Well, here we are with only a couple of days to go before the big day - however you celebrate, I hope that you have a lovely time and wish you all the best for a healthy and happy 2023. 

There has been a little bit of crafting going on!

One afternoon saw me having a sort through my mum's button box for buttons with holes in (as opposed to shanks on the back!) as I wanted to make some Christmas trees for my friends who were coming for a catch up and lunch. I had a lot of fun making these and didn't use up any of my sons' favourite buttons (for when we play Newmarket, the card game!!)

Not perfect but I enjoyed making them! I did make each friend an apron, something useful for them and got this pic back from Helen, who liked her Welsh Dragon version:

Suits you Helen *grin* Perfect for making Welsh cakes and Bara Brith.

My friend Kim also made decorations:

I'd commented on a feisty little robin in our garden so she made me a felty version - isn't he lovely? He's perched happily in our tree and was named Winter George (by Rhys) who is the robin in the Worzel Gummidge tv series.

Another fab thing that happened this week is that the collection box for my sales was collected from the cafe and blow me....

I was stunned at the total, especially as it was only just over five months since the last box was collected. Laura and I did a happy dance together and are looking forward to another year's fundraising in 2023. That's about £4.5k since I started in 2018.

So all that remains to do is wish you all good health and happiness:



Sue said...

Hi Jan, I love the button Christmas tree.

I use to love playing Newmarket at Christmas with mum, dad and my brother.

Lovely idea to give your friends aprons.

Loving the Robin.

Well done on the money raised for the RNLI.

I wish you a very Happy Christmas.


Helen said...

You are a good soul, Jan, well done for all your crafting/fundraising. The amount raised is wonderful. Glad your friends liked their button trees, they look fantastic!

Wishing you and G a very Happy Christmas -hope you eat drink, and be merry, and enjoy some fresh air on your gorgeous beach! Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Now you've given me an idea what to do with the massive collection of buttons I have. Well done with the collection too. I hope your Christmas is full of smiles. Sending woyww hugs, Angela x8x

Julia Dunnit said...

Well I think your button trees are perfect actually, they are a joy. And the love in each button across so many years….lovely. Just visited Lyn who is showing a decoration you made for her, my word we are lucky to have you in our lives. Lovely pic of Helen, she looks splendid in her dragons! Love your gnomes, your drawing skills are wonderful too…I may have to get you to consider digital downloads for those of us that can’t. Have a wonderful Christmas, big love to you four. Xxxx

Annie said...

I love your button trees...I may pinch that idea as I certainly dont have a shortage of buttons ;-)
Huge congrats on the money raised...you really are a gem.
Hoping you have a wonderful Christmas.
Annie x #10

Christine said...

Wot you doin with my button box?? Seems quality street tins were designed with buttons in mind!!
What a great idea for the tree . . . . will try to remember it for next year . . .
have a wonderful Christmas
Christine #12

Lynnecrafts said...

Cute button trees Jan and the apron is lovely. Kim’s robin is pretty too.
Well done you for raising all that money for the RNLI. It’s such a lovely way to do it, with a hobby you love, as it’s the gift that keeps on giving.
Take care and I hope you all have a happy and healthy Christmas

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Congrats on your money raising gift for fundraising. Your button tree is adorable and that's how we stored buttons for most of my life. Helen looks beautiful in that gorgeous apron. Thanks for sharing and I love the cute little Gnomes. Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season Cheers for a Merry Christmas

Anne said...

Lovely makes by all. Well done on the funds raised. Hope you have a very Happy Christmas. X

Diana Taylor said...

Such lovely little button trees - I might consider that as a way of reducing my ever growing button collection - glad you saved the Newmarket buttons! The apron looks fab and actually rather Christmassy in those colours too. I know I commented on FB but the amount you have raised is incredible - and wow, what a grand total - if I was choosing your song line for your post this week I would have gone for 'you're simply the best'!!
I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas,
Hugs, Diana xx #11

Crafting With Jack said...

Love the button trees, congratulations on the fund raising. Wishing you a very happy Christmas x Angela #15

BJ said...

Oh your mum's button box is just like my husbands marble tin!.... off to have a look....Oh no it's not! His is Quality Street but with a floral lid. How the memory plays tricks on you. My buttons are in an old Space toy tin and I really must have a go at the trees, love them. This time last year I was crocheting angels thanks to yourself, this year I WAS an angel - LOL. Totally agree we should get dressed up too! Love the aprons, you make such brilliant gifts and the charity money raised is tantamount to this. Thanks for all your comments this year really appreciated. Lots of Christmas warmth and hugs BJ#9

Neet said...

WOW oh WOW on the amount of money you have raised. That is wonderful. So proud to call you my friend (you are aren't you?).
Love your little button tree and the apron looks fabulous on your friend who models it with the perfect smile. Love happy people in the kitchen. That's where I will be shortly - again!
I guess you are having family around for Christmas, I do wish you a Very Happy Christmas and hope you get some help in the kitchen. Happy Happy Christmas to you all, and
Lots of Love
Neet 2 xx

Twiglet said...

Such a fab festive post Jan. I love the little button tree and the dragon apron is perfect. What a busy time you have had. All the very best to you, G and the boys. Happy Christmas x x x Jo

Lindart said...

Wow! Fabulous number, but we all know well deserved! Lovely little ornaments, and the button tree is so cute, what a great idea! The Welsh Dragon apron is gorgeous! Lucky Lady! have a wonderful Christmas, Lindart #17

Catriona said...

Buttons-my favourite crafting medium and your trees are super. Best Wishes to you and the family for a happy Christmas and. Ew Year. Xx

Mary Anne said...

WOW! That total is impressive - you are a star fundraiser! Love the apron too - she must be happy with it, And the ornaments are very sweet. Just saw your pudding on ... Lynnecrafts (?) blog I think.
Love the gnomes and that gorgeous little robin.
Late WOYWW, sorry - COVID in da' house :(

Happy Healthy Merry Christmas to you!
Mary Anne (5)

My name is Cindy said...

Hello my lovely and thank you for your earlier visit. I'm glad my little drama made you smile - me I was just baffled LOL. Another day of celebrating (truly I will be the size of a house before the big day) but a quiet one today, time to sit in my pjs with a coffee and finally catch up with everyone. Great pinny - I have retrieved my retro Christmas one from the bottom drawer (I try only to use it at Christmas or I'll ruin it). I love the button tree as well, will have to bank that idea but more than anything else the button tin made me smile. That's def a reminder of my mum and grandma and playing for hours with the buttons - something about the noise brings back memories. Mine are all colour coded in jars - look pretty but not quite the same as those old button tins. That first photo also looks so cosy and co-ordinated, are you sure you are not an interior design stylist? Felted Robin is also super cute. py I did get your message about the cards and totally understand but mine were already done so I thought I'd rather get them in the post than look after them for a year. If I didn't enjoy making crimbo cards so much I would probably not send them either!! Better press on, but do want to wish you a Happy Christmas with the family. Should be around next week barring drama and disaster (which do seem to save themselves up for Wednesdays!!) Love and hugs Cindy xx


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...