Doesn't the sunny weather make you feel better? It has been much drier this week which was good as it's been a busy one!

I made a start on the string quilt production line...

Trimming the blocks is still like magic for me!

I just love the randomness of the colours, there's no thought or precision at all!

I tried the blocks in a zigzag for a change which I quite like!

My brother and sister in law were staying for a few days and Jill wanted to have a go at free machining - she's a very accomplished quilter so was soon whizzing around with the free motion foot on the machine:

She has a project in mind so was just having a play but I snaffled that daisy she made as the first contribution to the Spring Wreath I've been challenged to make!!

Fun huh?

I've been using up yarn scraps too making granny squares and I laid them all out on the dining table:

These have been made over a couple of months, they're for a blanket that will go to the Family Centre in town.

And a couple of days ago was Blue Monday, supposedly the worst day of the year. G and I went for a lovely walk so I'll leave you with this, definitely blue but quite cheerful!

We moved back to Wales 7 years ago today and haven't regretted it at all xx

Have a marvellous week, may your crafting be stress free!!


Kelly said...

Hi Jan.
Had to stop here first. Love that strip quilt. Blocks are coming along. The scrappy afghan is so cheerful. One of my goals for 2024 is to finish up the bits and pieces of yarn I have left into blocks.
Hugs & Creative Blessings!

Helen said...

I couldn't believe it was 7 years that you've been back in Wales. what a gorgeous beach photo - beautifully blue! the latest quilt and the crochet blanket look fantastic. happy WOYWW Helen #?

Sarah Brennan said...

What a lovely colourful desk you have this week Jan. Loving all those projects. Congratulations on your 7th Welsh anniverary. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

You have so many beautiful photos today. Loving those zig zag blocks And I love that stitched flower. I am always totally amazed at YOU and Jo for all that you get done with your yarn projects. Your granny squares are so beautiful. Your final photo was always my dream "to live by the water". I find it so peaceful . Enjoy a great week and lets hope spring is just around the corner.

Twiglet said...

Oh Jan. Your post has really cheered me up. Blue Monday stunning photo- fab. Zig-zag quilt - so beautiful and I like it's randomness a lot. And well done to SIL on the daisy- obvs a great teacher now you have mastered the skills! Well done both. x x Jo

Lynnecrafts said...

Those pieces, both string and granny square, will make great quilts and blankets, Jan. It was lovely to catch up this week - when I saw you sewing up granny squares, I didn’t realise you had so many to do!
I’m really happy that moving back home has been so good for you all. Let’s hope your bro and SIL find a place nearby. Jill’s daisy was a good start to your spring wreath.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 12 xx

Diana Taylor said...

The quilt is looking quite stunning Jan, a real statement piece. I have done a fair amount of free machining but always find I have very little control, the machine's in charge and I'm always rather surprised at what I produce! The flower is beautiful and don't blame you snaffling it up quick.
I can't believe it was 7 years ago that you moved - where has that time gone - it's the most beautiful place and I'm so happy that you have no regrets.
Have a lovely week,
Hugs, Diana xx #13

Annie said...

Your strip quilt looks wonderful as do all your colourful granny squares....well done you for being so productive.
Annie x #10

Christine said...

Love when projects come to a finish... The quilts are beautiful.
Do you hand stitch or crochet the squares together? I always crochet mine as I always seem to run out of wool when stitching!
have a good week
Christine #17

Mary Anne said...

Oh the new quilt is going to be fab and the granny squares are so colourful. I wish *I* could get a tutorial on free motion quilting. Just never been brave enough to give it a go. Well, I would need to clean and service my machne before I could, so there is that... Ask Alexa about Blue Monday - she says it's all a crock. I agree. Our Monday was crap, like most Mondays, but no more so than usual... :D
Happy WOYWW Day!
Mary Anne (4)

Crafting With Jack said...

You are such a busy lady! All those squares and quilt pieces all have to be finished off, lots more work to do! You deserve a medal for all the work you do for charity. Happy WOYWW. Angela #15

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, so much going on here! Love how you've used the fabric, they look great. I used to do lots of free motion stitching and loved it but it's another technique that went on the back burner for now. Sunny here for a change thank goodness. Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x11x

BJ said...

Oh so much to love again. First the big square template you cut round, that's magic in itself. Is it a special sewing/quilting one? Actually think I prefer the zig-zag on the quilt, love it, and the blanket too. The daisy is precious no wonder you snaffled it, I would have been tempted as well. Hugs BJ#14

Lindart said...

I love the quilting, and the serendipity of it all! The zigzag pattern looks great! The blanket is really taking shape - whoever gets to snuggle under will be nice and cozy! What a lovely view of the ocean, we have a similar view, but of Lake Ontario. Sometimes I have a hard time realizing that it's not the ocean! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #18

Chana Malkah said...

Your work is so pretty! I love the random layout! I am going to go through my 6x6 papers and see if I can't translate your quit design into a set of note cards! Thanks for the inspiration!

Good luck with your Spring Wreath. I can't wait to see it. Her flower turned out well!

I love the picture of the blue day. How pretty and serene!

Chana Malkah, WOYWW #6

Eva said...

You made so great zig-zag quilts and a wonderful blanket.
How many hours of work are in these both adorable blankets.
Blue Monday - a new word for me.
Thank you for the nice beach photo.
Wish you a sunny rest of the week.
Eva from Austria.

Julia Dunnit said...

Wow, that's a hugely productive week! I love the whit borders on the granny squares, ties everything together beautifully. It will be one of the sought out blankets..you know, when there's a basket full to choose from, you hunt out your fave...am absolutely sure this is destined for that sort of life. I like the zig zags on the quilt top too, but would be fiddling about with colour arrangements for too long I think..trying to get even balance when the whole random thing is entirely the point, I would need reminding! Looks as if Jill to the Free Machining like a duck to water... the daisy is a perfect start to your spring challenge...only another how many to go?!! I'm very glad you both have no regrets about moving home, at the time it was a big thing, change of community, new start etc, but you eased in with aplomb, and you couldn't live anywhere more beautiful could you!

Susan Renshaw said...

Lovely stripes of colour!
I liked the blue photo too!
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #2

Neet said...

My words you have been busy - again. Lots of lovely things on your blog today and I love that daisy - wonder who challenged you??
Congrats on your seven years in Wales. I love that blue photo.
A good day for you but not for me.
Tuesday saw me cleaning up for the friends coming around and somehow I got my geet legged up in one another and in a flex. Down I went like a sack of spuds.
A 999 call and I spent 9 hours in hospital. Broken ribs and my knee is a bit of a mess to say the least. The doctor was all for sending for the plastics team but the trauma ED nurses decided plastics wouldn't touch it as it needed too many skin grafts.
So here I am, feeling very much my age and sat in a chair with my leg up unable to do anything but watch tv and just today I got on here with comments.
I really am a silly old thing.
Hugs, Neet 7 xx


  WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT? Another week has whipped by! It seems no time at all that I was noseying around all your desks last week, I don&#...