Hello there all you lovely crafters, another week of desky snooping and linking up around the world to see Whatโ€™s On Your Workdesk Wednesday - hope you've had a grand week! To appease those of you who wanted to see the finished tidy up of the JanCave wardrobe...

Ta Daah:

There, isn't that better?! You can see what's what now and, best of all, I don't waste time searching for stuff.

My SiL Jill (the amazing quilter) sent me a link to do another scrappy quilt - see it here if you're interested. The thing is I had a few strips left over from the last one but not enough so I had a look at mixed offcuts on eBay and came across these:

I'd seen that there was a good selection of patterns and colours, they all go together really well. All 100% quilting weight cottons, they came from a small business (Honey Bee Good Wraps) that coats fabric in wax from their bees to make waxed wraps and these were their offcuts!  I was really pleased.

Lots of prints featuring bees, fruit and chickens! Take a look at their website or Etsy shop, there are some truly gorgeous fabrics and bee related products, I will definitely be ordering again!

The squares on the right show the strips going across on the diagonal and those on the left show the triangular spaces filled in with the blue.

It's not a complicated pattern and is very quick to do, my sort of crafting, minimum input, maximum effect, lol!!

That lovely navy blue fabric I've used for the triangles is extra wide bought for the quilt back but I thought it made a good contrast to the paler strips. When the parcel came, the note said the fabric must be pre-washed (something I never normally do...) so I chucked in a few other lengths of darker fabric while the machine was on:

It made for a pretty washing line!

I've also made some ATCs but am keeping those under wraps for now, I'm happy to swap if you'd like to xx

Have a great week and enjoy your crafting!



Helen said...

I'd love to swap please. I really like that blue fabric on the quilts, such a lovely colour to contrast with. Great quilting. Lucky you having space outside to dry washing (and the weather to do it!) Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Sarah Brennan said...

Cute fabric indeed Jan and the new quilt panels look great. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

Sue said...

Hi Jan, I like the new pieces of fabric.


Twiglet said...

Gorgeous crafty activity Jan. I love the bee wrap fabric. I use the wraps - so useful and much better than too much plastic wrap. I will check the web site. Annie was here last night helping to compose our ATC swap poem. x Jo

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I'd love to swap too and will put you on my list. I love to see all those gorgeous fabrics though it does make me feel guilty that I don't do much sewing these days. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x6x

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Jan, I love your quilt square with the blue contrast. The fabric from the bee wrap people is pretty.
Have a good day for Rhysโ€™s birthday this weekend

Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 13 xxx

Annie said...

We have ATCs with your name on already :-) love the new quilt pattern and the new fabrics....shame you didn't live closer cos I'm not short of fabric [understatement of the year!!]
Have a great week.
Annie x #7

Neet said...

Just looked at the link and that quilt is lovely - I do like the swirls and things sher sewed on the plainer pieces. Those pieces you bought from the bee people will work admirably, what a great find. Love the ducks a swimming and the cherries. They really stand out.
What a lovely washing line you have, looks really grand with the bold colours blowing in the breeze, but oh, what a lot of ironing!
Here's to a lovely week ahead for you
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh I love all this fabric. GREAT COLORS IN fact my thoughts were a way to find scrap fabric for collage use !!! Will check out etsy or ebay, but in the meantime I found a gal who re upholsters furniture and she has some good scraps for what I do. Great organized closet. WISH I had a craft closet to reorganize !! 2 closets it this house 1 his 1 mine. Did get both gone thru looking for funeral clothes...........................out with winter in with spring and donated a LOT. ENJOY a great week. I'm in for ATC's if you want USA to mail to.

Christine said...

I hope to swap as well
Love the view with the washing . . .
Super quilting going on . .
Take care
Christine #15

My name is Cindy said...

Would love to swap please! Do you know when I wrote that line about cocktails I was thinking of you! Do love our pretty washing line, and your quilts are going to be so colourful. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindy xx

Tracy said...

Yoooour Jancave is looking splenzippidous Jan ๐Ÿคธโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ’•โค๏ธ๐Ÿฅฐ I had a lookie at your last post ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ˜ such a good feeling you'll have ๐Ÿ’• What a happpppy washing line, loving that pretty navy blue fabric ๐Ÿ˜ mine is full o... TShirts ๐Ÿ™ƒ Your desk is a rainbow ๐ŸŒˆ of colour every week with the prettiest of fabrics ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’• I nipped across to see the scrappy quilt ๐Ÿ˜ gorgeous is it, looking forward to watching yours come together ๐Ÿ˜˜ Looking forward to swapping with you,I better put my thinking cap on ๐Ÿ˜˜ Thank yooou so much for for your beautuful words on mine. Have a glorious week ( how we miss Wales) love and hugs Tracy #11 xxxxxx

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. You must be really pleased with the new tidy cupboard. Gorgeous quilting - a craft I nearly started when there was a brilliant shop with workshops in Narberth, but was too busy with horseriding at the time. That shop closed down and I realised that fabric crafting is 'not my thing' - in other words, I cannot finish any project in a tidy way. Thank you so much for the lovely package. Made my day. Ali x #18

Crafting With Jack said...

I would love to swap please. I had a look at the linked scrappy quilt - I thought she was using paper, silly me! When I took a closer look at yours I could see it was fabric. I like the off cuts you bought and that blue goes very well with the rest and makes a good contrast. I quite like the idea of waxed wraps, just not sure how useful they would be. Happy WOYWW. Angela #16

Julia Dunnit said...

Wow, the waxing company was a great find, I love the selection of fabrics. Clever titling there Missus, I like to try to guess whatโ€™s going on before I scroll down and I was totally wrong today! Lovely shot of tidied cupboardโ€ฆI confess to envy. Our understair cupboard needs you! thing is, whilst thereโ€™s sunshine, Iโ€™m bringing the garden up to spec, so the cupboard - well, the jumble of winter coats and anorak thingies has to wait.

BJ said...

I'd love to swap if you have enough. Love the new fabrics will check out their site. As for hubby and the retirement, I guess he's enjoying not having the daily grind (although he was last on a 3 day week anyways) he's just not enjoying getting old and all the aches and pains, took him for another steroid injection in his thumb this week, it's hard going all round. Oh well I'm off to badminton in a min so that's good. Hugs BJ#9

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
What a beautiful and colorful blog!
Thank you for the new idea. (Video). I pinned it.
You made the Jancave so pretty! My respect.
Best wishes from sunny Austria.

Mary Anne said...

LOL! I do love the new pattern, quite a nice twist on the usual strings. So much less work maybe that the crumbs. Everyone has their own level of patience that makes using up every...well... CRUMB of fabric a Yea or Nay. To be fair I only made the one so. And lovely box of off-cuts. How clever of her to find a market for her leftover strips. And I expect the next couple of weeks will see quite a few hidden bits on desks till the big reveal on Anniversary week.
Happy WOYWW (back to being late- ARRGGH!)
Mary Anne (2)

Kelly said...

Good morning, Jan!
Too funny about you finding Ceri lives so close to you. He is extremely talented in a variety of areas. So blessed to have 'met' him here. I've saved that quilting video to my playlist on YouTube to check her out later while I'm crafting for tomorrow's video. Love your base squares. I don't know why my mind always goes to piecing rather than foundation LOL. I'd probably get through my stash faster.
While the fabrics on the line look pretty, the view beyond is gorgeous! I want to visit LOL
Please put me down for an ATC.

Creative Blessings & Hugs! ~Kelly #17

Spyder said...

Evening Jan! Long time no blog. WoW The JanCave wardrope IS looking almost empty, well done...I need some tips from you on how to declutter! I've just got some new stuff to play with, and I'm not sure where to put it! Happy WOYWW keep crafting and declutteting! ((Lyn)) #22

Crafting With Jack said...

Forgot to ask you to please send me your address. Xx


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...