Well, wasn't that just the loveliest week? Not only was last Wednesday a glorious day of celebration but that feeling has gone on afterwards as each little jewel of an ATC has been received! When you don't get much snail mail these days, it seems extra special xx

Not only are the ATCs fabulous but the envelopes and other bits and pieces have made me smile as well! A huge thank you to Christine, Helen, Tracy, Angela R, Diana, BJ, Cindy, Sylvia, Caro and Mary Anne - that's a gallery of loveliness eh? I'll be having a sort of the corkboard in the JanCave and these will make a whole new gallery. Thank you lovely gals xxxx

Cindy sent me a box of goodies as well as the ATC:

Isn't that a great pic?! I had a lovely rummage around and a lot of fun sorting out the bits into the right spots in my stash. Thank you so much Cindy, it was very generous of you to send me all this, it will all be used in various projects!

I didn't hang around with the fabric Cindy, it got cut into strips straight away.

I initially chucked the strips into a basket...

but then decided to get all the strips left over from the string quilts and have one big sort:

That's better! All ready to start another quilt when I get back from my hols.

I have made a few things as well as sorting:

Some drain bags for the breast cancer unit at the local hospital. the fabric top right was from Wipso, the stripey was from my mate Kim and the other two were from my stash.

And I made something for me! I got this lovely Japanese inspired fabric recently and decided to make myself a cross body bag: I followed a YouTube tutorial (but changed the measurements) and have to say that the air was blue on occasions but it turned out ok:

I don't know if I'd make any more tbh but at least I didn't throw my machine out of the window, lol!!

Have a lovely week and enjoy your crafting xxxxxx


Helen said...

What a super pile of atcs - you're right, it's been such fun receiving them in the post this week! What a gorgeous box of loveliness from Cindy, too. Have a lovely holiday. Helen #1

Sarah Brennan said...

Glad you have made something for yourself Jan - you are so generous with your time making for charity. Enjoy your hols. What a lovely collection of ATCs. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Lots of lovely ATCs and other goodies.

Your makes are fab. Loving the bag.


Twiglet said...

That's a fab little bag Jan - well worth all the effort - and ripe language no doubt! I've been busy with a bit of Annie's fabric too. x x Jo

Lynnecrafts said...

What a lovely lot of ATCs and fabric goodies Jan! Your drain bags are pretty and your Japanese cross body bag is great! I wonder why the making of it gave you grief? You’ve made loads of bags of all different types. You’ll get good use of it on your hols anyway.
Say hello to Northumberland for us when you go!
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 9 xxx

Eva said...

What a lovely range of ATCs. Congrats!
Love your cross body bag. Great job!
And thank you for the drin bags. You're so kind.
Eva from Austria

Anne said...

Fab ATC'S you have received.Cindy is so kind and thoughtful. I love the bag! Have a great week. Anne x 14

Diana Taylor said...

Wow, I love the little bag you made - it's fabulous and looks so professional. How lovely to get a box of goodies from Cindy - the fabrics look so pretty and I know you'll turn them into something stunning. That's a lovely collection of ATC's - what a fun week it's been with little beauties dropping on the mat most days!
I have a huge amount of rubber stamps I'm getting rid of and I know you said you might be interested - they are all mounted on foam and most are stained, but work very well - is there anything in particular you are interested in - flowers, Christmas, backgrounds, Alice in Wonderland, Sentiments, Victorian/vintage, charts - I have most things but not cartoon characters!! If you let me know I can print some out to show you. They aren't good enough for selling or even a charity shop as they look so tatty but I don't want to bin them so you are welcome to as many as you like.
I hope you have a lovely holiday,
Hugs, Diana xx #16

BJ said...

I'm so glad you persevered with the little bag so useful when out, great for your hols too. Got to swoon over the purple fabric you are cutting and the box of bits from Cindy simply scrumptious. The corkboard will be well adorned for the year with all your ATCs. Hugs BJ#17

Mary Anne said...

Ahhhh! Such a lot of fabulousness. What a wonderful box from Cindy - she is so lovely! Glad you enjoyed my ATC and work out how to flip it so the words and numbers all make sense! Looking forward to all of your quilting every week and will be sending you a pattern that I came across that MIGHT work as a fundraiser item, not sure - *I* think it is very usefull but the level of effort MIGHT be too great!
hugs and Happy WOYWW, on the way to 15!
Mary Anne (2)

Christine said...

What a beeeautiful bag!!
That was worth all the effort, wear it will pride . .
You did make me laugh . . .How can you have a holiday when you're there all the time?

Have a good week
Christine #18

Julia Dunnit said...

Love the Cross body bag , it was worth persevering….lovely fabric. Not sure I could manage with one that size though, I’m veering toward hand luggage!! It has been so nice to get real post through the letterbox hasn’t it. Great collection of drain bag bags, bet they’ll be gratefully received and used, not just because they’re cheerful, but because they are a message of care too.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, great collection of ATCs and many thanks for your one too it was so pretty. It's lovely when you hear them pop through the letter box and see the lovely ideas that have been produced. You're always so busy and great results too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

Annie said...

What a lot of talent we have in our group and how lovely to have received so much of it. Your bag is gorgeous. Have a great holiday.
Annie x #7

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You got some lovely ATCs. I'm almost ashamed of the ones I made, but try making art with on hand,

Love your new bag. There is no way I could ever make anything that you have to measure, much less anything that requires a zipper. This is most impressive. Happy WOYWW from #4.

Crafting With Jack said...

Lovely collection of ATCs. Your new bag is absolutely lovely. Happy WOYWW. Angela #19

My name is Cindy said...

Hiya! Sorry I'm late and sorry about the 'can't be arsed' but hey you know what it's like ....... Everyone has always told me I am super organised but compared to you I am going at caterpillar pace. Can't believe you've done all that already and I haven't even managed to get all my atcs in the same room. That bag is beautiful, but I'm not surprised the air was a bit blue! Had a lovely afternoon with Ryan and told him all the extra cuddles were on your instructions. Mind you, at the moment he doesn't complain. This grandmother gig is growing on me. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx

Neet said...

Fabulous ATC's and fabulous sewing too. Lovely atc's on display, nothing quite hits it like happy mail does it?
I love the stripey bag, perfect for its use.
The crossover you made yourself is fab - hoe it gets lots of use - bet it's good because if doesn't weigh much.
Sorry I am so late visiting, the torn muscle has been horrible on top of everything else.

Hugs, Neet xx


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...