Short and sweet today as G and I are heading off for lunch, so I might be late in returning visits!

Blimey but it's parky today, I love the name that has been given to the winds from the North, The Troll of Trondheim. We've definitely been making good use of the woodburner!

I spent some time in the JanCave making a few items before it's cleared in order for Son No 1 to make it his office when he's staying with us (and working from home) over the next couple of weeks:

The view from my chair. That fabric is all I've got left . I love looking at the ATCs and cards on the corkboard. I made the decision to not send Christmas cards this year because the strikes mean that postage is going to be very hit and miss.

Bye bye old friend, I'll see you after Christmas!!

I've been crocheting more squares in order to make another blanket for the Food Bank/Community shop in town:

I was sewing up whilst having a coffee and waiting for my mate Kim to arrive for a catch up. The Christmas centrepiece indicates that we put the decorations up at the weekend, it's a bit early for us but we all thought we'd like a bit of festive cheer.

The blanket turned out well, I was pleased with it considering it was using up odds and ends of yarn. I was tempted to keep it for a moment as the colours toned so well but it has gone to be of use to someone who needs it more.  Onto the next blanket which will be a stripey one so I don't have to do all that sewing up!!

Hope you are all keeping well and happy, enjoy your crafting whatever you're doing xx


Helen said...

I think I have decide not to send cards either this year so I've got a good head start for next year now! The blanket looks lovely and I hope someone will enjoy it's warmth and cosiness. Not got the decorations up here yet, there isn't space for a lot, but may get done at the weekend. Have a good lunch out. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Sarah Brennan said...

What a lovely tree Jan. I am not posting cards this year either. The blanket is fabulous - good luck with the next one. Stay warm. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Hope you enjoy your lunch out.

Very cold here, with snow and ice forecast for the next few days.

You'll have fun looking for new fabrics. That blanket is lovely. Really cheerful colours.


Twiglet said...

Your tree and blanket make your room look so cosy. A shame to have to put your old friend away but you will love anticipating getting it out again and it will be so good to have the lad home! x x x Jo

Mary Anne said...

Such lovely fabric-y goodness, as ever. I need to ship my sewing machine off for a service and soon, since the pile of mending is growing. Love your bright and colourful blankie too - looks warm and inviting there by the tree. Have a lovely lunch with G - mine are off to a skating event so Dear son + Cat and I will fill the time with wrapping gifts, playing games, and general house tasks to prep for the big day upcoming. Crafting will be at a premium for me, I fear. Ah well.....
Determined to carve out my desk hop time today!!
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (6)

Annie said...

I'm grabbing a quick break in between sewing jobs to visit all my favoutite blogs and of course you're on my list.
We seem to be getting Christmas through the posts on the days they are delivering so it really hasn't effected us much....and I have posted all I made now. I love your tree...ours is going up today but we will wait for our little elves to come at the weekend to decorate it :-)
Annie x #7

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Enjoy your lunch out, you'll have to read my comment to Julia on our experience Friday....just close no warning...our world has changed so much. Beautiful colors in your blanket and such a pretty tree. Have a fun weekend.

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Jan, hope you both enjoy your lunch out. You’ve done well clearing out the Jan cave and your blanket is lovely.
Happy birthday to G.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 15

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I've already sent my cards out this year as there are lots of people that I don't get chance to see and I don't want them to think I've forgotten them or don't care about them anymore. If the cards make them smile I've done good. The cards will get there either on time or late but it doesn't matter. I just think that people need this more than ever at the moment so that's why I've sent them out. It's been cold here today and there was frost on the grass but then the sun came out. The coloured blanket is lovely and someone will be very happy to receive it. Hope you have a lovely woyww. Hugs, Angela x11x

Crafting With Jack said...

Your blanket looks colourful and cosy. You will have to make one for yourself (quickly) as the weather is getting colder! I am guessing crafty goings on are still possible even though your son is using your room or are you going to have a break?. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Julia Dunnit said...

OOh lunch out, sounds like a very good plan! I expect you’ll have a small withdrawal from the machine once it’s away, but there are plenty of other things to keep you happy, having them all safely gathered in is very exciting, am very happy for you. I am in a frenzy of wrapping, the decorating will be next. Like you, I feel the need for cheer, and I must say, the town seems to be joining in, some of the houses look wonderful, earlier than usual, I’m sure. Love the squares blanket, you did a great job of the sewing and the corner matching, you’re right, it will make a perfect warm for someone who needs it. Big hearted you again. Xx

Robyn said...

lots of inspiration here. I can make the square, and I am never happy with how I put them together- thats what friends are for! Enjoy your Son time. and the wind if you can- maybe it keeps virus at bay
Robyn 10

Lindart said...

Hi Jan! Hubby loves sharing his Scotch, so you are welcome to come if you ever come to Canada! That would be fun, wouldn't it! The sacrifices we make for our children, but glad he's home, that's what's important! Your blanket is looking awesome, I love patchwork type things! Have a great week, Lindart #16

Neet said...

Having read from a company selling things that the RM have said they are only dealing with items with a special notice on them, or something, I think you have made the right decision re cards and I am following suit. A good start on next years now.
How lovely to pack your room up a bit to make way for the lovely Owen (?) to come home to stay. Should think time spent with your son is better than sewing any day.
Love the knitted blanket and knowing you I bet the striped one is well on its way and maybe two will be done by new year. I can almost hear those needles clicking now.
Sorry I was so glum yesterday, the second email did it but I wrote back and have had an apology now, Have not replied. She can sweat! Today is a new day, am thankful to The Lord I am here and now going to get the tree decorated and enjoy the day with my lovely fella.
Hugs, Neet xx

Christine said...

Still frost deep here, don't think my spider plant will survive . . .
Sewing machine or son . . . you chose right!! lol

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Sorry to read about the strike.
I sent my card out to you. Hope the best. What a nice Christmas tree in the backgrount. And the blanket is so lovely.
Wish you all the best.
Eva from Austria

BJ said...

All the will in the world to visit on Wednesday and bombed out yet again, so sorry....better late than never though - I say.

Love the blanket, I'd have been tempted to keep it too. Was just thinking, after making my angel costume, that a room with the sewing machine out all the time would be so much easier than hauling it out of the wardrobe when I need to sew along with putting the ironing board up too. I sent some cards as hubby wanted us to, think they are still in the box at the end of the road though. Needed to use up the non-coded stamps anyway.

Won't actually see our son on his birthday as it's on 21st but we'll see him and meet his girlfriend after Christmas when we go visit for the day. I've got over him going now, back to normal life....

Carmen said...

Sorry I'm late - I started off so well! Thank you for the lovely welcome back too. We aren't actually in Saltburn we are in Middlesbrough so only about 15 mins away from all those lovely beaches - can't get over how much is near us, some in walking distance. Loving it up here.

I think I agree about the cards - I was only going to send some to my old neighbours and our parents but you have to wonder if they will get there. We are using other couriers for the parcels too. Love that blanket, looks so cheery and warm - just like your cave does too.

Carmen x #17

Kyla said...

ooh nice blanket and fair play for jancave being turned into sons office for a couple of weeks. Yes, reading many have decided to not send cards this year, must admit I still did-probably wont arrive until valentines day, but hey ho could get posties tongues wagging if people receive a lot of cards around then! ;-)


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...