It's been a bit of a week! In a nice way, I hasten to add. So there has been a bit of crafting done but not very much, feel free to bail out now if you want to see more inspiration on others' desks, lol!
I did sort out my crochet squares:
All ready to make a throw or blanket. My RNLI friend Denise and her 90 year old mum Betty helped with some Easter knitting for the upcoming craft fair:
And presented me with this box of creme egg filled knitty goodness, aren't they fun?! They'll go well in Laugharne, I'm sure.
I might have succumbed to some fabric.....
Pretty, aren't they?
And that's it craftwise - after I linked up last Wednesday, I headed for my regular shift in the RNLI shop. Little did I know that people had been conniving and planning! After we'd cashed up the till, I was hoodwinked into going up to the offices above the boathouse. I was gobsmacked to see that many of the shop volunteers had gathered to see me being presented with a Special Commendation for my fundraising...I was a bit stunned!
With Trev, the station chairman.
Gordon and Rhys were there too (they'd been part of the secret as well!), it really was very special, I was very touched.
I got this engraved glass trophy as well.
This is a panoramic pic taken from the look out room at the front of the station, you can see for miles. The crew has already been out three times this year and there's the reason why I do what I do xx
But it wasn't just me who got honoured:
Laura (holding the shield) and Richard (on right) who are the owners of the Harbour Lights Cafe where my stuff is for sale, also got an award for being supporters of the RNLI. The girls who run the Collection Boxes were also there, it was a lovely morning. Many well deserved congratulations all round!
Still with me? I'm off down another path now! I've played the piano since I was small and taught many others to play on my upright, but it was coming to the end of its days and would have cost too much to repair. G suggested we look at electronic pianos and found a place in Swansea, a drab red brick building which I have driven past countless times without noticing. Inside was a bit of a surprise:
Wall to wall grand pianos, Steinways, Bechsteins etc etc. I was amazed! We found a perfect one for us (Yamaha Clavinova) but I could have been tempted by this:
A see through baby grand built for Michael Jackson and played by many famous folk and appeared on tv many times! But I don't have room for it in the house so it had to stay there. Never judge a book by its cover eh?
So that's been my week, definitely a change from the normal routine but it's been a lot of fun!
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