Happy New Year everyone! May 2024 be healthy, peaceful and craft filled xx

I like to take down the Christmas decorations before New Year to start with a clean house and this extended to the JanCave as well. So I've not done a lot of crafting but oh boy, the sorting has been fun (sad but true, I love it!)

The weather has been really wet and dreary so clearing up has been a good use of time. Every shelf and box has been done!

It fills me with glee to see everything neat and tidy!

I've washed a whole heap of fabric that was donated by Wipso and Cindy, that's waiting to be ironed.

And I've started on a fabric strips sort out too as a string quilt is the next thing on the agenda!

I can see the blocks just waiting to be made out of these beauties - maybe I'll have something to share next week!

So not much sewing but a whole heap of prep work done, a good way to start another year of crafting. I'm looking forward to more sharing and camaraderie from you lovely Deskers, what a fab community we are xxxx


Helen said...

I made a start on taking things down yesterday morning (cards first) but fell asleep in the evening after going back to work... Your piles of prepped fabric look great, and I am sure you will have plenty to show for your efforts soon! Happy New Year to you both and happy WOYWW Helen #3

Twiglet said...

I really do need to follow your example and have a good sort, tidy and clear up in my room. I am a collector of " useful" bits and bobs and it really has taken my room over. So a good clean sweep needed. A wonderful selection of fabrics ready to go Jan. Happy crafting in 2024! x x Jo

Annie said...

I guess we are more alike than we know....I love a good sort out and my room is all ready to get back to it now too.
Happy New Year.
Annie x #8

Sarah Brennan said...

what a lovely neat Jan cave! Love the prep for the new quilt. A quick visit this week due to new windows being installed (and of course it has started raining). Stay safe and Happy WOWYW. Sarah #14

Mary Anne said...

Oh I wish we were there. Still staring at the tree and planing for it to come down this weekend. Also a full house shake-up as Darling Daughter wants to switch her bedroom for the guest room. Only benefit is probably better location for furniture (I mean, in her room she has the sink on one wall, the radiator on one wall, the fireplace on one wall and the door on the last wall - what poor planning!) but a huge effort. *I* need to once AGAIN tackle my office but getting more/better space is like getting blood from a stone. Really, I need to consider storage at the ceiling that I can pull down to access...and just hope it doesn't crush me as I work. DOH! Can't wait to see the next quilt. Lovely fabrics for sure.
Happy 2024 WOYWW!
Mary Anne (6)

Neet said...

Oh Jan, you put me to shame. That Jan Cave of yours is so lovely to look at, my craft room is a tip! And i have no desire to enter! That is bad!!
I don't like taking my tree and other things down, it looks so bare, but then it also looks tidy so that is a bonus. I fear that having gone from two settees to one the room will look quite bare so guess we will end up buying something to fill where the tree is at the moment.
Looking forward to seeing the string quilt (?) inn progress, certainly got some fab fabrics to play with
Happy New Year to you and G, Neet xx 4

Julia Dunnit said...

My word Missus, that's a lorra strips! Fab fabrics, I'm sure it's one of the appeals of fabric that there's just SO MUCH in terms of colour and design. After all the techy work that's occurred in there, I expect the Jan cave is ready for some stitch magic! It all looks shipshape and expectant, can't wait for you to dive in! Just off out to my favourite shop to buy some storage tubs and then I'm done and ready to get on to doing rather than undoing!

Lynnecrafts said...

It’s all looking super tidy, Jan and you’ve some lovely fabrics there. After roads blocked by trees yesterday it’s looking much nicer weather today, here. Hope it’s the same in west Wales.
All the best for the new year and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts xx

BJ said...

Oh what a delightfully tidy room, glee indeed, me too, love it, and the colour coding to boot. Excellent. Hugs BJ#12

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Looking forward to seeing what makes manifest from all that lovely fabric. EnJOY the process, and blessings of 2024 to you. 💕

Crafting Queen said...

Happy New Year. Love your tidy room, wish I could get mine that tidy. Anesha x

Christine said...

Dead jealous! Super materials... what exciting times . And all because of fabrics!! Little things can be priceless.
Enjoy messing it up again
Christine #13

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, I'm back. Thanks for the lovely comments over at mine. That sure is a great collection of fabric. Think I need to learn from you and do some sorting. Happy woyww New Year. Hugs Angela x11x

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Thank you for starting so busy and well sorted in this new year.
I admire you when I see your craft room.
The Jancave. I wish, my room were as nice cleaned as yours.
But I was sick. Now I will do my very best....
Good luck for 2024!

Crafting With Jack said...

The dreaded sorting and cleaning! You are welcome to come and do some at my house 🤣🤣. I have so many small items that dusting is a dedicated task to be put off as long as possible🙃. Happy New Year Angela #18

R's Rue said...

Very organized.

Chana Malkah said...

Great creative space! I too love starting the New Year with a clean house. It leaves me hopeful for a clean start on my resolutions and goals.

Fortunately, Chanukah does not involve a lot of decorating, so beyond cleaning and putting away my Chanukiah, most of my pre-cleaning carries through to the new year.

I love your fabrics. I look forward to seeing your coming creations!

Chana Malkah, WOYWW #2

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oh Jan I needed you to visit me and help in my craft room. I only tidy when can't see desk agyer creating... though tend otherwise to put most things away apart from that but still need to cull some more.
Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and keep you and all whom you love safe and well for 2024!
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


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