It struck me as I was typing the weekly WOYWW number that it's only 9 weeks to the 800th edition - good grief, that must be a blogging record surely? There can't be many others that have run continuously for all that time?  So it's especially good of Sarah to keep the Good Ship WOYWW afloat! Find the link up over at her Craft Shed here.

It's been a very very busy week, I did manage to get some sewing done but it was a few days ago:

This was the other fabric from the delivery that brought the loud tablecloth - this is equally colourful!

I really love this fabric and could have used any amount of colours for the lining. I made them for the craft fair last Saturday:

All set up and ready to go! I sold a trio of that new fabric so that was pleasing! On the following day, G and I attended the service of dedication of a new D class lifeboat - there were lots of people there together with the town band and the male voice choir, it was marvellous and great to be a part of the ceremony. Everyone at the station is a volunteer in some capacity.

Both boats were launched as part of the event - this is the larger Atlantic 85.

It was a beautiful day so there were lots of people on the beach having a good time as well.

Here's the new boat which has already been on several shouts - in fact, the crew had been out the day before seeing to a nasty accident across the estuary at Worm's Head, where a 13 year old girl had fallen on cliffs and sustained an open leg fracture. The crew were the first on scene and administered critical first aid care until the helicopter and winch paramedics arrived taking the girl to Cardiff hospital. Then it was back to the station to prepare the boat all over again for the ceremony!

I've got a couple more fairs lined up so hopefully I can raise a bit more - another £20 will see me over the £7k mark.

Hope you have a marvellous week!!


Helen said...

well done on another great craft fair; your fundraising is going well! the new fabric is gorgeous! Glad the town had a good turnout for the new lifeboat, Happy birthday for tomorrow! Helen #2

Twiglet said...

Oo that fabric is perfect for your bags etc.and the turquoise lining is fab. What a glorious day for the boat launch. Well done to all and especially to you and your brilliant crafty donations.🛟🌈😃

BJ said...

Super RNLI stall and boat dedication, looks like a great day was had by all.
Hugs BJ#5

Lynnecrafts said...

Wow, Jan, £7000 pounds, nearly. That’s incredible. I love your bright new fabric, too. Your stall is looking fabulous; could I ask what the display stand is that you’re using for the glasses cases? I’m wondering if it would do for books.
I hope you’re all well.
Take care and happy WOYWW
hugs Lynnecrafts 12 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

A new Lifeboat! brilliant and well done with the craft fair, loving the new fabric too. I must get you a photo of our lifeboat sometime at Skegness. Stay cool and have a happy woyww, Angela x9x

Mary Anne said...

Well done! It must be so satisfying to see your hard work translate to real life benefits. Love the trios - wha a great bundle that is. And over £7k is a number to be very proud of.
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (4)

Sarah Brennan said...

I can finally comment. Have had to change browser. Fabulous stall and for such a good cause too. Happy birthday for tomorrow. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Crafting With Jack said...

That fabric is so pretty. You have done amazingly well with your fundraising and I am sure there is more to come. They should name a lifeboat after you! Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

Crafting With Jack said...

That fabric is so pretty. You have done amazingly well with your fundraising and I am sure there is more to come. They should name a lifeboat after you! Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

Crafting With Jack said...

Wishing you a very happy birthday tomorrow, hope your day is joyous. Angela #11

Neet said...

Congratulations on your money raising - you put so much into it it makes me wish i could sew.
So glad you had a lovely day for the dedication service, it looks as if it was well attended.
Love those bags you have made - such bright bold colours, perfect for summer shopping and I love the contrast.
You really are one in a million.
Hugs Neet 1 xx

Lisa-Jane Johnson said...

Wowzers that is an impressive amount!! Such great that they do and I'm glad you can be of such help to them and your local community. I adore that new colourful fabric - you'd have no excuse for losing your spectacles if you put them in that case would you?! Have a wonderful week, Lisa-Jane #10

Crafting Queen said...

Congratulations on your fundraising. Love all your sewing projects. Have a great week. Anesha x

Eva said...

Hi Jan!
Happy Birthday for tomorrow! An envelope is on the way!
Your sewing is so colorful and fine!
My respect for your work for the craft fair. And that you raised such a big
amount over years. Clap hands!
I hope (no, I know) that you will make over the Pound 7k mark.
Thank you for the interesting photos from the lifeboats launch.
Stay well! And enjoy your day tomorrow.
Eva from Austria.

Elizabeth said...

Hello Jan, hope you and G are on the mend today. I'm late - not Covid but yet another infection to blame. However, it's a real pleasure to read your blog at any time and the photos are fabulous. Love that fabric and all the gorgeous projects you sew to raise money for the RNLI. I'd be very happy to spend £20+ on your goodies to take you up to that wonderful total! Hugs, Elizabeth x #14


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...