I tried to visit everyone last week so if my comment didn't appear, can you let me know? It's weird that some comments make it and others disappear into the farthest reaches of cyber space...

It's been a fun week again with lots going on. I've been in the JanCave doing all sorts:

The fabric in the foreground is a dress - I adored the colours but not the length so made it into a tunic instead, much more wearable. I'm not going to tell you how much I winged that with no measuring or pinning, just eyeballing it! It's turned out great though.

The cat fabric was a buy off eBay and then I saw Doughty's, a shop and warehouse in Hereford were having a sale...oh dearie dearie me.

Just checking everything in the order had come ok.

Apart from the poppies, I tried to go for something different to florals - I really like them all but my favourite is the Koi Carp, love that teal and orange combo!

It had to be paired up with the orange spotty really! I may have to keep one of these for me *happy dance*

It's been a week for appreciating the garden too, lovely to sit out or do a bit of gentle weeding, it is a low maintenance space but with maximum impact:

Happy days!  It's another full week ahead of meet ups with friends, shifts in the RNLI shop, dinner out and more sitting in the garden as the weather looks to be amazing. This time might involve a large G&T, I mean keeping hydrated is important, right?!

Have a good week everyone xxxx


Helen said...

i found a load of comments - going back some months - in my spam comments (that I didn't even know where they were) last week - including some from you.. weird. The garden is looking fabulous, perfect for sitting and enjoying a G&T. Fab materials too. Happy WOYWW. Helen #?

Sarah Brennan said...

Enjoy your week Jan - the garden is a haven of peace. Love the fox fabric too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Loving your tunic. The fabric is fab.

Envious of your garden.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the week.


Twiglet said...

Gorgeous fabrics- I went to Doughty's in Hereford with Annie once - we were like kids in a sweet shop - awesome selection of lovely fabrics. Jan your garden is stunning - what a brilliant job you have made of it. xx Jo

Mary Anne said...

Your fabric selection is fabulous but overshadowed by your stunning garden display! My oh my. Is that lavender I see? Bo you make sachets? Just wondering. If not, might be a fun thing to add to your charity sewing. I am always sad to see ours go to waste but crikey it is hard to use up!
Happy desk hop day!
Mary Anne (6)

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Jan,
Your tunic looks great. I thought you were practicing for entry into the Great British Sewing Bee!
I can just see you giving Esme and Patrick what for!
Love the new fabrics and your garden is doing really well.
Take care and keep hydrated 🀣

Catriona said...

Your beautiful garden popped up on my FB feed a few days ago from our visit three years ago! Scrumptious fabric and happy sewing. Remember to drink equal volumes of water to gin.

Crafting With Jack said...

Good morning Jan, love your new fabric specially the fishy one, it makes a fabulous bag. I added a line after your visit. Remember the runaway horse? We had a runaway cow at this site! She led the farmer a merry dance around the caravans 🀣. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

Annie said...

The new fabrics are so bright and cheery...love them esp the cat one. Your garden is looking gorgeous...they give us so much pleasure done they?
Annie x #7

Diana Taylor said...

Your garden is looking glorious - what a wonderful, tranquil haven to sit and relax in after all that sewing! I'm loving the fabrics - and the Koi carp really is stunning - that colour combo does it for me too!
Well done on changing a dress to a tunic without a pattern - what magic you weave in the Jan cave! I'm super impressed and love that colourful fabric.
Hope you have a lovely week,
Diana xx #14

Lillianb said...

Love the dree colours they are fab. but have to say the Koi Carp fabric is my favourite. Have fun working with all your new fabric.

Take care and stay safe,

Lilian B #9

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Your garden looks so lovely! It remembers me to my Daughter's garden, when she lived in England. Cared for with love....
Enjoy every hour there!
I googled "Doughty's". I would like to have a walk in the shop - and spend all my money....nearly all: :-)
Best wishes,
Eva from Austria

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, no problem at my end got your comment okay. I am in love with all that gorgeous fabric but for me it has to be the KOi, love it to bits. The Blower that you saw over at mine is usually for moving alcohol inks around on the card but we used to have smaller ones for clearing dust off the camera too. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x10x

Neet said...

Of course one must keep hydrated in this weather. G&T hydrated of course, goes without saying.
Love the garden, my kind of space.
Gorgeous fabric, of course the poppies win for me but the Koi Carp is fabulous and what an unusual fabric, never seen anything like that before (usually animals etc) - looks good with the orange spots.
Enjoy your busy social week and keep hydrated.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx
ps some days my friend does not know I am there, at least does not appear to but I think she hears everything.

Tracy said...

Helloooo Jan πŸ€—I'm smiling as I type 🍸 yes you dooooo indeedy need tooo stay hydrated 😘 Loving all the lush fabrics on your desk, a feast for the eyes 🀩the koi carp colours are stunning ⭐ What a beautiful soace you have, enjoy your sun filled week. Much love and hugs Tracy #12 ❤πŸ’›πŸ’•πŸŒˆπŸ’›πŸ’•☀️🍸

Tracy said...

Whooopsadaisy πŸ™ƒ I forgot tooo say your messages pop up on mine πŸ€—πŸ’›πŸ’•πŸ˜Š xxxxxx

Anne said...

Hi Jan. Fabulous Fabrics! Garden looks lovely! Yes please to a large G&T πŸ˜€ Anne x 19

Marit said...

Woweee, that fabric with the fish is really lovely! And so is your garden, I'm a bit jealous now *grin* Oh well, a little heatwave is here so I don't sit outside anyway... And did I ever thank you for the ATC you send me? It was a great and lovely surprise, thank you!!! Have a great week dear, love from the Netherlands! Marit #3

Julia Dunnit said...

I can’t recommend hydration strongly enough. The joy and calm of your garden has been on my mind this week as we dig out and level up over here! Still, it’ll be worth it. Meanwhile..those fabrics! Lovely field day of a spree! I’m late again, yesterday turned into a silly running around without co ordination day, today I’m planning to achieve and enjoy!!! We were watching something on tv the other night that was explaining quantum entanglement….made me smile!

BJ said...

I so love all the fabrics you get and I do believe I have some of the poppy one too. Super teal and orange combo for the bag, I can see the happy dance from here - LOL Gentle weeding sounds spot on for the heatwave!
Thanks for the visit BJ#21

My name is Cindy said...

Hello lovely - as always your craft table is a delight - such beautiful colours!! Sounds like life is very busy for you at the mo - enjoy (and do keep hydrated!) Happy WOYWW, love n hugs, Cindyxx #17


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...