I am getting there but goodness it's taking a long time - the Covid is almost gone but the breathlessness is still here. As many have told me, just don't overdo things too quickly, so I haven't!  I can still craft whilst sitting though and I've had fun doing a couple of different things this week.

G's Men’s Shed have been asked by the town council to convert a large wooden shed into a Gingerbread House for the Christmas festivities - it'll be sited in the Memorial Gardens throughout December. They are doing some fun things but needed some 'windows' on the inside showing scenes outside the cottage. I was made an Honorary Shedder and had a lot of fun converting two large picture frames.

Out came the acrylics and I just painted straight onto the picture frame backing. I finished off my Stickles giving some sparkly highlights!

Some cardboard strips and Gingerbread Man curtains finished it off!

I used the remainder of the fabric with some others I had already had to make some lengths of bunting for the Shedders to use inside or out:

Nowt fancy but I hope it does the trick.

The Balls of Fun Yarnbombing group I'm involved with are doing a crocheted Community Christmas tree a bit like this one:

So someone dumped a bag of squares on my doorstep yesterday and I've made a start:

The squares are all shapes and sizes, it's been a challenge getting them sewn neatly, a bit of brute force needed occasionally, lol!

We enjoyed a visit to the National Museum of Scotland whilst up in Edinburgh, the fashion galleries were great fun but this made me hoot:

The lady who wore this must have had to enter rooms sideways! It was so beautiful but totally hilarious - fashion is very much a thing of its time eh? I think of the flares and platform shoes of my teenage years and laugh. But as to the dress, the ultimate question would be 'Does my bum look big in this?'

Hope you have a good week - I'm sincerely hoping that I'll be feeling better!


Sue said...

Hi Jan,

Hope you feel an improvement daily. You definitely need to take it easy to allow your body to recover.

The window paintings are fab.

Looking forward to seeing the finished tree.

As to the dress, it is beautiful, but how on earth did the lady get about? Mind you I wonder is he hung things in it, so was able to take bits and bobs with her:)


Helen said...

I am sorry you're still suffering with the after effects of Covid, hope you fully recover soon. Am impressed with the amount you've done - the pictures for the Gingerbread House look fab!
That wide dress is amazing - totally ridiculous and impractical (I'd be knocking things over a lot) - you could hide all sorts underneath though! Have a good week, take care. Helen #2

Sarah Brennan said...

Those window pictures are amazing Jan - well done. Can't wait to see the finished shed! Hope you are fully fit again soon. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Tracy said...

Sending get well wishes ⭐️ your way Jan, may you feel much better soon 🙏
WOW ... swoooooon ... love and adore your picture windows 😍😍😍😍😍😍 they are absolutely gorgeous in every way!! Looking forward to seeing the shed when it's complete 🤩 Toooo your bunting ... I smiled at your nowt fancy ... nothing you do can ever be called nowt fancy ⭐️🥰 Be still my heart ... a crochet tree 🎄 exciteeed for you all ... happy,hopefully easier stitching for you 😘 it's going to be so special.
Please take care, feel better with love and hugs winging your way Tracy #5 xxxx

Diana Taylor said...

So sorry to hear you are still suffering Jan, I hope it clears up quickly and you feel a bit better each day. I love your windows, they look so realistic with the curtains up - fabulous! The Christmas tree is quite amazing - what a huge amount of work - I wonder what it's stuffed with. The dress made me laugh but on a practical level you could have most of your craft room with you at all times!!
Hope you have a good week, take care, Diana xx #12

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh girly, I’m sincerely hoping that you’ll be feeling better too, ANOTHER week. It’s not fair that what it is!! I love the window scenes, the curtains, you are a very versatile woman I must say. (Read that in any foreign accent, sounds much better….!) great to see the dining table turned into an artists retreat, I thought for a minute that you were using an easel! Thank for its not a still life though, all that snow would just about finish me off!!!
Now concentrate on getting well please!xx

Twiglet said...

I do hope you are soon on back to your normal bouncy self - it's a horrid bug Jan so just take it easy. It looks like we did the same galleries in Edinburgh! We both had a chuckle at the same dress but as my 100-year-old Gran used to say when I waltzed in wearing a mini skirt.. "Well leave her alone, it's only fashion!" But then she was a dressmaker in the late Victorian era, so she probably saw many fashion changes! I love your little Christmas windows Jan - genius idea. xx Jo

Catriona said...

Sorry to hear you are still breathless Jan-take care as our daughter has long Covid and is taking steroida to try and heal her lungs. Love the window views-Shedders ant their other halves make great teams👏🏻

Christine said...

Just remember when you shower to breathe in all the steam through your mouth, helps to clear your chest . . . . love my old Mother and her sayings!!! lol
I just love those windows, you've done a super job . . ..
Platforms were the most wonderful fashion for us shorthouses and . . . flares! my first jeans! You've stirred up some wonderful memories here . .
Christine #18

craftyani said...

Jan that is completely fantastic you are such a clever lady. Hope you are feeling better soon I am in the same situation, left my with a terrible cough, the doctor told me it could take months to clear. They wouldn't give me the Covid booster & flu jab this week because I am still recovering from covid. Ani

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I hope you are feeling much better soon too. Loving your windows and can't wait to see the tree when it's finished. I believe that in history there have been many strange fashions and the wealthy obviously had to make sure that whatever they wore would stand out and make it quite obvious that they were not the ordinary man/women in the street so their clothing was often exagerated. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x9x

Crafting With Jack said...

Sorry to hear you are still not back to full health. Your cottage window scenes are fabulous and the Christmas tree is going to be fabulous too. Does it get converted into an Afghan afterwards? Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

Lindart said...

Oh my goodness, what we wore for fashion! CRAZY! I bet men were the designers. Good way to control women! I'm sorry Covid has taken it's toll on you. It has taken a month for me to feel "normal" again. You are busier than I was! My doctor said to rest, then rest some more, then when you think you don't need to rest anymore, rest again. Time for Netflix binging! I still have a bit of a cough, but I don't feel my energy draining out like I did last week. Take care, rest!!
The paintings you did are lovely, especially with the curtains, what a fantastic idea! And good luck with the tree, it will be quite the show stopper when finished!
Have a wonderful week, Lindart #20

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Jan,
Your windows and bunting are great. I’m so glad you’re feeling a bit better. Lots of honey, lemon and ginger, with a tot of whisky to clear your chest (I said a TOT, no E- coli Glenfiddich!
Your pile of granny squares of all shapes makes me feel a bit of sympathy for the woman who refused mine.
Well, that dress, my dear, was worn by someone who had double doors thrown open for her and no one would have thought her bum too big, she’d have been praised for how well she ate! All that marchpane and those banquets, she’d have filled it out well
Im late commenting as I had an MRI scan and then we went to Macknades. We came back the country way and the trees in north he sunlight were glorious.
Big hugs to you all
Lynnecrafts 10

Annie said...

It's been a full on day of sewing plus we have the twins before and after school every Wednesday so I've had tea to cook for us all after my day's work....I'd rather feed them for a week than a fortnight [you forget just how much growing kids eat]. It's my time now so I'm visiting all my favourite blogs.
I was hoping you were back to your old self by now...it sure does take it's time [sadly]. Your 'windows' are simply gorgeous...you are soooo multi-talented.
Annie x #14

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks for the visit..drink some HOT toddy's !
Your photos are so fun. You did such a great job with those paintings and the framed up photos. That tree is beautiful ! WOW never have seen that done. AND overwhelming laughter with that dress ! no doubt had spectacles on a stick in her hand. Turned out to be a warm up day and it's time to go for a walk. Enjoy a great week. Here's to better health.

Neet said...

LLJ! You have been hiding your artistic light under a bushel or something. Those paintings are fabulous and when dressed are just perfect. Wow!
Sorry you are breathless with the Covid, myk breathing has been terrible of late giving concern to someone who witnessed it last Saturday (a nurse). I do hope you clear up soon as I know how you. like to be busy and this must be holding you back a lot.
Loe the tree, what a fabulously fantastic idea
Ads for the dress, what can one say?
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Mary Anne said...

I am so passing that yarn bombing tree on to my local crochet group! I bet they love it! And those windows? Genius! Perfect use for Stickles - well the ones not dried up anyway! all mine seem to be solid lumps inside the bottles. And that DRESS. It might be the worlds larges draft excluder and not a garment.... DOH!
Late again, but buy buying cat toys… :D
Mary Anne (4)

BJ said...

Oh My the COVID sure is going round, way more than they realise with no official testing now methinks. I'm just getting back to usual stuff this week having come down with it over 4 weeks ago (for the 2nd time) Hubby had it for the 1st time and said it affected his breathing, but that didn't get me either time, just other horrid symptoms.
Anyway enough of that, absolutely LOVE the mock windows, so magical and the bunting to match the curtains is fab. The yarn tree is going to be amazing. Think my bum would still look big in that dress LOL. You are funny. Hugs BJ#6

Eva said...

Hi Jan!
I'm so glad that you feel better now and hope that the breathlessness will go away soon.
Can't tell you, how I love the windows for the Gingerbread House!!
I know you are so talented. They look so lovely, with glitter and the curtains.
You did a great job.
And - wow - this Christmas tree. Not easy to sew the squares together.
Best wishes,
Eva from Austria

Kyla said...

Hope your feeling better each day, but boy have you been busy! Loving the "honourary shedder" title and the windows look fabulous. The crotchet tree, wow that will look amazing when finished and the dress made me laugh!
thanks for visiting my desk already


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...