WOYWW 728 - 14 NOT OUT!


Another year rolls around and another anniversary arrives - there's so much to celebrate, art to admire, ideas and stash to be shared and some dear friends to remember who left us this year.

Many beautiful words will be written today about this weekly desk-fest and I'd like to add my appreciation to Julia for kicking it off in the first place, keeping it going for all this time and you lovely lot as well, true friends the lot of you!!

Talking of which - here's a stranger I met off the Internet a few years ago...

The lovely Wipso and Doddy, her hubby, came down to my area with their caravan last weekend - as you can see the weather wasn't too shabby!

We sat and chatted in the sun....

Wipso ran amok in the JanCave, lol!!

And their little dog Milly made herself right at home!

Wipso very kindly bought me some fabric, trimmings and buttons from her stash so these will get used for projects soon no doubt:

A pile of loveliness! The sausage dog fabric was a buy off eBay for a commissioned bag (it's really lovely quality Lynne!)

And a few early ATCs have turned up - it's so lovely to get this happy snail mail, I really love seeing the envelopes arrive knowing what's inside.

From Wipso, Twiglet, Crafting with Jack and Lynne - thank you lovely gals, they are fantastic!

I know WOYWW means different things to different deskers but for me personally, the most wonderful result of joining in this desky snoop is running across new friends who I just wouldn't have met otherwise:

Roll on No 15!!

Have a wonderful time celebrating today, it really is something important to do *hugs*

With love,

Lunch Lady Jan xxxxxxxxxx


Helen said...

A true circle of friendship as Julia has called it. I love my Wednesdays! thanks for your atc, yours is on the way. I am glad that you had some great looking weather for your catch up with Annie and Doddy and you - or G anyway - remembered to take photos!! Happy 14th and to many many more. thank you for the years of fun. Helen #5

Sarah Brennan said...

Fabulous ATCs there Jan. So glad that the weather was so kind for Annie's visit too. Looks like you both had a great time. Happy anniversary. Stay safe. Sarah #4

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Always nice to spend time with friends.

Happy WOYWW 14

My name is Cindy said...

Morning my lovely!! Your ATC is ready to go, thanks for yours which arrived yesterday and now I have a spare!! How lovely to have WOYWW visitors, we will get there one day. 14 years is something right? Quite the achievement. Have a great week, love n hugs, Cindy xx

Mary Anne said...

What a wonderful photo! Nice to see you together and how fun when WOYWW deskers meet up - I think we all feel how special it is when we see that. Julia is, indeed, the cleverest lady, and I so appreciate how she gathered us all, so diverse, some close, some distant, into a community of fun and friendship.
Long may we hop!
Happy 14th Anniversary WOYWW
Mary Anne (6)

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi to you both. This soon comes round again doesn't it. It's great to know all the lovely people that collect here. Pleased you had a nice time. Milly looks settled too. Wishing you a very happy woyww Anniversary. Hugs, Angela x15x

BJ said...

So love the 14 photo, how lovely. I got an early ATC too, how fab is that! Could you send me you address as for the life of me I have searched and searched and can't find yours. Hugs BJ#18

Lynnecrafts said...

Thank you so much for getting me hooked on WOYWW, Jan, it brightens my week, and the ATC you sent me was beautiful. I’m so glad you and Wipso had a good time; they’re lovely photos. You have a good set of ATCs already.
The fabric for the sausage dogs looks great and I’m sure Evelyne will love her presents.
Your fabric from Wipso is pretty too.
Happy ivory anniversary of WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 2 xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

It’s not the circle of friendship without you LLJ and if you hadn’t ‘encouraged’ the Crop thought, we’d have all been a lot slower to meet….Fab fab pics of you and Wipso, already stolen them for my album…I’ll pay Gordon some commission in gin or something, honest! Am sure you all had a lovely weekend, polished high by Welsh sunshine, just perfect. lovely buttons that Annie included in her gift, all pearly and vintage, and that sausage fabric is just fun, but a headache for this not very skilled thinker..they have to be the right way up ata all times or my teeth will itch!! Have a good day, maybe include an anniversary treat….a walk on a beach with an ice cream? If only!!

Christine said...

Happy 14th!
What a great visit! love the stash, especially those little pearl buttons . . .I treated myself to some off the web the other month . . . needed them for my baby jackets lol
Thanks for your ATC, loved it. Without my Wednesday meetups, I think I would be lost, although I must admit sometimes I visit unannounced on other days . . . but you know what friends are like, they just say 'hi, good to see you . . '
have a great stitchy week
Christine #19

Diana Taylor said...

What lovely photos Jan, it looks like you had a wonderful time with Wipso. Thank you for contributing so much to making this such a fun and friendly place to visit. It's been a wonderful journey and I've so enjoyed the meet ups with you and Julia in person - what a hoot the pair of you are!
I hope you have fun with all the goodies Wipso gave you - I adore the little sausage dogs and I've never been able to resist a pearl button!
Hope you have lovely week and Happy Anniversay,
Hugs, Diana xx #16

pat brennan said...

I loved reading your post. I am glad to be well enough to join in on this 14th Anniversary. Stay well. Kind regards from

Tracy said...

Gorgeous post Jan ❤️💕🤗 such a joy to pop over and see Wipso and your gorgeous smiles 😃 it looks like you both had a fabulous time including the wee furball 🐕 Such a beautiful collection of ATC's through the post 📫 ⭐️ adore the sausage dog fabric ... we have a neighbour who adopted 2 sausage digs a few weeks ago ... cuuuute! Sending much love and hugs Tracy #11 xxxx

Robyn said...

how fortunate to meet some of us IRL!!!! thanks for many years of friendship and inspiration. ATC out to you shortly ! Happy 14th
Robyn 1

Annie said...

I'm late in the day and am only just getting around the blogs after a busy morning with little Louie and work.
Happy 14th Anniversary.....here's to many more happy years of fun and friendship. Thank you so much for our lovely weekend. You made us all feel so welcome. Love you lots.
Annie x #9

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a joy it must have been to visit a fellow seamstress and WOYWW friend. So glad the four (or five with Milly) of you had such a great time.

One thing I want to add is, I should have given you credit when Julia was off for those few weeks. You definitely helped keep us together during that hectic time for Julia. You were definitely her rock!

I think I have button envy! Love that 14 photo. Happy Anniversary from # 3.

Neet said...

Happy 14th Anniversary Jan. And a big thanks for all the times you have stepped in for Momma WOYWW and kept us all going.
Friendship is the biggest and best thing anyone can have and we certainly have had a lot of that over the years.
Loadsa Love
`Neet 14 xx

Caro said...

I love those photos of you and Annie, and you sum up the joy and friendship of this most lovely of blog hops so well. I would love to swap with you - still at the usual address! Happy WOYWW anniversary. Here's to friendship spanning across the web. Take care of yourself. With love & God Bless, Caro xx (#16)

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, thank you so much for your lovely ATC - so kind to include me even though I'm not able to participate this year. I've got to agree with you about the benefits of Julia's blog - it means so much to me to have made so many lovely friends past and present. Love all the photos of you, Annie and Milly and I look forward to seeing what you make with those goodies. Hugs, Elizabeth x #27

Anne said...

Hi lovely Jan, thank you for visiting me. I am so happy to make it on for this anniversary. How wonderful that you and Annie got to visit with each other. Take care Anne x 20

pearshapedcrafting said...

What a fabulous Anniversary post! So lucky to know you, as I am with all the lovely folk I've met over the years! Is there a crop this year? Big hugs, Chrisx #26

Eva said...

Happy 14th Anniversary Jan!
And thank you for the woderful blog! It's so nice to see the ATCs, your friend the lovely Wipso (smile - ran amok in the JanCave...).
And the lil dog Milly.
Congrats to all of the group to the special Anniversary!!
Best wishes to all!!
Eva from Austria.

Twiglet said...

Oh Jan what lovely photos of you with my little sis. We are so blessed to have each other and we count you as our honorary little sis. Happy 14th. I am late as I have had two traumatic days helping some very elderly friends- long story. But all good and feel I did a good job. Love you lots x x Jo

Susan Renshaw said...

How lovely that you could catch up with Wipso! I love that picture of her with the sewing machine!
I like that sausage dog fabric too...
Happy 14th! Susan #21

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Jan, great photographs of friends together. Love the dachshund fabric. Happy Anniversary and hugs hugs. Angela #25

Kyla said...

ooh how lovely and a great meet up too.
Without WOYWW and meeting you all I know I would not have tried many crafts (and certainly would have given up making handbags until I came to you!).
Thanks for everything


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