Another seven days has shot past, filled with catching up with friends, getting flu and Covid jabs, a bit of gardening at the weekend and some crafting of course!

There's a pile of loveliness on the desk - 2 metres worth of a butterflies print polycotton made into 4 foldable tote bags, 4 purses and 4 glasses cases.

Butterflies aren't really my thing but I think this fabric is really pretty and all for £3.99 a metre!

I've done the same thing with the other new fabrics as well - I'm getting ahead because the JanCave will be taken over by my older son working from home for most of December.

And that's it, craftwise, but I thought I'd share some photos taken by a friend of G's from the Photography Society. Graham takes amazing pictures of old abandoned buildings over the world but particularly in Wales. He came across an old deserted woollen mill - I can't tell you where because the location is secret. Graham kindly gave me permission to share his work today:

It's like the weavers just left one day and never went back! Yarns, machinery, everything is still like it was all those years ago.

I wonder why it was abandoned like this? The mill is completely surrounded by woods, hidden away - it's like something out of a Frances Hodgson Burnett novel.

Faded glory and extremely poignant too - there used to be hundreds of woollen mills in Wales and there's possibly only a handful left. We have to support our local businesses!

Many thanks to Graham for letting me use his photos, I'm sure you'll agree they're amazing.

Have a great week everyone, enjoy your crafting whatever it is! xxxx


Helen said...

I love all your latest work for the RNLI and glad you're feeling better so you can do it! Graham's photos are indeed amazing, how sad that the mill was abandoned like that, not even cleared out... but very poignant photos. Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Sarah Brennan said...

WHat stunning photos of the abandoned woollen mill Jan. Love the latest sewing too especially the dogs. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Fab makes.

That forgotten mill is so sad, yet still showing beautiful colours.

Have a lovely time with your son there.


craftyani said...

Wow that woollen mill what a find. your things for the RLBI (that's not correct) are great as per usual. I have been told I have to wait 2 months from covid before I have my booster, so will be going this week. Ani

My name is Cindy said...

Morning Jan!! Those photos are amazing - and so intriguing!! Do you think you'll ever find out what happened? I love that butterfly fabric, but then you always seem to find such lovely fresh designs. Have a great week, love n hugs, Cindyxx #6

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

The woolen mill makes me feel quite sad as my mother used to work for a compony that made knitwear for Marks and Spencers then they started buying from abroad and the factory just closed and now it's completely gone. Loving the fabrics you have today especially the spots and flowers, lovely. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x9x

Neet said...

Amazing indeed. those photos are very atmospheric, I could feel myself in that old mill exploring what was left of the bobbins and things. the loom, the neglected shelving, the dust and grime of the years and the ivy growing on the wall. Fabulous! Very nice photos indeed.
How strange you are not into butterflies, most women I know are but my other half does not like them at all. When I saw a moth with its furry body it put me off a bit I must admit.
Have a great week, Hugs, Neet 4 xx

Christine said...

My bag is still being used and when I see blue and white spotted material . . . that's a big smile on my face!!
What fantastic photos!
Congrats to the man.
They are very poignant and yet amazing to think that the wools have still retained their colours.
Thanks for sharing them.
have a good week
Christine #17

Lynnecrafts said...

Glad you’re feeling better- those bags, purses and glasses cases will sell well for the RNLI. Graham’s photos are amazing. How weird that it just closed down and was abandoned like that - all that wool! So sad that all these workshops have closed.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 15 xx

Annie said...

I'm chasing my tail again this week...and my workload just increased considerably...so I'm taking a well earned break.
What fab fabrics and well done with all your makes. Love the photos too.
Annie x #8

Crafting With Jack said...

What a find that wooden mill was, incredible! Love that pretty fabric, it’s a long time since I saw fabric at that price, a bargain. Happy WOYWW . Angela #10

BJ said...

Love the butterfly fabric but then I love the teal flower one too. Loads of stitching has been done I see. Oh my the woollen mill is amazing. We did some geocaching a while back and came across an old mental hospital and chapel, couldn't go in but googled afterwards - lots of urban explorers had got in. It's all but given over to a housing estate now save the water tower and chapel, the latter was still boarded up the last time we were there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cane_Hill_Hospital
Thanks for the memories. BJ#16

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, lovely makes from the JanCave. Butterflies are my thing and that fabric is very pretty, I'm sure anything made from it will be snapped up. Such a shame to see the woollen mill so neglected. You would have thought someone would have taken the time to redistribute the yarn cones - I'm sure a charity would have welcomed them. But to just desert the building seems criminal to my mind. My grandson also likes to search out deserted buildings and photograph them. Seems it's a thing amongst keen photographers. Have a lovely week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #18

Mary Anne said...

Blimey. All that yarn gone to waste! It reminds me of the YouTube videos where people go in to old abandoned structures and film it. I am sure we saw one that was of the old Tots TV house! Your butterfly sewing is altogether more cheery and bright, but I still think I would love to visit that old mill...

Happy WOYWW, late in the day!
Mary Anne (3)

Catriona said...

Lovely makes Jan but I am enthralled by those photos you have shared. How could anyone just walk away and leave all the wool and machinery? Treasure trove for a historian there. Catriona x

Twiglet said...

Beautiful makes Jan - they all look so fresh and lovely. The mill photos are very clever especially as the light levels would be tricky. Shame to see all that yarn go to waste. xx Jo

Lindart said...

Wow, those photos really are eerie. I wonder what happened? Your new fabric is lovely, lot's of people like butterflies so I'm sure the projects will sell! I do like the Scottie Dogs though! I have a sewing project or two I want to make for my Granddaughter, we will see what happens! Lindart #19

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Your pictures have impressed me very much!
First your beautiful new work and then the photos of your husband's friend.
I can not get out of the amazement. It's like entering another time, another world.
Thank you for this.
Stay healthy!
Eva from Austria

Tracy said...

What a week you had 🤗 Your desk is like a beeeautiful summers day Jan 💛 loving the fabric 🦋😍 tooo those gorgeous Mill photos ... stunning and mysterious they are!! Thank you so much for stopping by 💕 Jan how I wish you could have been on that walk when I spotted natures bunting .. so pretty ... all it needed was a few lanterns 😉Seeeee you tomorrow,much love and hugs Tracy #14 xxxx


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...