Another week has whizzed past and it's been full of crafting, selling, playing keyboards and enjoying the beautiful weather, how lucky am I?
The desk looks like this today:
I'm sorting out the leftover strips and scraps into colour families having seen a rainbow quilt tutorial on YouTube:
They're organised into groups of similar tones (to my eye anyway!) and I'll sew them onto 6 inch strips of white cotton and then decide what to do! I've got two strip quilts already made so will try something else.
I had to make a quick card and thought I'd use those stencils I bought recently, not with watercolours but a ready made background:
The flowers are metallic which stands out against the grey background, it was a pleasant twenty minutes of playing!
Some of you will have seen on FB that the craft fair went well on Sunday though it was quieter than anticipated:
After a couple of extra donations, the total stands at £162 so I'm happy with that! The creme egg creatures went well, the chickens and Peter Rabbit were especially popular:
The ladies doing the refreshments must all have been chicken keepers because they cleaned me out - I think that putting the egg inside makes them look all plump and happy! Some sheep and chicks went too.
So I've been making more chickens since then for the next fair on 29th March:
Having a gossip...... *grin* I ought to make a couple more Peter Rabbits as well but they're a faff to make and I don't know if I've got enough time, we'll see,
There you go, another post of random nonsense from South West Wales - it'll be my 700th post in four weeks, how did that happen?! Hope you have a great week xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Jan, happy WOYWW . Glad you did ok at the fair, shame it wasn't as busy as you hoped. The card you made looks fab! Helen #3
I was rather surprised to see you charging £2 for the eggy covers - with an egg! I imagined more like a fiver certainly for the Peter Rabbits. Guess you called them loss leaders!
Congrats on the money you made. Also on the cards, they look lovely.
Looking forward to seeing the rainbow quilt.
Keep enjoying the sunshine
Hugs, Neet 2 xx
Well done on the sales Jan. It's so tricky knowing what will sell but you know that the remainder will sell eventually. I love your little stencilled card- well worth having a go and a set of those will come in useful I'm sure. You have had a busy but satisfying week! x x Jo 🌈
I am loving the chickens too, a clear winner. Also in love with your piles of fabric-y goodness. So so yummy. Well don on the craft fair haul - must consult a map. Surely from Dorset it can't be a million miles away to one of your fairs? :D Working on the crop plans, still not nailed it down. Sons with ADD...always tricky...
Happy knitting day WOYWW!
Mary Anne (4)
Looking forward to seeing the rainbow quilt! Your little chicks and lambs were very reasonably priced-I’m not surprised they were popular.
Hi Jan, it's lovely and sunny here today. It's also very peaceful too as the dogs have gone for their haircut. I am not at all surprised that you did so well at the craft fair, you make such gorgeous things. Thank you for your kind words over at mine too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww. Hugs Angela x8x
Dear Jan!
What a cold but sunny day today in Austria.
I'm curious about the rainbow quilt. Nice "quick" card.
And the first craft fair of this year was not to bad.
Congrats! You always did a good job. And I say Hi to Mister Peter Rabbit. Love him. Wish you all the best.
Eva from Austria.
I love your cards and sit looking at one every day I sew :-) I'm glad the sale went well even though the turn out was less than hoped. Than's for the messages earlier...it's so lovely to have friends/little sisters like you in my world at the mo. Love you lots.
Annie x #12
Hi Jan, that’s odd, I thought I commented first thing. Sorry about that. Your stall looked magnificent and I’m glad you had good takings. I’m with Neet, I’d charge more for your eggs and covers.
It was good to catch up yesterday. I’m now keen to hear your piano / organ / synthesiser. You could dress up as Rick Wakeman with a glorious cape for your photo!
Your cards are pretty too.
Lynnecrafts 5 xx
You're right, with an egg in them, they look like very contented chickens! My first thought was that Peter Rabbits look great but work heavy! You're racking up the sales, certainly you have your finger on the pulse of what will sell, brilliant! Look forward to the new style quilt!
Definitely worth making more chickens Jan. They are fabulous. Sorry but I have unfortunately had to cancel the crop as the numbers would have made things too expensive. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah
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