jolly, as is your amazing quilt! Those jewellery rolls are SO clever! I always feel like I use a load of exclamation marks when I visit your lovely blog but it jolly well deserves them. Do you back your own quilts? I only discovered last year after attending a quilt exhibition that there are people that do all that bit for you if you like because it can take a lot of room etc. Genius! Have a sunny week, Lisa-Jane #9

Twiglet said...

I've not posted this week. Grandma duties haven't left much crafting time and I've also been framing little pics for Max. You table cloth fabric is fab - very 60/70s. Have a good week x x Naughty Jo 🌈

R's Rue said...

I love your quilt. I love how you use color.

Susan Renshaw said...

Well it is already Monday and I am only just getting round to commenting. I was taking part in a virtual retreat which started on Thursday and finished last night - pretty full on - especially as I had other commitments too. Anyway now to finish all the workshops! Such a lot to see today - fabulous quilt! I could do with one of those jewelry rolls! Love the watercolour cards and the tablecloth would suit my table! Happy WOYWW! Susan #5

Kyla said...

ooh some amazing makes and love the idea of a jewelry roll for your friend, thats a great idea and yep, that fabric will make a great table cloth.

Eva said...

Hi Jan!
Back from a very hot sports competiton in Czech Republic on weekend, I love to visite your blog. The quilt is so amazing! And the jewellery wallet too! Such a nice and helpful gift for Birthday.
I admire your watercolors. And the tablecloth is "happy".
Brings color and a big smile.
Wish you all the best!
Eva from Austria


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...