After weeks of rain, blue skies finally returned this week and everything seems so much better! Yes it's chilly but I love days like these.  Consequently I've been making the most of it and not been in the JanCave that much so today is short and sweet.

I finished sorting and cutting all those strips and made a start on the pressing and sewing:

The only time I really like standing at the ironing board, lol!

And last Monday saw the first Crafty Chicks meet up of 2024 where Sue taught Kim and I how to do folded paper flowers:

I really enjoyed this - the origami folding appealed to my mathematical brain and the fresh Spring colours made me happy.

The Three Amigos! Great fun to start a week, crafting and nattering - I'll leave it up to you to work out which of those took up most time *grin*

Have a good week and enjoy whatever projects you're creating xxxxxxxxx


Helen said...

It has been good to see some sunshine this week, even if only through the office windows... Glad to see the 3 of you enjoying some "crafting" time... and the flowers look fabulous. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Sarah Brennan said...

Those flowers look really pretty Jan. Enjoy the good weather while it lasts. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

Twiglet said...

What a lovely photo of the 3 crafty amigos. A happy fun time- we need more of that don't we. Your strpey strips will make a fab quilt. Good to see your ironing board in action too.😂Enjoy the sunshine! x x Jo

Catriona said...

Love making kusadama flowers-we used old maps and books at our group to make them. I can’t have my sewing machine out as the 1500 piece jigsaw is on the table-think it may be going back in the box shortly! Catriona

Lynnecrafts said...

You could send us some sunshine! We’ve had snow this week. Pretty colours for your strip quilt and how lovely, doing origami with friends!
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 7 xx

Christine said...

Cold, frosty but dry here and I have no idea what the weather has been like for the past 14 days, no windows and I didn't miss seeing the outside world!! having to good a time indoors.
Love all the ironing . . about to bin mine . . . 50+ years old . . . several irons over the years but my ironing board . . always there to be a table of some sort . . . will I miss it? Ask me in 12 months!! lol
have a good stitching week
Christine #14

Annie said...

I love the flowers...how clever. I have a tray filled with fabric strips waiting to be used....just need to find the incentive to use them....I'm too busy making machine embroidered Spring flowers at the mo :-)
Annie x #9

My name is Cindy said...

You are so right - I love th blue skies!! And now I am i n a South facing room it makes my studio so cosy - even if I do have pull the blinds to see the pc screen today!! The flowers look great and all that fabric!! There will be a lovely project along very soon I am sure!! Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #10

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan the sun has just gone in here but at least it's dry. The flower technique is brilliant, bet you all had a great time. I'm with you on the ironing too, not my favourite job at all. Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x11x

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Such fun posts you have been making LOVE those flowers. And a fun puzzle. I can't believe I've missed so many posts. Always enjoy your fabric and colorful posts. Sad to say I've not received that card. MAIL!!! it's so undependable everywhere. Enjoy a great week.

Neet said...

Love the three Amigos. Reminds me of the times I spent with Jeannie and Mo at mine doing crafty days. Sadly both have passed now and those days are but a distant memory.
Sublimation - I put 'youtube sublimation' in the computer and learnt about it quickly. Sounds quite costly - it's basically putting your own design on mugs but you can put them on all sorts - fabrics etc.
Hope that helps and doesn't stir the creative juices to try - its expensive!
Hugs, Neet 4 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Happy days - crafting and nattering! You all look happy. I don’t remember when I last used the iron. Probably when I last did some sewing. We have grey skies today and it was a hard frost this morning. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Julia Dunnit said...

Yup, a lifting of the grey skies has been much needed. It's a damn chilly wind now though, bet it's pretty mean down at the harbour, mucho refreshing! Those flowers are lovely, as are the papers. Yep, very nice to be making something that can help you to look further than the rest of winter, I really agree. Doesn't the sky put great light into the Jan cave!

Chana Malkah said...

Your flower is fabulous! Glad you got some enjoyable weather!

Chana Malkah, WOYWW #19

BJ said...

Super folded flowers, just wondering if you could do them in fabric too? Even I'm finding it really chilly these days, did a brisk walk round the block yesterday, kinda wished I hadn't, my cold is far worse since that excursion! Hugs BJ#15

Eva said...

Cold and grey in Austria, after two wonderful sunny days.
It's nice to have a look to your colorful stripes.
Lovely orgami folded flowers.
And such a lovely meeting with friends. Crafting and nattering -
the best mix ever!
Thanks for sharing.
Best wishes, Eva from Austria

Kyla said...

ooh bet this weeks lovely weather has been amazing near the sea too. Those folded flowers, wow, yes i can see why a mathematical or data/process driven mind would really take to them, I think mine would probably end out the window, lol! Thanks for visiting my desk already

Kelly said...

Oh Jan...
Such a treat to see your smiling face. Those paper flowers turned out lovely. Love all the delicious looking strips on your ironing board. Loved how the blocks came together in the newer post.
Hugs & Creative Blessings! Kelly #18


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...