Hi everyone, welcome to another week of desky snooping. I'm afraid this is going to be a very quick post from me today as I've hardly done anything. The reason? A rather nasty surprise on my birthday on 1st August was testing positive for Covid - G has it too and we've been very poorly. We still have it!

So this has been my view for a week - thank goodness for the Olympics coverage and a little crocheting when I've felt like it. I haven't even wanted to sew, that speaks volumes eh?!

I had some lovely cards, I'll share the handmade ones:

From Neet, Sue M (my local buddy), Helen, Eva (from Austria) and Cindy, thank you lovely gals, they really cheered me up!

My menfolk gave me Pound Fabric vouchers so I had a very happy afternoon choosing:

Bees, boats, seahorses, chickens, jungle, sunflowers, spots and floral.....mmmmmmmmmmm  I shall have fun with that lot over the next few months!

I feel as if my birthday was a washout so I shall copy the Monarch and have an official one at another date, lol!! 

Hope you have a wonderful week xx


Helen said...

I hope you and G both feel better soon, that was a really unwanted present! What a fabulous card from Cindy - perfect!! Happy WOYWW Hugs for a quick recovery. Helen #2

Neet said...

I had no idea you were still suffering I imagined it would be gone by now. I honestly thought this version of Covid was mild, obviously not! So sorry to hear you are both suffering so much. Sending lots of love and get well vibes.
Love the card from Cindy but I also like the bee one as I recognise the bees. Is your local buddy a Lavinia fan? Gosh, that was a lot of fabric and will keep you busy for a while once you get well. I always think of you when I walk down to the stone jetty - we pass the Lifeboat station.
Take care my lovely - bestest of wishes to you both
Neet 4 xx

Twiglet said...

You have had that horrid bug long enough - let's hope it clears off quickly now . We've loved the Olympics too so will be making the best of this week and look forward to the Paralympics next. Your fabrics are great and you will love using them all - such a perfect gift! Hugs to both of you x x Jo 🌈

Sarah Brennan said...

Hoping you both feel a lot better soon Jan. If you don't feel like sewing it says a lot. Loving the new fabric with the birthday vouchers. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Lynnecrafts said...

Hope you both feel better soon, Jan; we’re sending big hugs to both of you. Your fabrics will give you a lot of happy sewing. Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 9 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sorry to hear you'e still not feeling yourself and hope it goes away soon. Great collection of fabrics, love the seahorse one. Take care and get plenty of rest. Happy woyww, Angela x10x

Annie said...

I really hope you're both feeling much better very soon. Love the fabrics.
Annie x #7

Lisa-Jane said...

It should absolutely be law that you get a do-over if you are poorly, a bit like if you booked a holiday day from work and then were too ill to use it as such! I hope you are on the mend and back at your sewing machine very soon. Seriously bad planning for you both to be ill though! What glorious fabrics there and I bet your mind is a-whirring! Take care xx Sending everyone a peaceful week, Lisa-Jane #12 www.prettymypage.co.uk

Spyder said...

Hope you recover quickly that must be awful, you think its over and then it's not! Love the fabric, the chickens and the boats look fun! Happy WOYWW ((Lyn))#14

Mary Anne said...

Oh dear. So sorry to hear - Covid is still about, and still no joke, even if it is a less virulent strain nowadays. Hope you feel well enough to sew that lovely fabric soon!
A bit late but Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (5)

Crafting With Jack said...

That really was an unexpected and unwanted birthday surprise. I do hope you both are feeling better very soon, meanwhile, feel up and watch TV x. Angela #11

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Yes!! Do like the Monarch and have another date for Birthday!
Without that bad surprise of Covid.
But with lots of health and happy hours at the sewing machine.
Nice fabric is waiting....
Send you and husband a hug.
Eva from Austria

BJ said...

Oh sorry to hear you've had COVID, hope you are feeling better soon. Have to say it wouldn't even occur to me to test for it anymore. Lovely fabrics, super cards and yes the olympics has it's advantages when you are poorly. Glad you like steampunk, there will be many more pages before the month is out. Who is it that like the no-carbs way then??? I've cut out potatoes, pasta, rice, bread and grains but I won't forego fruit which is especially nice with cream. Yep lost lbs eating cream, hoping my body has gone into ketosis where is burns fat for energy rather than sugars(carbohydrates), we'll see. Hugs BJ#8

https://shinebrightandcreate@blogspot.com/ said...

O Jan, what an unwelcome surprise on your birthday and I agree another birthday celebration like the monarch is the way to go when you both feel better. loving those wonderful crafty makes and your fabric looks beautiful too! I love to look at all the lovely fabric but haven't ventured down the sewing route yet. One day maybe.
Get well soon, Michelle#13 xx

Susan Renshaw said...

So sorry to hear about the COVID. Hope you are both feeling better now!
Our Ollie's birthday is also August 1st. He was 3!! He ended up having 3 cakes on different celebrations. I am sure you enjoyed choosing the fabrics!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #1

Twiglet said...

Oh ( insert rude word here)! I just wrote long comment and pressed back by mistake - all gone. 🤣🤣 I love the bee fabric so perfect for the job. Your little watercolours are a gift in an envelope - fab. I'm shattered after my tt tournament. We had such a giggle and our skills are improving. I hope you get your bounce back soon. Lots of love x x Jo 🌈.


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...