Hello lovely deskers, hope you're all keeping well and happy! It's a cherished day for me and the family too, all will be revealed later!

I finished the latest quilt:

and got the binding spot on this time - the last quilt involved unpicking and bad language!

Ta Daa:

Pretty colours huh? I really like this and may hang onto it!

LynneCrafts sent me some DK yarn via her hubby Brian who stayed with us last week:

They are in the basket ready to be used Lynne and tone really well with the colours already on the go - You must have used your Spidey Senses when you picked those out for me *hug*

On the desk are the leftover strips from the quilts (not that many) and a little fabric purchase which I couldn't resist.

Doggy items sell well down the cafe and I thought this was fun:

Called Furry Friends, it's by Makower and is a lovely fabric, really good quality. I can see a pink spotty lining possibly though you could use a few colours with it.

But may I present to you one of my greatest creations from 30 years ago?

Yep, my eldest Owen is 30 today! He's staying with us and we have plans for today so forgive me if I'm late commenting! Where has that time gone....

In the blink of an eye that's what! I'm blessed with my sons, both kind and thoughtful men of whom I'm very proud!

Happy Birthday Owen, hope you enjoy today and I apologise now for some of the presents, lolol!!!



Helen said...

What a great photo of you with Owen then - and him now! hope he has a great birthday. the quilt looks beautiful, so springlike and cheerful! Happy WOYWW Helen #3

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Happy birthday to Owen. Have a fab day.

The quilt is lovely. The wool colours and the new doggy fabric are great.


Twiglet said...

Oh Jan - what lovely photos of you and your handsome boy! Happy Birthday Owen.Have a great day. Yep, a bit of spotty pink will look fab with your doggy fabric. x x Jo

BJ said...

Oh how super to have your son staying for his birthday, I know how special that it. Super yarn colours, lovely rich colours and yep loving the quilt too. Had a quick nose of last weeks too, what a super garden/house, quite delightful, it's amazing what round the corner sometimes. Hugs BJ#5

Mary Anne said...

Awww. Such a lovely photo on your best work. The quilt is nice too LOL! Enjoy your day - WOYWW is so forgiving when life gets in the way so see you after your celebrations.
Happy WOYWW, with cat!
Mary Anne (2)

Julia Dunnit said...

30! It’s as if they snuck in the last 15 years without us noticing! Huge happy returns to Owen, it’s no wonder you’re proud of them, they are lovely nice kind and fun young men. I could squash him in a hug and he wouldn’t fight me off, he’s too polite! Hope you have a lovely day today, and a great break all together. Xxxx

Sarah Brennan said...

Oh happy birthday Owen. My eldest was 30 last November so I know what a milestone that is Jan. Love the latest quilt and the doggie fabric is such fun. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #8

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I can see why you are so proud of your accomplishment and the quilt is lovely too. Wishing you both a warm and happy woyww, Angela x7x

Lynnecrafts said...

Happy birthday Owie! They’re really good pictures of you both and I love the one of you when he was a baby. You and G have done so well, bringing up such lovely gentlemen. I hope you have a really lovely day.
Your quilt is beautiful and I’m glad the binding behaved.
I’m glad my yarn fitted in well with your current stash.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 10

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

What a bright and cherry post. Love your quilt and that doggy fabric. GREAT colors. Happy Birthday to your son OWEN Such an adorable photo. and YES I think having 2 sons is marvelous. Same here and I am so blessed they keep me posted on family life.
ENJOY Happy Easter to You and Yours.

Annie said...

Love the latest quilt Jan and that photo of you with your gorgeous first born really made me smile. Happy birthday Owen...hope he has a wonderful day.
Annie x #6

Christine said...

What beautiful family photos . . . congrats to the birthday boy.
That is a super quilt, love the colours . . . . .!
have a good week
Christine #18

Crafting With Jack said...

Your quilt is lovely, a definite keeper. It’s hard to connect the baby picture with the adult sometimes. They are babies for such a short time, I can’t believe my son is 40 something this year! Happy Easter and happy WOYWW. Angela #13

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

dear Lunch Lady Jan, that quilt is a stunner and definitely a keeper I think.. and is son.. two beautiful memories to cherish indeed! its midnight here so I'm to bed but wanted to say Hi first...
I love your new wool too how kind of Lynne, and you knit so evenly I am like a dogs breakfast with knitting probably because I dont enjoy it at all!
Thanks for Sharing, God bless and all those you love,
Prayer hugs Shaz in Oz.x

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Tracy said...

Sending 🥳 Happppy birthday wishes ⭐️ to your Owen 🎈hip hip hoooray!
Gorrrgeous quilt ⭐️ pretty fabrics ... loving the doggy 🐕 fabric 😍 beautiful photos ❤️ I too feel the same about sons 💕 having two myself 🥰 Wishing youvall good things, have a wonderful Easter Weekend, much love and hugs Tracy #9 xxxx

Lindart said...

Happy Birthday Owen! What a handsome guy! He was a very cute baby too! Congratulations on finishing your quilt, it looks awesome! And I do like the doggy fabric as well, it would look great with pink inside! Or green...I hope you have a lovely Easter weekend, Lindart #20

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. So much to catch up on. Will have to spend some time every day, scrolling through blogs and seeing what you have all been up to in my absence. Happy Birthday, Owen. Hope you had a lovely day with him today - and you haven't had the rain that has been soaking Pembrokeshire all day. Sunshine forecast by Derek for tomorrow and all through the weekend - I have a bike ride planned for tomorrow, lunch with a friend on Friday and a trip to St Davids on Saturday (to collect my food order from a local producers' collective). Sunshine makes everything seem better. Will definitely have to arrange that much-delayed trip to see you both. I have a different electric car now, with a lower range (only upto about 100 miles on warmer days) so may need to steal some of your solar power! I also have a folding electric bike, so can bring that with me to go and explore around Burry Port. Ali x #11

Susan Renshaw said...

Happy birthday to Owen!
What a lovely quilt!
Love the doggie fabric!
Happy Easter! Susan #21

Eva said...

Happy Birhtday to Owen! Such a nice photo from you both. ♥
Love the new blanket. So nice "spring colors".
My Dear Daughter had 50th two days before and I had my 70th.
Wish you all the best for future.
Eva from Austria.


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