What a beautiful week it's been! Even if I don't enjoy being in full sun, sitting outdoors in the shade getting rehydrated (snigger) has been a lot of fun. I have done some crafting as well as there's another RNLI fundraiser this coming Saturday and I'm going to restock my basket down the cafe this morning.

This is a shot of my least favourite thing to do - labelling! As people often undo the totes to check out the fabric, the label needs to go through the material, I use embroidery floss instead of a plastic tag.  It's tedious doing it though....sigh.

I had to replace some tote bags that sold last time, so the funky dragon flag fabric made an appearance again.

And that's it for crafting stuff. Last week saw G attending a 1-1 photo workshop at the British Bird of Prey centre nearby (it was a birthday present) I went along as spectator and tripod wrangler, it was a fab morning with close access to some spectacular birds,

GG (Great Grey) was a superstar, such a diva, I fell in love with her. She made soft little whickering noises when given her treats. G took so many pics, I'll share a couple.

Then we met Hector the Eagle Owl who was very imperious, we knew our place put it that way!

Apparently these are reasonably common in the UK! They prefer isolated conifer forests.

I did like seeing the Red Kite up close though, G took a lot of pics of her mid flight which was quite tricky.

This gives you an idea of the size of a Red Kite, Calen the falconer was about 5'5. It was magnificent seeing the beautiful bird in action...

Those eyes don't miss much!

But my fav pic has to be of the tawny owl eating her treat:

With a mouse tail like a string of spaghetti, lol!

It was a truly marvellous morning, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. They're doing a great job of protecting and conserving British raptors - it's part of the National Botanic Garden of Wales, worth checking out if you're in the area!

Have a great week xxx


Sarah Brennan said...

Wow what stunning photos Jan - your hubby is so talented. Congratulations on the amount already raised for the RNLI. Good luck with the sale on Saturday too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Lovely makes.

Those owls and Kite are stunning. We have Red Kite here now. Even had one flying low over the village a few times.


Mary Anne said...

Amazing photos! Wow. Bet that was a truly spectacular sight IRL. Do NOT envy you your labelling task. Ugh. The worst part for sure and didn't you make it harder with your choice of floss! Trust you to swat the fine details LOL!

Happy WOYWW day!
Mary Anne (1)

Annie said...

Of course I love your fabrics and sewing but I have to say the birds of prey stole the show for me today....what amazing photos G.
Annie x #7

Lynnecrafts said...

Your tote bags are great. No wonder you’ve raised so much for the RNLI. G’s photos of the owls and the kite are wonderful. The one with the mouse tail looks so smug!
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 6

Christine said...

How marvellous! I remember going with PJ for his birthday treat, we both loved it.
Those are some stunning photos - well done!
Enjoy sitting in the shade, just the place to sew on your labels.
Christine #12

Crafting With Jack said...

Amazing photographs. Nothing like getting close up and personal! I was just thinking what great Christmas presents your tote bags would make. Lovely to slip into a handbag, will you be bringing some in October? Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

Lindart said...

LOVE the raptor photos! Hector is awesome, always watching...and Great Gray is beautiful! I love the Kite, such a majestic bird! Your lovely items for sale are wonderful as always, and I love the dragon fabric, no wonder you sold out of bags! Have a great week, Lindart #18

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan we're back. It's been a lovely day but very hot but dogs were fine as they wore their cooler coats, I wish they made them for humans. Loving your photos of the owls I have always thought they are a creature with great character. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x9x

Crafting With Jack said...

I am sorry you are not going in October, I was looking forward to meeting you. Thank you for offering to post the bags x Angela

Neet said...

Love those owl pictures how fabulous are those photographs. What a fab experience it must have been. I remember going to see something similar attached to Chester Cathedral and it was magical. Would love to go back so seeing the birds G took photos of puts me in a dilemma, I'd love to see them too.
Congrats on the achievement for the RNLI - so much money raised and still making more. You are a star! How lucky were they when you moved down there!
Hugs, Neet 3 xx

StampinCarol said...

What amazing photos! Such beautiful birds!
Hope the fundraiser goes above your expectations!
Have a wonderful week!
Carol N #17

Catriona said...

Totes are so bright and colourful-no wonder they sell so fast! Stunning photos of the birds of prey by G.

Eva said...

Amazing photos!
All of them! This big range of tote bags, so colorful!
And the photos from your Dear G!
Wish you all the best for the craft fair.
Eva from Austria

My name is Cindy said...

Wow that looks like a fab day out and great photos too! I must agree I find the sitting in the shade rehydrating the best bit of our nice weather. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #5

Julia Dunnit said...

I deliberately saved comments I g till yesterday because Bart was scheduled for laser eye surgery in Southampton and I was to take him and wait..four hours. Didn’t happen, so here I am, later than planned, as usual!! Makes me happy to think of you sitting on the deck in the shade enjoying your beautiful garden. Makes me happier to know that you’re paying attention to your hydration levels! Your Desk looks marvellous, the finished box full is very satisfying isn’t it, even if adding the labels is a pain. Probably takes as long to do that as it does to make a couple more bags! It’s always the little things!!

Spyder said...

Love the birds of prey, so perfect in everyway- and those are perfect in everyway too! Sorry I'm so late, only just plugged my computer back in as we are away again house sitting two dogs for the rest of the week So have a great weekend, Keep on crafting! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#16

BJ said...

Love the dragon fabric, superb, bet they sell well. Gorgeous birds, some great shots of them. BJ#14


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...