WOYWW - THE BIG 7.0.0.


Hello to all you lovely Deskers on this momentous occasion, it doesn't seem any time at all since it was 600! Congrats to Julia on keeping this all going, through the joys and triumphs, ups and downs, it's still an amazing achievement. And the friends made have been wonderful thanks to WOYWW xx

For me personally, that's 165 followers, 585 posts, 21606 comments and 401749 views - that's a lot of numbers! I hope that it continues because I for one never get tired of seeing what everyone is up to, desky snooping is a simple pleasure, lol.
You may not have seen Phil Rock’s post on FB, it’s a link to a page for Debbie where, if you want to, you can donate something in her memory, in aid of the RSPB, it’s here

I still haven't got my oomph back yet but have been doing a bit more in the JanCave.

Having come across a YouTube tutorial for a scraps quilt, I got all my bits and pieces together and made a start on sorting them out. 

There's some old favourites there! I also made a few bits for the cafe from an Ebay fabric purchase:

Fun huh? I've also continued to knit and crochet:

Using what was in my stash in tones that go together - nothing complicated, my brain won't cope with that!

Hope you have a marvellous week, enjoy today's celebrations xxxxxxxxx


Helen said...

Here's another comment for your count... happy WOYWW 700. Happy days indeed. Glad you're feeling a bit better and able to do a bit more. Take care. Helen #3

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Glad you have felt up to doing some sorting of your fabrics for a quilt.

Love the blue tones of your crochet.

Happy 700th WOYWW

Sarah Brennan said...

That scraps quilt looks like a great idea Jan. Loving all the blues on display today too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

BJ said...

Oh a scrap quilt will be wonderful all those pieces of memory tied into one entity. Exactly what quilts are for methinks. Sorry you haven't bounced back fully as yet, this COVID is a right pickle. Loving the blues in the crochet basket, my son's favourite colour. Hugs BJ #5

Twiglet said...

Gorgeous makes Jan. I do hope you get your bounce back soon. It took me a good six weeks before I got mine back so, go with the flow and enjoy gentle crafting! xx Jo

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I love anything where you can use up the scraps as I find it difficult to throw things away. Pleased you're feeling more like spme crafting today. Wishing you a happy 700th and a very creative woyww, Angela x8x

Mary Anne said...

Lovely to see the stats. Not sure how to gather them except post by post on Wordpress so yeah, never going to happen LOL! Your cave is looking delish and funnily enough, just at the point DS + cat have taken over my sewing room and I have a burning desire to stitch! Sooooo typical. Loving all the blues.

Thanks too for the link to Debbie's page. Still endlessly sad about that loss, so near the anniversary of WOYWW too. But we soldier on.
Happy 700th WOYWW
Mary Anne (4)

Eva said...

Dear Jan!

Happy 700th WOYWW!!
Congrats to the followers, posts, comments (here's a new one...:-) ) and the views.
I'm curious about the scraps quilt.
Nice fabric from Ebay purchase.
Wish you all the best!
Eva from Austria

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh I love your 700 WOYWW flower display. Is it made of fabric? Amazes me how these are created all along your side bar they are so unique. I would like to pin them but Pinterest isn't available to me?? No clue what's happened. Lots of pretty fabric and colors for your crochet/knitting projects. I usually on crochet in winter..?? why??

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

??something happened with my first post, but ending I wish you a great week and It's been a fun 700 weeks !

Lynnecrafts said...

So glad you’re feeling a bit better Jan. Oho, bitten by the quilting bug? No telling where that will end, but it’s lovely to use up your offcuts.
Your blue toned blanket is looking lovely.
Take care and happy 700th!
Hugs Lynnecrafts x

Neet said...

Sorry to hear you are still suffering with that horrible Covid. It certainly got hold of you didn't it. Nothing but rest will help but then you are such a busy lady.
I think you are like me and have to have something to do all the time. Not that I am as productive as you, by no means. Look at all the lovely things you have been doing even though you are way under par.
Just take a moment for yourself, get a bit of that lovely sea air inside you when you feel up to it and early nights my girl. Early nights.
Gentle Hugs, Neet 16 xx

Christine said...

Great scraps there. Thought of you on Sunday as I was visiting the Japan crafts shop (japancrafts.co.uk) in town. They were launching a new Sashiko book and the materials .... didn't dare to look. . .
Love the crocheting, I shall be back to it soon.
Have a good week
Christine #19

Catriona said...

Sorry to near you are still poorly, Jan. It seems to need quite a time to get back to being fighting fit after the virus. I have made lots of purses, spec cases and bags for the christmas fair but still need to sew more! Catriona

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Jan, have you heard of a crumb quilt? Made from very small scraps. Sorry to hear you are still not 100 %. I do hope you will be soon. Hugs, Angela #13

Lindart said...

Hi Jan! Great fabrics, just remember not to overdo things, rest even when you don't feel you need to (advice from my doctor after Covid!). A scraps quilt sounds like fun! Have a great week, Lindart #22 PS: So sorry to hear about Ron the cat. May he enjoy his ride on the rainbow bridge and leave you with many happy memories.

Tracy said...

Here's to you feeling much better soon 🙏 sending you the hugest of hugs your way as I type,been thinking of you since your post last week with such sad news for your furbaby 🐈
Despite not feeling up to scratch your table and hands never stop Jan ... beauty in all you create .. Wishing I could knit and crochet!
Thank you so much for your kind words over on mine earlier 🙏 Sending you love and hugs Tracy #15 xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

Ha! Loving your stats, bet they made you smile! 700 is ridiculous isn’t it, I like that we’re all in a routine and a bit devoted to one another’s desks…or is it just the craving of routine for a bunch of certain ages? As usual, I can’t decide! I love the idea of the scraps quilt, but even more I love that you matched the pattern up on the front of the purse. That sort of attention to detail makes my eyes very happy.I hope you’re feeling a little less washed out as the days go by, am shocked at the degree to which this damn covid has knocked you. Do nothing and then rest. Xxxx

glitterandglue said...

Hi there.
Only 2 days late in visiting!! Everyone seems to think I am a bit mad doing all this visiting - but it is honestly only the second time this year that I have done so much!! Have hardly seen my family and friends all year.
You really haven't been very well at all, have you! I do trust your oomph will soon return... although, for someone who hasn't got any, you are still making a pretty large contribution to life!! Those colours on that blanket are gorgeous - well found. Stash is SO useful sometimes, isn't it...
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #7

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, a quick comment while I'm online, and another to add to your comment stats. I'm all for a bit of desk snooping too and your's looks busy despite you being unwell. Hope you continue to improve this week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #23

My name is Cindy said...

Happy 700!! Hope you are soon feeling yourself - it's a bit of a slow process though isn't it? Good luck with the scrappy quilting, I'm sure you will ace it. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #14

Marit said...

Happy 700th woyww! I am late with my visit but I managed to squeeze some time to look at desks this morning, and I like what I see! That fabric with the peacock-feathers... really beautiful! Your posts-titles always got me singing (well, almost always, I sometimes cannot place the text to a lyric but only once in a while, most times I do recognize and remember the song!) Have a great day/weekend dear. Love from the Netherlands. Marit #2

craftyani said...

Love the colours in your crocheting, it's great when we can USE so much of our scraps up. the trouble is I have kept mine but now they are finding their way to member of my sewing/knitting group as I will never use them.
Took me a while to get over covid and I am still left with a cough. Ani

Belinda Basson said...

I am a lapsed desker... I still have the bunting you made me and sent to South Africa. I have been living in Berlin for 3.5 years now and naively thought I would have so much time on my hands and would come back to desking... but sadly life got in the way. I happened to wonder today how the WOYWW crew were doing and am so thrilled to see you are all still here. Congrats on 700 !!!


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...