Well, it’s the last few days of 2022 which has been an odd year to say the least. There have been so many highlights which I shall choose to remember, the down times will be consigned to the bin! Thank you for the friendship, support and amazing crafty inspiration, I genuinely enjoy every Wednesday seeing what all my desky compadres are up to!

Not much crafting has happened….I started one Christmas prezzy though:

And I finished off the crochet blanket whilst sitting in front of the fire! 

So it just remains to wish you all a happy, healthy and fun filled 2023 - may good things come your way xxxxxxx


Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Wish you all the best for 2023!!
Stay well and safe and enjoy life. And I'm curious for your comming blog posts. Your blanket is lovely. And on the photo with the Christmas tree and the fire - I feel so much peace.
Thank you.
Eva from Austria

Neet said...

Got bored waiting so came in search of a friend and sure enough, she had posted. Love the blanket you finished and the jigsaw leaves me in awe. It looks massive. Good luck with that, look forward to seeing it done.
Happy New Year to you and yours,
Hugs, Neet xx

Helen said...

I do miss having space to do a jigsaw... your room looks so cosy with the fire and the tree. Happy New Year, may 2023 be filled with joy and health and happiness for you all. Helen xx #?

Twiglet said...

We haven't done a jig saw this year but have a lovely peacock one which Ben might like to help us with. Well done on finishing that gorgeous blanket. All the best for a happy and healthy 2023. x x x Jo

Annie said...

We've had a jigsaw on the go but not felt like doing it....but the Grandchildren all like to do a bit when they visit :-) Happy New Year to you.
Annie x

Catriona said...

Knew you would have a jigsaw on the go, Jan, but looks like you are making better progress with yours! Best wishes for 2023 to you and your family.x

BJ said...

Ah the jigsaw, I have yet to open mine, love the blanket. Happy New Year BJ#1

Sarah Brennan said...

Such a great desk share today. Happy New Year and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

Christine said...

One of my bloggy friends sent me a online jigsaw . . . I actually did it and then went and found a few more!!!
It wasn't as complicated as yours but I'm sure just as enjoyable. Blanket's looking great.
Wishing you good health and happiness in 2023
Christine #3

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Your house is so tastefully decorated, Jan! Lovely words about the past year - you're right, let's keep the good memories and forget about the rest - but only after having learned the lessons. I've just listened to a podcast that said life is always trying to teach us something, and until we have learned our lesson, it will keep repeating them. I think that's true and I have learned a lot this past year. Wishing you a very happy 2023! xx zsuzsa #7

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Jan, so many thanks for being my desking inspiration in the first place as well as being my sister the last forty years. Your crochet blanket looks so cosy.
Wishing you, Gordon, Rhys and Owen the happiest and healthiest new year.
Love Lynnecrafts 14

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Hope 2023 brings all you wish for.

Happy WOYWW.


PS...Loving the picture above your fireplace.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, I've just opened a jigsaw that I bought during lockdown. It's ages since I worked on one so I'm taking it easy a bit at a time. I am trying to do the outside edge first and I can see that's the way you've started yours though it's not easy as it's a circle and the same colour all the way round so we'll see. Sorry I'm late today as it's been a difficult two days with losing Stan and though I know it was time for him to leave us it is a very sad time. Take care and wishing you a very Happy and Crestive New Year. Hugs, Angela xXx

Anne said...

Hi Jan.Love the blanket colours. I started a jig saw, had it ages from Julia. Need to get it done as need to pass it forward.
Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2023. Anne x 17

Julia Dunnit said...

That’s a lovely bouquet on the sideboard, and your trees look gorgeous. And a fab puzzle as always, love the way you have so meticulously laid out all the pieces. A lovely post Jan, I hope you know that it’s your friendship and support that does so much for all of the WOYWWERS. A v happy new year, I wish you masses of good health as a starter for ten! Xxx


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...