I do like a palindrome number - 717 - that's an amazing total of desky snooping isn't it? And each and every one offers support, inspiration, sharing and friendship all for free *sending hugs*

More quilting this week, I've done two and have enough scraps for a third. I needed to cut out more white squares first:

I found an old white sheet at the bottom of the stash box and had just enough for 20 squares, all gone now though, I'll have to look for another one in a charity shop or something.

I also had a quick sort out of the strips before I started, OCD maybe but it saves a lot of grief and wasted time when selecting the correct length of fabric needed next!

I do ten squares at a time, I've chained them through the machine and snip them apart before ironing. I do the numbered strips technique and then the border. I had a walking foot as a Christmas present and it is just brilliant for sewing things neatly when there's a few layers!

Walking in action!! And I've used pins. blimey, who is this woman? Lol!

And before you know it:

The navy border....

And the red! I got 5cm wide bias binding from ebay just cos it's a quick cheat.

I have to say I enjoy making the squares a lot more than the quilting/border (a bit like enjoying knitting but not the sewing up!) but I definitely will have another go in the future.

Hope you all have a marvellous week, the weather has just been so uplifting, blue skies and spring flowers make me happy! 



Tracy said...

Taaaaa daaaaa πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ€©FABUUUUULOUS those quilts are πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ€©πŸ˜πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ˜ you never fail to make me swoon and grin wide 😁 the colours are gorgeous 🀸‍♀️❤️πŸ’ŸπŸ’•πŸ’› Loooooove your blue crochet squares from last week πŸ’™ hoping you got your dining table fixed 😘 wS catching up from last week 😊 and had the joy of seeing today's post. Sending you much love and hugs,have a wonderful week ahead. Tracy xxxx

Helen said...

what beautiful patterns! they look amazing and I love the borders. Glad your weather has been good, it's mostly been flipping cold here!! signs of spring though on trees and at Kew so that's good! Have a happy WOYWW Helen #?

Sarah Brennan said...

Those quilts are stunning Jan - what a wonderful way of using up strips of fabric. Good luck with the backing search. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

Sue said...

Fab quilts. I love the colours.


Twiglet said...

Jan, those quilts are absolutely beautiful. I too have a walking foot but keep forgetting to use it. I will put it on and have another go! Does your sheet need to be pure cotton? xx Jo

BJ said...

Wow the quilts are amazing, love how they are made on white squares. Never heard of a walking foot, must look that one up. Hugs BJ#8

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Seeing you make these gorgeous things makes me feel a tiny bit guilty that I don't do much sewing any more but I'm enjoying playing with other crafts too. Wishing you a happy woyww, Angela x9x

Lynnecrafts said...

Your quilts are amazing, Jan. Its so satisfying as well that you’re using up all your scraps.
It’s been bitterly cold here, with a wind off the North Pole. I remember how lovely it was to get away from that when we were on Tyneside and head for South Wales in the spring. All 🌼🌼 and πŸ‘!
No, the boxes of books won’t arrive till May ,
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 5

Neet said...

We have had one or two lovely days but they've gone off late afternoon so you obviously get better weather than us. Nice to see the tiny daffs, primroses and crocus in the garden though, a much needed burst of colour after winter.
I love your quilts, and what amazes me is the speed at which you make them. I know you said the edging is a bind (no pun intended) but it does look good and finishes them off perfectly. These will certainly cheer someone up.
Hugs, Neet 3 xx

Christine said...

Love those quilts . . . do you have to sew patterns on the squares or just join them up and bind? I know what I mean! lol
Have a crafty week
Christine #

Crafting With Jack said...

Fabulous quilts. The binding gives a lovely neat edge. Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

Catriona said...

Your quilts are gorgeous and I love binding quilts. I make the binding myself following instructions from Missouri Star Quilts. Happy sewing. Catriona

Annie said...

Oh Jan those quilts are gorgeous....what a wonderful idea. They are so pretty.
Annie x #7

Susan Renshaw said...

Wow! Beautiful quilts! And enjoyed the process pictures!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #6

Julia Dunnit said...

Wow! You make it sound easy, and of course you don’t mention patience, ironing, lining up….! Wonderful, I
Can’t choose between them really, but the red binding is probably just edging ahead….visually if not emotionally! I dunno. Don’t recognise this week’s song lyric either, first time ever I think!

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
What a big surprise to see your colorful and lovely quilts!!
Wow - stunning! Congrats!
Maybe next Christmas I'll get a "walking foot" too?
Wish you a wonderful weekend.
Eva from Austria

Kelly said...

Good morning, Jan. Love the colors!
Definitely more fun to piece then bind. I have a quilt that I did close to 30 years ago I've never bound. Considering cutting it a part into a flip book. The quilt top is all country music stars - many with autographs - I made for a United Cerebral Palsy fundraiser then they didn't want it when all was said and done. Silly people. I also have a denim and flannel for Bob I should finish someday LOL. Creative Blessings & Hugs ~Kelly #16

Mary Anne said...

Sorry to be so late but my goodness! Those are fabulous quilts and in a flash as well - or maybe it just seems like that to me :) Keep going. I bet with your scraps and bits you could make 10 more LOL!
You make me itch to sew but I am barely keeping my head above water with all the stuff to do lately. One day...
Happy late WOYWW, on the week that got away from me!
Mary Anne (4)


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...