It's been another fast week! G thoroughly enjoyed his 70th birthday  - thanks Lynnecrafts for the whiskey, it's extremely moreish! G would rather be known as Mid Century Modern (as applied to items from the 50s/60s) rather than entering his eighth decade!!

I've been fighting a cold so have stayed indoors in all this icy weather:

I was having a chat with a mate on the phone so was doing some crochet of the latest scraps blanket at the same time. You can see my little forest of trees on the sideboard:

Ones bought, made and given! The little tree on the bobbin is a Diana Taylor special, it has a tiny little hare on it and I love it! But there is a new addition to the gnome family this year!

He's the chap with the big red nose and was made for us by my sister in law Jill, who's a very accomplished quilter, I think he's wonderful and fits in well with the others (made by Famfa, a desker from long ago, I wonder how she's doing these days?)  Jill kindly sent me the pattern for the gnome so I may have a go myself.

I haven't been down to the Christmas market in town but the gingerbread sessions in the Mens Shed Shed (sounds like a proper tongue twister, lol) have been very successful. One of the yarnbombing group, a lovely lady called Sharon, posted a couple of pics on FB and let me use them here. 

I made enough bunting for inside and out!

And lots of people have commented on the window scenes, so I'm very pleased about that! Hopefully they can be kept and reused for another town project.

So the Christmas atmosphere is definitely here! All I need to do is shift this cold, more whiskey needed for sure! *grin*

Have a great week and see you all on the desk link up with Julia at Stamping Ground


Helen said...

There are colds going round at work, too. i hope to avoid them... Hope you feel better soon. I love your little Christmas tree forest! Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Love your trees, especially the darker wooden one.

I miss my crochet (cannot hold the hook now, with arthritis the in my hands). Glad the shed window scenes can be used again.

Hope you shift the cold soon. I have had mine for 19 days, but just left with an annoying little cough now. Although the symptoms weren't that bad, I did feel very unwell. Not had a cold for many years, so maybe that's why.


Sarah Brennan said...

I do hope you get rid of the cold soon Jan. Glad a good birthday was had by the birthday boy. The gingerbread house and your gnome/tree displaysa look fabulous. Stay safe and Happy WOWYW. Sarah #?

Mary Anne said...

Your blankie is looking warm and inviting, and the little tree collection so cute and festive, but that gingerbread shed is adorable. Well done to all and I bet it is a real draw. Enjoy your tipple, lucky G. is willing to share!
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (3)

Lynn Holland said...

What a lovely Christmassy post Jan. I love the tree made by Diana.
You’ve got a fabulous collection there
Stay warm and cosy and I hope you feel better soon.
Lynn xx (11)

Christine said...

hope your cold is better soon and yes, indoors is good . . . it makes the outside look prettier!!!
Enjoy your week
Christine #12

Twiglet said...

Hi Jan -hope that cold is better. You have had enough of feeling under par! Thankfully all well here. I love your little trees and decs. So like us - each year we get out the box with all our little memories and treasures. I love it! Keep cosy. x x Jo

Crafting With Jack said...

The blanket is very pretty. Are they making or just selling gingerbread in the shed? I have a kettle that is the same or similar, it really needs a good polish (mine that is🤣). I hope you feel better soon x Happy WOYWW. Angela #5

Annie said...

I'm whizzing round a few blogs now I've finished making the latest memory bear...think I could make them in my sleep now ;-)
Sorry to hear about your cold...so many bugs around at the mo. You def need more hot toddies to shift it.
Annie x #7

Lynnecrafts said...

Glad you’re feeling less Greta Garbo, and that Gordon’s improving as well. Your little trees and gnomes look lovely.
I’m not surprised your gingerbread house window scenes are getting such rave reviews - they’re lovely.
Your blanket looks pretty and cosy too.
Love to you all
Lynnecrafts x

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Hot whiskey/honey could help with a cold. Jan I love all your little trees. Is the pure white Paper? Jill's Gnome is a cutie. The Mens Shed Shed resembles a cabin in a City park near a lake where Santa greets children, always busy in good weather. Cheers to well times and lots of laughter.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, I would love to meet you some time too. Hope the cold goes quickly, it should be gone before Christmas hopefully. Loving the Gingerbread house it's so sweet. Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x10x

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh I’m cross that you’re coldy now, you’ve had more than a share this year. Hope it dries up and goes away very quickly. I love the forest, each one has a story and they’re so different but look lovely together don’t they, bet they make you smile every time you see them! I really like the idea of the Gingerbread sessions’, I’m not surprised at the compliments, the windows really do look fab, I hope the market has been a great success. Can’t imagine that the council won’t want to keep the gingerbread house and parts, it will be a great further resource, huh. I’m visiting gin the evening, so hope you’re sitting with a medicinal toddy!

Lindart said...

I love your tree collection! Fab! And the gnome is very cute - do I see a Christmas gnome collection starting? The shed is lovely, how nice to be getting compliments on the windows! Well deserved! Have a great week, Lindart #16

BJ said...

Hope your cold gets better soon, this cold icy weather doesn't help but a great excuse to stay put. Love your tree displays. Hugs BJ#13

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
My hubby and a have/had a cold too. Not to much, but the tissue box was always in use.
Congrats to the Gingerbread house. It's so lovely.
And the gnome family brings me a smile!
Wish you all the best!
Eva from Austria


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...