What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  It's been another busy one with the delivery of my new piano (OMG the organ sound is fantastic, I'm shaking the spiders out of the rafters!), gardening, walking and catching up with friends. How lucky am I?

Here's the JanCave desk:

I'm cutting out the dog fabric that arrived last week but the main reason for taking this shot was to show you my RNLI certificate is now up on the wall, yay!

I enjoyed sewing this lovely bee fabric with a fresh green contrast, makes me happy....

I did the navy version with two different contrast as I was using up stash, very pleasing.

I used some last bits of the Luna fabric to make two little bags for gaming dice, the navy ribboned version is for my son Owen and the white ribbon is for the owner of a board game cafe he attends every week - the beads are from stash too.

And the reason for the daft lyric this week?

A tray full of sheepy nonsense - my friend knitted the bodies but ran out of time so I'm sewing them up and adding details. I didn't like the embroidered eyes (thought they looked creepy!) so am going for the bonkers look instead. Again, all made from stash so no expenses incurred this week lol. These will be stuffed with a creme egg and be ready for sale at my first craft fair next Sunday. Don't worry, I won't fleece the public or pull wool over their eyes, they'd be baaarking mad not to buy anything *grin*

Have a great week everyone! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Lunch lady Jan, yes I like your choice of eyes for your sheep, we’re entering autumn here as go into spring… I’m doing a catch up blog post today! Gods blessing on your week,
Shaz in Oz.x

Helen said...

your posts always make me smile...I just thought the lyrics were meant to invoke Spring (always think of sun when I think of the Beach Boys) Glad the piano has arrived and you are enjoying it. Good luck with the craft fair. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

BJ said...

Oh your title got me singing (quietly in a whisper) and now giggling to myself.... The piano sounds wonderful and the certificate has pride of place too. Oh love the fresh green too and your little bundles all tied up with ribbon. The gaming dice bags are perfect and now I come to the reason for the singing, a plate full of sheep - brilliant. You've certainly out a smile on my face today. Hugs bj#2

Twiglet said...

Beautiful makes with that lovely fabric. I love the sheep and I always put googly eyes on mine. They just look right somehow. Hope they sell well. Ours have gone off to the charity too. Loved the puns🤣x x Jo 🌈

Lynnecrafts said...

Glad you’re enjoying your new piano. B asked if it’s digital, does that mean it can’t go out of tune? I love the idea of the organ sound. Can it play rock n roll? ‘ ‘I’ve a terrible pain in all the diodes down my left side’….
Your baa lambs are great, and much better with the loopy eyes ; a shame they don’t make mint sauce flavoured crème eggs. …
You could always fill a jar with something, eg beans, label it ‘mint sauce’ and have a competition to guess how many beans there are in the jar , ticket price 20p and they win a lamb crème egg. I’m sure they’ll sell well, as will your lovely, fresh bags etc; you’ve a good eye for colour.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 7 xx
Ps when can we see a photo of you playing your new piano?

Crafting Queen said...

Wow,you have been so busy. Love the little bags. Have a great day. Anesha x

Mary Anne said...

Creepy indeed. Almost like in cartoons when they add the little X to show the thing is dead. Yikes. Loving the cheery colour combos tho' and the dice bags are really pretty. Lovely to see your award on the wall - well done to you once more.
Happy no-knitting WOYWW day!
Mary Anne (5)


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...