After six weeks, I think I'm finally getting the bounce back, hurrah, it's been a long time coming. I had a go at short mat bowls last Thursday and enjoyed it very much, though I was tired afterwards. I'm just trying to do a bit more every day.

I've still been making items to get ahead though:

Stuff nearly finished and some new fabric.

I do love the red spot with the poppy fabric, such a bright happy combination. The Welsh flag is a doorstop which I use to hold long lengths of slippery fabric in place on my desk - it's perfect! The chutney is from the RNLI shop, I'm addicted to it, Spiced Tomato, it came up stairs in a bag by mistake!

And here's some new fabric:

I absolutely love this folk art heart print and am definitely keeping one of the four bags! I had to get some more linings and they all tone well with the main print - which would you choose?

G's Men's Shed have been busy installing their Gingerbread House in the main Town Gardens - this is for the Christmas fair on Friday:

Nice to see my 'windows' and bunting in situ! I did some designs to help the chaps and think they've done a grand job! I do love the Elf stuck in the chimney.

The old brass candlesticks, weighing scales etc were found in someone's shed, they polished up a treat!  Santa is in here for the Carnival night, then there are various children's activities like Gingerbread decorating on other weekends and evenings.

I hope everyone has fun ( I know the Men's Shed did, lol!!)

Have a great week everyone and enjoy your crafting xxxx


Helen said...

It took me ages to see the elf - then realised if if got rid of the strip across my blog about cookies I could see the full picture...

Glad you are feeling better and able to do a bit more each day. Love that poppy/spotty fabric combination. You can't beat poppies.
Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Sarah Brennan said...

Love the new fabric Julia and any of those lining colours would indeed work. The shed is spectacular - everyone has done an amazing job. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Loving the fabrics. I'd go for the darker pink or green dotty ones, with that heart fabric.

The shed is fab and the kids will love it.


Mary Anne said...

Oh I love the shed! Adorable and sure to be a hit. Your poppy material if fab, and I agree, the dotty red is a perfect match. I really need to gather some fabric and make a few draught excluders myself. Nowadays every leaking door is money wasted! And an excuse to use some of my funky fabrics too. That heart one is really pretty but I lean more towards tie dye and pop art LOL! And PS, glad you are feeling better. Hoping soon you will be back to full strength.
Happy day, and thankful for WOYWW!
Mary Anne (3)

Twiglet said...

Jan that Christmas shed is awesome - well done to all - the details are amazing and the children will love it! So glad you are feeling better - it took me 6 weeks too and you are right in pacing yourself. I really love the new fabrics - you have such an eye for gorgeous combos and folks will snap them up. xxx Jo

Neet said...

What a fab job the men (and you) have made of the Gingerbread House. it will be a hit! Thanks to Helen I found the elf - what a great touch!
I would find it difficult to choose a fabric to go with the folk hearts - they all work so well. Maybe when they are made up one can choose. It really is lovely fabric but the poppy one does it for me, I love my poppies.
So glad you are starting to feel a little bit better, it's been a long job for you and I guess you still have to take it easy.
Take care, Hugs, Neet 10 xx

Julia Dunnit said...

Great to hear that you pep is returning, what a slog it’s been for you, I hope too that the flu jab has been uneventful this year. Mine gave me a 36 hour ‘drop’ but no illness. Not sure you’d have been able to fight off more. The nurse asked me to confirm my age and told me that under sixties are getting a different strain of dose. Probably always have, but I didn’t know and was surprised! The folky hearts are gorgeous, can’t choose between the polka dots though, am getting more and more hopeless at choices, they’re all too nice! The gingerbread house is a triumph, gosh it will be so well used and definitely admired. Lots of great ideas gone into that..the elf’s legs made me laugh!

Christine said...

Love those poppies with spots!! Really bright and cheerful. It's a poppy stamp I'm looking for among my stash . . . .
What a super job the men have done, love the elf and the windows. I think this will be a keeper for Father Christmas.
Have a good week
Christine #18

Tracy said...

Swooning her Jan 😍😍😍 first I'm so happy to hear you're starting to feel better, just go canny πŸ€— Tooooo all the gorgeous fabrics ... loooving the heart ❤ fabric ... whatever polka dot you use will be beautiful with it ... swoooning over them I am πŸ˜πŸ’“❤πŸ’Ÿ do you sell online? Tooo the Gingerbread house...it's turned out FANTABULOUS⭐️⭐️⭐️ what a fantastic job you've all done ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️people are going tooo love it! Wishing you a beautiful week ahead with much love and hugs Tracy #9 xxx

Elizabeth said...

Ooo! I love the poppy fabric, Jan. Did you get it locally? I'd be tempted if it's available online. Glad to hear your feeling better and doing more. It just takes time. The gingerbread hut is fabulous and I love, love, love the elf in the chimney - children will be enchanted. Have a lovely week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #19

Annie said...

Hi. I'm late as always but I have beeen using my time wisely today. I only had one little sewing job to do this morning so I have spent my day finishing the last batch of Christmas cards that I needed...job done now. I just need to get them sent now :-)
Yourr fabrics are gorgeous and like you I would have had to get all three cos I love them all. The gingerbread house is amaxing....well done to all.
Annie x #6

My name is Cindy said...

Hello my lovely, thank you for your earlier visit. Sounds like we are both having to take it a bit easy. The spirit is willing but.... love, love love that poppy fabric and it does go so well with the polka dots - but I'm a sucker for a polka dot!! The gingerbread house looks such fun, really must try and schedule something actually Christmassy to do over the next few weeks - lots of meet ups planned but no real Christmas stuff!! Happy WOYWW, have a good week, love n h ugs Cindy xx #7

BJ said...

Oh that shed is super wonderful, love it loads. So too the poppy fabric and I'd choose the top pink for the lining of the folk art but all will be just fine really. So glad you are turning a corner at last and energy levels are increasing, day by day sweetie. BJ#15

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

What a great shed, it looks brilliant. Your fabrics always make me smile, so many gorgerous colours and patterns. Pleased to hear you're feeling better too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x12x

Crafting With Jack said...

Love the poppies and the dots together. The hearts matched with those colours also go well. I can’t decide between the top two. Happy WOYWW. Angela #8

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks for your visit. We took a day away doing oddities. License plates, groceries, both won a little at the casino and now I'm packing ! I always love your fabric, we are really limited here most have closed and the quilt shops are really spendy. I pick up small cuts at Walmart/HobbyLobby for crafting, but I've so much here I should use it afraid it will now be called Vintage ! Scrolled back to your last post and that woolen mill photos are somewhat sad and erry WoW...Enjoy a great weekend

Eva said...

Hi Jan!
Great to hear that the bounce is getting back! Hurrah too!
What a big range of nice fabric! The one with the poppy and the folk heart print. ( I would choose the green one for lining.)
I love the Gingerbread House!!
This will be a real eye-catcher!! Congrats!
Best wishes
Eva from Austria

Lindart said...

Glad you are slowly feeling better, soon you will be "right as rain" as they say! the shed is awesome, made so especially by your windows and bunting. The elf is indeed cute! In answer to your question about the lining for that very cute heart fabric, my choice is the first pink one on the top.
We were in the storm system that brought all the snow in New York, be we are above them, and there's a giant lake in between, so we only got about a foot of snow here. Other places got up to 3 feet north of us. Feel better every day! Have a great week, Lindart #20

Kyla said...

Glad you are starting to feel a bit better and loving the poppy and heart fabric too, lovely. Also the shed, fantastic :-)


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...