Well, that was a really lovely week! It was wonderful to have Owen home to celebrate his Big Birthday, we had a lot of fun but those Cribbage games were deadly serious (8-8 was the final score)

And we didn't take the mick too much about his advancing years.... *grin*

And we went for some lovely walks too:

So when he left early on Sunday morning, it was very quiet all of a sudden!

I hit the JanCave and cut out four of the folding shoppers, purses and glasses cases out of that fun dog fabric:

I didn't have a pink spot but this salmony colour was a good alternative:

And only teensy scraps were left at the end, too small even for scrappy quilting!

But I did have fun just stitching the leftovers from my other quilts together for my next project!

Yesterday was a wet day here and I had the sorting vibes so here was what the JanCave wardrobe looked like before I started:

I know it doesn't look that bad but I'd lobbed quite a few things in rather than putting them back properly. But when I got everything out...

Blimey! How could all that be inside a small cupboard? Anyway I had a fun and very profitable couple of hours and now my storage is a thing of beauty. You'll have to take my word for it as I forgot to take a pic, lol! Marie Kondo eat your heart out....

Anyway, hope you have a marvellous week and enjoy your crafting! xxx


Sue said...

Hi Jan, Glad you had such a fun time with your sons.

The dog fabric and salmon dotty one is fab and those items will fly off the shelf.

I love a good sort out.


Helen said...

What a great photo of the 4 of you all looking like peas in a pod... Well done on sorting the Jancave! Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Twiglet said...

Lovely happy photo of you all Jan. Where do the years go? Such gorgeous young men to be proud of.I bet your doggy fabric items sell quickly adding to that amazing total. x x Jo

BJ said...

Oh I was so waiting for the AFTER photo as I scrolled down, maybe another day? Adore the photo of the 4 of you in sunnies on the beach. And Cribbage, not played in years, can't get anyone to play here sadly. The salmon spot is just the ticket and wondering what your next project is now??? Hugs BJ

Mary Anne said...

Ah well you say those scraps are too small but they aren't. Go down the rabbit hole of "crumb quilting" and you will find a whole new way to easily use scraps. https://scrappystickyinkymess.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/lbq-mary-anne-2.jpg shows that one I made for LillyBo (?) and hard to see but the center of the crumb blocks are all the smiling sunflower. You can begin each block with a sweet motif then go scrappy the rest of the way. Just like the string quilts, it's sew-a-seam-flip-sew-flip etc. Check it out :D
Lovely photo of the fam. You must have loved having all your chicks back in the nest for a time...
Mary Anne (4)

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

That's a great family photo for sure and pleased you had a good time. We've had all sorts of weather over Easter including thunder and lightning which was a surprise. Have a lovely and creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x7x

Neet said...

What a lovely happy photo for the family album. The birthday boy and his survival kit intrigue me, I am so nosey and wonder swhat is inside?
That salmon spotty fabric is gorgeous, what a fab colour and such a great contrast with the doggy one. Glad you are using it all up.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Annie said...

Glad your weekend went well with the birthday boy. It's a gorgeous pic of you all. Love the doggy bags etc...fab combination of colours.
Annie x #6

Sarah Brennan said...

Sounds like you took full advantage of the poor weather Jan - phot next week please. Glad Owen enjoyed his birthday visit so much. Loving the latest projects. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #11

Julia Dunnit said...

That’s the wrong way round…when I clear a wardrobe, the stuff I want to put back goes *pouf* and I have to squash it in…!! I need your space away number loving brain to assess for me! Never played cribbage! I think the dead heat shows how all of you have the same mind set and grasp of such cunning lateral thinking games! Makes me happy that you’ve had a top up of being together and that Owen had a great birthday. Would love to know what the emergency kit was…vitamins and tonic wine??

Marit said...

Ooohhhh, a son becoming 30, that's quite something. It happened to me last year and I kinda 'felt it'... his visit looks/sounds like a lot of fun and wowzah, sorting out a closet: good for you! Enjoy your day, hug from Holland. Marit #12

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. Hope that you are staying inside out of this storm and enjoying your newly organised JanCave. I am praying that our internet connection stays working, so I can get on with some online study and digital sticker designing. Let me know how much I owe you for the bag (ali@aliwadedesigns.com). Ali x #13

Lynnecrafts said...

Gosh your boys are big in that photo! I know they really are, but…So glad you had a good week all together. I must play cribbage with you one day.
You have a great eye for colour- that pink is a perfect contrast.
Glad you enjoyed having a good sort out of the Jan cave.
I guess Owen was on holiday this week but when he stays and works from home, does he take video calls? I can just imagine him doing so before when ‘her maj’ was there!
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 10 xx

Christine said...

Having a son of 30! Mine was once but it is so far gone that I forget!! Wait till they are all over 40 then you can feel old . . .
Love that you had a tidy out. my desk top is enough for me!
have a good week and stay safe
Christine #14

My name is Cindy said...

Yes well, I feel for you, I am gobsmacked by how much comes out of a small space - it seems to explode when given air to breathe. I think my re-organisation be more like a couple of weeks rather than hours. Still it already feels like a better space and the light is definitely better - I'll be roasting in the summer!! Glad you had some good family time, my son will be 30 next year - how on earth did that happen? Love the doggy fabric, have a lovely week, love n hugs Cindy xx #9

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh some great photos. So blessed to have your family together. Hopefully soon it will happen here, fingers crossed. Funny how Spring warrants clean up days ! I cleaned 2 closets just before the funeral to see what we had to wear. honestly, we don't dress up very often and things were quite outdated so donated/using for scraps...but salvaged some and worked out great. Have a good week and Happy WOYWW ATC's 5 weeks time flying buy !!!

Crafting With Jack said...

What lovely happy faces. Glad you all had a good time. Happy WOYWW. Angela #15

Lindart said...

Happy Birthday to Owen! He's not old at all, just a young thing at 30! Lovely pic of the 4 of you! I love what you are doing with the doggie print, have a wonderful week, Lindart #20

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Owen looks so happy with the Birthday parcel.
I'm glad to see that you had so nice and heartwarming family time!
You buzy bee worked a lot in the JanCave. Love the fun dog fabric.
I have two books from Marie Kondo.
Now, what you mean.
Well done!
Best wishes from cold and wet Austria.

Kelly said...

Hi Jan.
First off, how can you have a son 30?! Guess you can ask me that question in September when my daughter turns 40. We must have been very very young LOL

love the pieces. Now... let's see the inside of that cupboard. With all that stuff, I know you did some creative organizing. Need the tips! LOL

Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #17


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...