WOYWW 789!


Week 789 - that's a pleasing number eh? And amazing that the desky sharing is still as fun as ever hosted by the lovely Sarah over at her Craft Shed.

It has been a week of two halves - fabric and cards!

I started off last week by getting out all the fabric that I no longer needed or had been donated:

And had a sewing frenzy making up lots of tote bags to send out for the Ukraine charity convoy that's leaving at the end of July. There was a lot to do so I roped in a helper!

G did a fab job of ironing the handles, top hems and the finished bags too, he really helped speed up the process - we made 30 bags in total.

You can just see them on the table where I'm doing some card making to get them sent off too:

I scanned in last week's watercolour and printed them off on canvas type paper, it worked well!

Back in the JanCave, I made some bunting out of the Welsh Dragon flag fabric, just a change for the next stall:

It needs turning the right way out and ironing but is looking good already!

Back to the dining table and card making!

I had a card making session with a camera shy friend and got out the die cuts that Diana Taylor was kind enough to send. We had fun and got a bit messy (me and glue aren't a marriage made in heaven, put it that way!)

Hope you have a good week and may your glue dispenser remain unbunged!! xxxxxxxxxx


Helen said...

I knew you'd like this week's number, I nearly said so in my post...you've had a very productive time, and your helper looks a dab hand with the iron! Have a happy WoYWW Helen #1

Sarah Brennan said...

Love the production line you had going Jan. Well done on getting all those totes made. The bunting looks cool too. Love the watercolour print outs too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW - Thanks for joining in. Sarah

Twiglet said...

Thirty bags! Well done you two. Great photo of your helper. I'm with you on the gluing and sticking- I always end up with all over my tablecloth and can spend a happy half hour peeking UHU off my fingers.🤣x x Jo

Mary Anne said...

Well done to your helper LOL! And I am a firm fan of scanning my art and making use of it over and over, when I like it. Those look amazing! And your cards with a sly friend are lovely too. Funny but my tape runner is bunged up ATM...
Yay! On the day…
Mary Anne (4)

Lynnecrafts said...

Well done both of you for your bags for Ukraine! Your cards and bunting are lovely too.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 9 xx

Annie said...

Well done to you both with the bags....it's good to have a helper isn't it? Love how the cards turned out...great idea. Love the new bunting too...you have been busy this week.
Annie x # 6

Neet said...

I hope Mary Anne made a typo!
Where to start? The cards are fab and I love your watercolours. I've told you, they would sell great in little packs, they really are beautiful and who doesn't love a poppy now and then to send.
The Welsh bunting is going to look fabulously fantastic on the stall.
Love your little helper - must show my dh so he is reminded other halves also help.
Thanks for sharing all the goodies you have been making, you are so generous with your time and I love hearing and seeing what you have been doing.
Now take a moment to walk on that beach with G.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Love your top line, I shall be singing that all day, in fact I need a sign for my craft room, maybe I will put it on an ICAD!
After reading Neet’s comment I had to see what she meant 🤣🤣. A definite typo! Your cards are beautiful and I am sure they look great with a canvas type background. Great idea by the way! A husband who helps is priceless, I could do without the little comments from mine though. I showed him my slate heart, which I love and he said “You could have painted that”. I simply said there were no paints available. Sometimes it’s just about the fun and friendship.
You are wonderful making things for Ukraine. I haven’t heard of anyone asking for donations of anything for quite a while.
Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Lisa-Jane Johnson said...

Cracking job from G there! That bunting looks fabulous and a great purchase to celebrate St David's Day & various sporting acheivements. Great idea on the card scanning - they look beautiful! I bet it was fun hanging out on-line with your friend. I think you've been rolling paint over the die-cuts to colour them, is that right? I actually love the prints that have been left behind!! Have a splendid week, Lisa-Jane #11

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Looks like you've been busy, It's such a good idea to scan and copy art work but think I mentioned this to you before. Great to see you have a keen helper too, it's surprising how much time these odd jobs take up when you're making things. Hope you enjoy the yarn sale. Wishing you a very happy and creative week. Hugs Angela x10x

Spyder said...

The helper looks like he's having fun with that iron! I often wonder how very busy people still manage to have very tidy desks! what's you secret!? Happy WOYWW!?((Lyn))#15

BJ said...

Good job I get emails per comment as yours hasn't shown up on my blog this week but I got the email notification. Cindy's is the other way round usually on the blog but no notification, what a pickle!

Oh my life, what a busy bunny you've been! Reminds me of making bags for the 2 year 6 classes who had done some tie dying many years ago and no my hubby would NOT have roped in at all, you are jolly fortunate to have such a good and willing helper.

Oh your painting is just wonderful and makes for a beautiful card topper, love the die cuts cards too and super bunting, nothing like a Welsh Dragon (in Nessa accent)

As for my patterns and colours combos, a lot is chance really but I guess a certain amount of the old artists eye is in there somewhere, thank you.
Hugs BJ#13

Eva said...

Hi Jan!
I love your colorful blog, full of creativity and home made sewing stuff.
And your husband at the ironing board is just so nice! A real man helps his wife wherever there is need!
Your cards are so wonderful! Respect!
Send you lots of hugs!
Eva from Austria

Kelly said...

Hi Jan!
Love the helper. Mine is good about helping, too. Love the cards. From Cave to Dining Room - you've been everywhere lol. I hear you on the glue. If I use liquid glue, there's more on my fingers than on the project. Guess we make good crafting sisters.

Creative Blessings & Hugs!
Kelly #16


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