Short and sweet today, I'm still recovering from  Covid and am not doing very much at the moment. Whilst resting a lot, there's been knitting and crochet, the only thing I feel like doing!

Ribbed beanie hats and a scraps blanket for the Food Bank in town, hope they'll help someone.

One of the Men's Shed took this pic which pleased me:

They're just starting to get the gingerbread house put together, there'll be a stove plus chimney, bunting, large candy canes and all sorts to go in yet. But the window look ok, I'm pleased with that!

It has been a tough couple of weeks finished off by the fact that we had to have our old cat Ron put to sleep last Friday, he had started fading fast so it was the right thing to do but it was still so sad:

He was a truly sweet cat and goodness we're missing him, he may have been little but he's left a big hole.

I am really looking forward to WOYWW 700 next week, it'll be good to celebrate with you all. Hugs xxx


Helen said...

I am sorry you are still struggling to recover from Covid; I hope you feel better soon. So sorry to hear about Ron too, although i know you'd said before he wasn't doing well. Wishing you well. Happy WoYWW Helen#1

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Sending heaps of positive healing thoughts. Hope you soon feel completely over Covid.

I'm sure the hats and blankets will be very much appreciated.

The window looks fab. Look forward to seeing it when it is all finished.

So sorry you had to say goodbye to Ron. It's always hard, but the last thing you can do for your loyal family member.


Catriona said...

Sorry you are still affected by Covid, Jan-it seems to be making people very tired as an after effect. You were kind to let Ron go to sleep when you knew it was time-the final act of love for a faithful friend. ❤️

Julia Dunnit said...

Very sorry about Ron, knowing how he deserved you as his good servants and how much you did the right thing for him doesn’t mean that it isn’t sad or that the missing him is any easier. I bet the house feels very strange without him, I shall miss him yowling at us when we’re on the phone! I hope you’re following orders and really doing as little as poss, I know it’s boring this far down the road, I’m willing it to leave you alone.the beanies are fab, and sadly yes, am absolutely sure they’ll be useful, things are a bit dire in the ‘just managing’ sections of society and it makes my blood boil. BUT, joy….the shed window looks fab, It really was a great idea.

Twiglet said...

Aw Jan - what a time you are having. That Covid is a b..... to shake off isn't it. Your little cat looks so sweet but at least he isn't suffering, and I am sure he had the best life with you. I do hope we see that little shed in all its fancy finery - your window looks perfect in situ. xx Hugs xx Jo

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

You must rest as much as possible and things will then get better I'm sure. There are so many people we know that have Covid recently. I know how you feel about losing a much loved pet but it gets better with time. Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x13x

Sarah Brennan said...

So sorry to hear about Ron Jan - he certainly was a handsome fellow. Sad that you are not over Covid properly yet too. The gingerbread house is looking amazing. Can't wait to see it finished. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #11

Mary Anne said...

Oh so sorry you lost your fluffy friend. Hugs to you and G. I am awating DS + Cat (tomorrow!) and am wondering how long it will be before she warms up to us. Glad that you are slowly getting over the Covid - why does stuff like this come in clusters? Ugh. Your crochet is colourful and the Shed is looking amazing. Something to look forward to, then.
Happy WOYWW Day!
Mary Anne (6)

Neet said...

Oh Jan, I am so sorry to hear about Ron. Those cats (and dogs) worm their way into our hearts so easily. I suspect with the remnants of Covid leaving you feeling low it has made it twice as difficult. My heart goes out to you.
Here you are feeling still under the weather and yet there is evidence of a lot of work going on for charity. You really are a wonderful lady.
Do take care, hope you are soon able to say you are back to LLJ
Hugs, gentle ones of course, Neet 2 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

So sorry to hear about Ron. He was a beautiful cat and of course you are missing him. I do hope you recover from the Covid soon, still thinking of others while you convalesce. You are wonderful. Happy WOYWW. Angela #5

My name is Cindy said...

Glad to hear you are starting to feel better - for me, it's the tiredness, I wasn't particularly ill (had worse) but I literally still fall asleep at the drop of a hat. I've already had a nap! The gingerbread house looks great!! Sorry to hear about your cat. Sometimes the only thing to do is let them go. What am I like- crafting for pleasure!! I just meant I always seem to be doing things to a deadline, and it sucks the joy out of it. But no craft fairs, and hopefully no commissions seems perfect to me. Love n hugs Cindyxx #14

Annie said...

It's been one of those mornings for me...the lady coming for the two memory bears forgot to come! and the bridesmaid came with the bride for he fitting and they wanted a memory bear too....I guess some you win and some you lose. I've now made the memory bear and she's really rather special [will show and tell in 2 weeks].
So sorry to hear you're still suffering and how sad to hear about Ron...he was a lovely cat.
Annie x #8

BJ said...

Oh My this COVID it taking its toll. Mine was 4 weeks ago but seem to have developed a niggly cough only now! Glad you feel like doing "something" and the beanies and blanket are super. Oh the shed is going to be so magical, the window is superb. Sorry to hear about your cat, hugs BJ#10

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Wishing you a quicker get well time, it's hard to feel so miserable and wanting to rest usually isn't my thing at all. Working with yarns is great with this cooler weather too. Pretty colors. I am so sorry to hear of your special cat. They offer so much company and the quietness isn't that fun. Hugs..hope excitement, good health and happy times return soon.

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Awww, so sad to hear about Ron. I remember seeing him on your blog a few times. It's never easy, is it, but he had a lovely life living with you - the best a cat can want. Boo at Covid, but lucky you were not badly affected. The vaccines do seem to work at that. Hope you'll be back to your cheery self soon. Sending you hugs xx zsuzsa #18

Elizabeth said...

So sorry for your loss, Jan. I've been through the same with Bonnie, you may remember, and yes they may be small but they leave a huge hole in our lives. Sorry too that you've caught and are still suffering from Covid. Hope you start to feel much better soon. Love the windows you made for the hut. Absolutely brilliant. Take it easy and have a good week. Hugs xx Elizabeth #21

Tracy said...

Sending you much love and hugs at the passing of your wee Ron 🐈 Jan,such a huge part of our life they are, sorely missed he will be by you and the family. Also sending humungus get well wishes ⭐️ here's to you feeling much better soon 🙏 Looooooving your windows in the shed, excitiiiiiiing it is 😍 I'm sure your hats and blankets will be warmly received ⭐️💛💕 you're a beautiful soul. Tracy #16 xxxxxxx

glitterandglue said...

Morning Jan. Oh my - sorry you are still struggling with the after effects of covid. Hope you soon feel much better. The man shed painting looks great - well done. Despite feeling so rough, you have still succeeded in making a shed load of items for others, bless you. Sorry about Ron. I'm glad you knew when the time was right - still sad, though, even though it was the right decision...
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4

Marit said...

Sorry to hear you got covid, hope you feel better every day! I love those beanie hats, knitting and crochet are lovely to do when you're not well (and when you are feeling well, it's also a nice thing to do - I just knitted me a shawl!) I love joining woyww this week after a long time absence; it's good to see what everyone's up to and catch up a bit. Have a great day dear, love from Holland. Marit #3

Eva said...

Oh, Dear Jan, I'm so sorry, that your cat died. What a hard decision for you, but the right on for ron.
Wish you further recovering from Covid.
My hubby got on the 14th October his third vaccination. This week he was in hospital. He has chills and fever. His body resists the vaccination.
It's sad.
Pretty knitting and crochet! And I really love the Men's Shed with your windows.
Take care and lot of hugs.
Eva from Austria


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...