It has been a full week that's for sure - we've had solar panels installed on our house roof and so scaffolding and workers have meant a bit more upheaval. I've still managed to find time to craft though!

One top tip from MerryMabel was to label each row of the blocks with numbers and then you'd never have to remember what went where a gazillion times (been there, got the t-shirt!)

It saved a lot of time when making the rows up.

Labels in action, lol! I got some extra wide cotton in plain colours for the backing:

Purest green! (Little joke there for Blackadder fans!)  I decided I didn't want white for the backing as the quilts are probably going to a local hospice.

Two quilts folded to show you the backs as well as the fronts. I'm waiting for some extra wide bias binding to be delivered to do the borders. 

I also made a couple of peg bags to get ready for selling, they look so good but are the quickest thing to make - very satisfying!!

Love this fabric a lot xx

And I remembered why I prefer crocheting stripey blankets when sewing up squares....sigh

Some knitted squares were donated so I crocheted a few more to make up the numbers, luckily I had a good range of complementary colours in my stash and finished it off with a navy border. I sat at the kitchen table to do this as I had a slight accident with a leaf of the dining table - I was using a heart punch, pressed too hard and broke the planks!! I don't know my own strength *cough*  We need to find someone with good glue and lots of clamps lol!! Oops......

Hope your crafting isn't quite as dramatic as my attempts, enjoy whatever it is you're getting up to! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Helen said...

well you've had a very creative week -- love the blanket and the quilts - so pretty! Hope the sun is soon shining on your solar panels. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Loving how the fabric squares look. The hospice will be so pleased with the quilts.

Bet the peg bags will go fast.

Love your knitted blanket.

Hope you can get your table fixed. Gorilla Glue is great for most things.


Sarah Brennan said...

I managed to pop by but leaving a generic comment as too much typing is still challenging. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

Mary Anne said...

Your quilts look amazing and I am sure they will be much appreciated. Bright colours to lift the spirits. Oh and I am so with you an the sewing together squares! The WORST part of crochet blankets in that style. Ugh. Love the peg bags, very cute. You are a marvel with all your charity work.
Happy on-time WOYWW!
Mary Anne (5)

Twiglet said...

What a totally gorgeous creative post. I love it all! Tha quilting is joyful. And a great way to scrap busy but we always have to buy a bit more to finish the job don't we. Hope your measuring is better than mine😀x x Jo

Lynnecrafts said...

So glad your scaffolders left a little corner where you could hear yourself think, Jan, for our catch- up. Your quilts are looking great and your squares blanket so beautiful and cosy.
I love the Welsh flag peg bags, that fabric really sings.
Fingers crossed you can repair the leaf of your table and that the sun shines down on your new solar panels. People may laugh but we once got quite sunburned underestimating Welsh sun. Brian’s Mum burnt her fingers reading the paper on the beach!
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 8

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Looks like you've been busy and great results. Gorgeous quilts and loving the blanket too, well everything really. Sending woyww hugs, Angela x9x

Lynn Holland said...

Hi Jan
The quilts are amazing and how wonderful that you are donating them to the hospice. You are the best
Lynn x

BJ said...

Wow what an amazing quilt, just popped back to last week to see it's inception. "Purest Green" indeed, still giggling about that, Blackadder is one of my favourites, "Who's Queen?" must get my box set out again! Love the blue blanket and totally understand the sewing up scenario. Hugs BJ#12

Diana Taylor said...

The quilts are so beautiful and cheerful, and so neat and accurate too - I'm sure they will be greatly appreciated. I just don't know how you do it! I tried to make a heart for a Valentines card by sewing strips of fabric together - this was when I discovered that I can't sew in a straight line - the bands were wider at some ends than others and it ended up in the bin. I have the utmost admiration and respect for your sewing skills. I hope the dining table is soon feeling better, it's amazing how much strength it takes to use some punches - just glad you didn't strain anything!
Hope you have a great week and I'll keep my fingers crossed for sunshine for your new panels,
Hugs, Diana xx #14

Crafting Queen said...

Wonderful creations. Sorry to hear about your table. Have a great day. Anesha x

Diana Taylor said...

Hi Jan, thanks for your visit - I would love to say I painted the snowdrop but I'm afraid I cheated and cut it out of an old RHS diary! Mind you cutting around those roots certainly took a fair bit of patience plus a lot of swearing! xx

Neet said...

I can see why you like the Welsh peg bags the most. I bet they sell like hot cakes too as they are also a very true souvenir of a visit to Wales. If I was visiting Wales and needed a peg bag that's the one I would buy, not that I need a bag for the pegs as Chas hangs out the washing for me to help me with my back pain.
Love the quilts you have made. Just think how those will brighten someone's day when they are given one of those. You really are an angel doing all this sewing for charity. Busy hands are happy hands.
Hugs and proud you are a friend, Neet 1 xx

Christine said...

What a marvellous week!
I would imagine that solar panels are paying for themselves at the moment with the cost of energy!
Love your quilts, so bright and cheerful
Hope your scaffolding comes down soon . . . I am sure that sometimes the scaffolders forget to fetch it back!!
Have a good week
Christine #15

Kyla said...

ooh super crafty and loving the fabrics in squares 5 and 6 particularly.
I bet those welsh peg bags go down brilliantly, genius!
Fair play on the solar panels too, really good idea
thanks for visiting my desk already

Julia Dunnit said...

Had to just thank gif that it wasn’t me doing a bit of crafting at your dining table, I’d have been mortified! I know a man with glue and clamps but he reckons it’ll be April before I can prise him out of the cabinetry job he’s working on for some tasteless refurb in Chelsea! Meanwhile, am loving the quilts Jan, so cheerful. Also it’s the simplest most obvious tops that are golden isn’t it…. I wouldn’t have thought of numbering the rows but it is head smackingly ‘why didn’t I think of this’ isn’t it! The peg bags make me smile, saw them On FB and smiled even more!!! Iykwim. Hope the scaffolders and their boom box have left you in peace, shaken at worst!! Xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Oo! Shame about the table. I do all my punching on the floor, I can’t get any push otherwise. Your quilts are beautiful and That Welsh fabric must be a top seller. Have a great week and happy WOYWW. Angela #18

Annie said...

I'm rather late in the day doing my visits...it's been another busy one for me. I've even made two peg bags.
I love all the colours on you blog today....like a little ray of sunshine.
Annie x # 6

Catriona said...

My favourite kind of quilt, Jan. Yours will be loved by whoever gets them.x

Lindart said...

The quilts are beautiful and will be well appreciated I'm sure! I love the peg bag too, I love anything with a dragon on it!
I want to start making a quiet book for Jasper for her birthday in May, so I may be doing a lot of sewing too in the near future! Have a great week, and thanks for your visit! Lindart #19

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Congrats to your colorful and lovely quilts! You did a great job!
I know, how many time it took to make the stripes, to choose the color...
You are always su busy!
So nice peg bags, of course do they sell!
Pretty crocheted blanket.
Hope you will find help with glue for your table.
Best wishes for the rest of Sunday.
Eva from Austria


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...