Ok, hands up - how many of you sang Hamster Jam from the lyrics above?! That song reminds me of the radio at the weekend in the 60s - it always seemed to be on together with 3 Wheels on my Wagon and many other 'hits' lol!!

There's a reason for my meanderings though and it's this:

I was having a sort out of the squares made so far and all the colours seemed to coordinate.  I've been knitting recently as crochet upset my thumb (arthritis) and I've quite enjoyed it. Using up odds and ends of yarn to get another blanket under way.

A big Thank You to our lovely Twiglet who sent me a sheet to cut up for quilting squares, it was much appreciated and didn't last long before facing the rotary cutter!!

I was passed on some odds and ends of fabric recently, there wasn't enough to make a few glasses cases etc so they were cut up into strips.

Sorted into lengths - the colour range is a lot softer than the brights I've been working with recently.

Production line going well...

..to the final iron and trimming up. It's a more vintage feel don't you think?

Just having a play with the layout, there's a few more squares to finish off first. I rather like the quieter tones, it makes for a different feel.

I might continue making a couple more of these quilts, it's mindless stuff really but I am really enjoying working with the colours! So my desk might be the same old same old for a few more weeks yet.

Hope you're having fun and enjoying the crafting! xxxxx


Helen said...

having woken up to snow this morning I think Spring might be on hold.... love the new strip squares though, they do look quite different - love them though! Have a great week. Helen # ?

Sarah Brennan said...

Loving the latest quilt Jan. Sorry that your arthritis is palying up but those soft coloured knitted squares are lovely. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Loving the Tulips and Daffs.

That blanket will be lovely and the colours for the quilt are definitely more vintage.

I also have arthritis in my hands and cannot crochet or do tapestries now. Cannot knit either, but then again I never could:)


Twiglet said...

Those vintagey colours are just as lovely. You do have a real knack for putting colours and patterns together beautifully. Hope we can chat soon. Will message you. X x Jo

Catriona said...

I really like the tones of this latest quilt-more restful and vintage as you say. I am procrastinating a lot just now but decluttering a lot of things to charity/ local FB page. Happy sewing.

Mary Anne said...

Oh the new quilt is going to be a beauty! How lovely of Twiglet to help a gal out :) The WOYWW community rarely disappoints. Your squares are beautiful too, the colours do work so well together. Weird, but lucky, that you can fall back on knitting when crochet cause pain. I have a great friend who is exactly the opposite! Enjoy!
Happy WOYWW, on the day!
Mary Anne (1)

Neet said...

You never seem to stop, there is always something on the go at Appleton Towers and it always seems to be a treat to look at for us all. That new quilt is gorgeous and I think the lighter tones look lovely.
This production line reminds me of years ago when mum made patchwork quilts similar to this for someone but it was paid work. I guess it was a means for her to work from home when I was small. Some guy used to drop a massive bag off full of fabric for her to work with.
Have a lovely week,, hope it's warmer in Wales than here.
Hugs, Neet 7 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

"Waste not want not" as they say and you always make great things out of left over stuff. Wishing you a happy and creative woyww, Angela x10x

Lynnecrafts said...

Yes, I woke today to shocked meowing from Gracie - it’s all cold and white outside! My ear worm is now Tulips in hamster jam! Your quilt squares are beautiful. Sorry to hear your thumb’s painful.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 15

Annie said...

I'm really loving your makes this week...esp the new colourways. You really do have a way of putting colours together. I was singing three wheels on my wagon when Gina had a flat tyre last week :-)
Annie x

Diana Taylor said...

I love the softer tones of the quilt - it has a comforting feel to it, possibly because the fabrics remind me of dresses my mum used to make for us when I was a child - bit of a 60's vibe going on.
I enjoyed the tulips and daffs this morning, they certainly brightened up a perishing cold and dull grey day! Sorry to hear you are having problems in your thumb - I seem to spend my days changing my craft activities around depending on which part of my body is having problems!!
Hope you have a great week
Hugs, Diana xx #16

Christine said...

Arthritis? I crocheted myself some wrap around 'gloves' to keep Arthur warm, he doesn't play me up so much now. . . just 20 chain and trebles to length to wrap round my hand. Stitch up the side leaving a gap for my thumb to fit through!!! My last ones are a bit longer up the arm, bit too far but not taken!!
Loving the new colours, sort of vintagey.
Have a good week
Christine #18

Tracy said...

🎡🎢 I'm singing Jan 😁 couldn't help myself 😊 that's a gorgeous splash of colour on your table 🌈 how I love those knitted squares!!! Toooo your quilt in the making ... those colours are indeed vintage 😍 forever a joy to stop by and see the delights you're creating. Hope the pain in your thumb eases soon πŸ™ thank you for stopping by earlier.. I think we're blessed in our parents πŸ™ I'm feeling much betterer ( loved that 😊) Sending much love and hugs your way Tracy #17 xxxx

Lindart said...

Hi Jan! I love the quieter Spring tones of your new squares! Really nice! I also love the rabbits on your table that those gorgeous flowers are sitting on! You have been very busy this week, I can feel lots of energy in your post! Have a great week, Lindart #19

Julia Dunnit said...

Ah, now you’re back to song lyrics I do know, but never heard of Hamster Jam….it will be that for ever now! πŸ˜‚
I agree about the vintage look the softer shades of fabric have given to the quilt, and almost choked laughing on my cuppa when you said it’s all ‘mindless’…maybe for you girlfriend, but t he very thought of it all makes me a bit giddy!

BJ said...

I certainly WAS singing along to the title but no idea who Hamster Jam are/were!!! Gorgeous flowers and super squares too and more lovely quilting. I just got my machine out to sew the new fitted sheet which wasn't done properly then it went back in the cupboard! Hmmm! Hugs BJ#11

Elizabeth said...

And 24 Hours from Tulsa, Unchained Melody and so many more - I could name a lot more, the Sixties were my favourite decade! Wonderful memories. I'm loving your patchwork projects. You've got me itching to set up my sewing machine again. Have a lovely week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #20

Crafting With Jack said...

Love your quilts. I don’t remember Hamster Jam😳. Sorry to hear about arthritis, but good that you can do knitting. It’s nit mindless, it’s relaxing! Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
The song "Tulips from Amsterdam" is also known in Austria. "Tulpen aus Amsterdam". It's a chatchy song.
Think you are the queen of the stripes! You are so buzy!
I admire you.
Lot of hugs, Eva from Austria


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...