Today's lyric is from a song by the dear departed Gary Moore which is in my Top Five Favourite Songs.. You'll see why straight away!

I finished off the squares for the Blues string quilt and had a happy five minutes laying them out on the landing.

I didn't have enough bias binding left so made my own border from some navy and white spotty from the stash - the walking foot is earning its keep!

Ta-daaah! Though it looks a bit wonky in this pic, it's actually very regular in shape. I like it, very vintage looking.

On Monday LynneCrafts and I had a video catch-up:

Nice Twiddler Lynne, love the bright colours! I was starting a baby blanket with the variegated yarn in the basket - I didn't get very far tbh, too much chatting! How did you do Lynne? Needless to say 90 minutes whipped past covering everything from Lynne's upcoming book to how much dinner I cooked from the solar panels and battery (I'm a proper solar nerd now *grin*)

That's it today, short and sweet - I have friends staying so am pretty busy, my commenting may be late this week so apologies in advance. 

Enjoy your crafting and have a great week! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Helen said...

the quilt looks amazing! i love the blues. enjoy your time with your guests. I hope the weather is kind to you. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Sarah Brennan said...

Enjoy your friends' visit Jan. Love the latest quilt and it sounds like the call with Lynne was rather like being at a crop lol. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Loving the quilts.

Lovely to catch up with your friend.

Have a fab time with your friends.


Twiglet said...

Those quilts are so lovely Jan. The blue colourway does have vintage feel to it. Yes,we have a busy week this week. We will catch up soon. 😀x x Jo

Annie said...

I'm doing my rounds while the paracetamol kick in this morning. I wish Covid would do one and just leave us alone now.
We are solar nerds too now Jan and I've just been informed that we are now saving about £100/month so that's got to be good eh?
I love your quilts and have every intention on having a go at some point but need more batting.
Hugs[safely from a distance]
Annie x #9

Tracy said...

Whoot whoot Jan 💙⭐️💙 it's looking fabuuuulous along with the other pretty one hanging over the side ... you're a marvel ⭐️ It sounds like you and Lynne had a lovely catch up,happppy days!! Enjoy tooooday ❤️ Love and hugs Tracy #7 xxx

Lynnecrafts said...

Beautiful quilts, Jan. It was lovely to catch up with you. You asked how long each cannula sleeve takes to knit. I finished knitting the one I started with you last night, so 2 days, plus the sewing up. Enjoy your visitors - I hope the weather improves so you can be out and about.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 12 xx

Neet said...

You enjoy your friends and to heck with commenting, friends are so precious. We will all be here next week for a catch up on our blogs.
Love the quilts, you amaze me at how busy your fingers are, always!
So glad you and Lynne had a good old chat via Facetime and I am impressed to read that you didn't just sit there, you both got on with crafting. Now that is a great idea, find a friend who crafts and have little mini workshops online.
Take care and enjoy your visitors and have a lovely week.
Hugs, Neet2 xx

Christine said...

Busy social week . . . video chatting and visiting . . . enjoy.
Those quilts are coming along nicely now . . . and the wool, Oh! I love variegated wool!
Have a good week
Christine #15

Crafting With Jack said...

Lovely Quilts. Sounds like you had a great chat with Lynne. Enjoy your visitors. Happy WOYWW. Angela #7

Julia Dunnit said...

Wow, the blues…wow, lovely jobs Missus Appleton, totally couldn’t choose between them. You must be really pleased with them. You shouldn’t worry about commenting if you’ve got people, I hope there’s some decent weather for you all to get out and enjoy. Love the variegated yarn, soft and pretty colours. Have a good week! X

Eva said...

Dear JAN1
Have a great week too!
The Quilt looks so amazing, really beautiful.
I love the colors. And chatting is necessary with friends.
I've no experience with this kind of talking.
Best wishes, Eva from Austria


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...