I enjoyed last week's desk hunt very much and it was especially lovely that a few long lost gals took the time to catch up with me! I've been gradually doing more this week especially in the JanCave:

I've had a fabric splurge as I was getting very low - no really! The Scotty dogs are always a popular choice.

These are the others I bought, thought the sunglasses one was fun! I went through a pile of fabric odds and sods that was passed onto me recently and cut out what I could from the bits I liked:

Fun huh? I would never have picked the unicorns for example, but someone might like them down in the cafe. I have to do a big restock when Laura comes back from holiday so have been making a pile of these.

But when I run out of steam there's still the crocheting to do - the scraps blanket is big enough now, just the border to edge it and then it'll be for used for snuggling on our sofa:

I could have made the stripes narrower or mixed it up a bit more but couldn't be bothered sewing in all the ends *grin*

And that's it for this week, hope you're enjoying your crafting and keeping well. See you soon xx


Sue said...

Hi Jan, Glad you have felt up to doing more.

Loving the fabrics and your crochet blanket. Have a look at this YouTube video for a Russian Join. https://youtu.be/7m-kT5nOG1s


Helen said...

Great new fabrics, always good to mix it up! loving the blanket, it looks very cosy for snuggling under. Happy WOYWW, have a great week Helen #?

Sarah Brennan said...

I love the blanket Jan - the colour palette is fabulous. Great glasses cases too - the sunglasses fabric is perfect for them. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

Neet said...

You don't say how you are? Hope that this covid has started to leave you if not left as yet.
Love the fabrics, love the glasses cases, especially the bottom three. How lovely the koshi dolls one is.
Oh Jan, you do have busy fingers but I hope you get some rest inbetween all this good work you do.
Take care, Hugs, Neet 3 xx

Mary Anne said...

You make me envious. The Son+Cat have totally taken over that room and I can barely get in there to snatch the odd ball of tarn at the moment. Love that blanket and all the blues - very warm yet wintery, such a contradiction. Unicorns are not my thing either but I have a fully grown adult friend who loved them. Go figure.
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (4)

Susan Renshaw said...

Fabulous fabrics! Love the crocheted blanket too.
With very best wishes for a Happy WOYWW!
I am determined to call and comment on all of you this week!
Susan #13
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I always love to see the fabrics you have on show, it makes me want to go and and buy more but guess I should use up what I've already got first! Loving the blanket too, gorgeous. Take care and have a lovely creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x14x

Twiglet said...

Glad you have been up to a bit more crafting - I hope the jab is Ok - I think Annie suffered a bit after hers so take care. Your specs cases are fab - I love the fabric combos - they will sell fast I am sure. The bold stripes of crochet look fine to me and definitely save that stitchy nonsense at the end! xx Jo

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oooer Lunch Lady Jan I do love that Scotty fabric please, yes right up my alley. No idea why I just love Scotty dogs. Yes lovely little pile. Just looked down through all your posts and agreed re th3 Queens passing I watched it all the way too. And re passing if Debbie Rocks too, sad in blogland when it happens, but some lovely snapshots of you and G out and about too, nice to be back after long absence. Anazung 701 too, isn’t it?
Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Crafting With Jack said...

Your blanket looks lovely to me as it is. Have you ever dared to work out how much your fabric costs you over the year? If my husband ever works out what my crafting costs me he’d have a fit! My Lavinia spend was well over my normal amount for one go. I prefer a little bit here, a little bit there🤣. It’s less noticeable. Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

Christine said...

Glad you're feeling better, I have managed to find somewhere to do my jab at last. I missed my Spring booster cos there was nowhere near enough to where I live in Birmingham!! I was so angry cos the GPs sent a link but it was always no availability so I phoned the surgery to vent but an appointment had 'just come online' . . . . I took it!!
Love your new material, I know how you feel as I restocked my Japanese papers and have to keep looking at them and stroking . . . . I will put them away but . . .
Your blanket looks great and its customised . . . one of a kind! I couldn't exist without my blanket and on the colder evenings I use the boys blankets to snuggle under as well!!!
Have a good week
Christine #16

Julia Dunnit said...

I like all the fabrics, wouldn’t rush to the unicorns, but am in no doubt that someone will! Love the colours of the snuggly blanket,its just as though you live by the sea! I’m so sorry that you’re still finding yourself running out of steam, you must be very fed up with it now, but plod on, the more rests in between things, the shorter their need will become. I wish you nothing but energy girlfriend. Xx

Annie said...

I'm chasing my tail as always. Another busy day and it's not stopped yet lol. I just needed a break so thought I'd catch up with a few blogs.
Gorgeous fun fabrics Jan and the blanket looks fab....think we all need to snuggle under one of those now.
Annie x #8

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Jan, hope you’re all feeling better? I love the fabrics- you could play ZZ Top while sewing them 😀. Your crochet blanket is looking great.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 7

craftyani said...

Glad you have more get up and go in you. Your fabrics are as usual gorgeous, especially the unicorn one! Love the blanket haven't finished mine yet I sew the ends in as I go after making a striped one years ago and having to sew all the ends in before I could do the border, just when I thought I had finished it!! Ani #18

BJ said...

What a super mix of fabric scraps put to great use, love the stripes on the blanket just as it is. BJ#15

Lindart said...

I love the glasses cases - especially the cats one! All are lovely, and you are doing well with your blanket too! Have a great week, Lindart #17

Crafting With Jack said...

I think it is wonderful that £40 translates to that huge amount for the charity. I guess you have a pretty good idea on which fabrics sell the best by now. I offered to make cards for the Salvation Army charity, but was told they would be out in the box with other cards and sold for 20p! I would rather make them a donation! I made my first Christmas cards yesterday while still playing Michael Buble Christmas music in the background 🤗🤗

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Really! Fun! Love your glasses cases!
Great work- so nice!
Eva from Austria


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...