And that lyric came about because I saw that today was WOYWW 360, which led me to think of the internal angle of a circle, which led me to wonder if that was the internal angle of a sphere, which led me to think of the world....and so the lyric popped into my head!

Oh yes, my brain is THAT weird :-)

I have managed to complete some sewing this week. Bunting, for example...you don't do any for ages, then three requests come along at the same time.....bit like buses!!

This was what last week's show and tell finished up as:
The lady asked for pink, so that's what she got - with a touch of lilac thrown in.  This has been received and all are happy, so am I. It's always a bit nerve wracking making things sight unseen and hoping the person likes it!

Today's desk:
I've just started making this for the third grandson of a friend in band. The letters are sewn down and I'm fiddling with the ribbons and ricrac until it looks 'right'.  I seem to be incapable of sorting through ribbons without making a cats cradle of it all.....

Hmmm, needs a bit of a sort out, I think!  The fat quarters were a prezzie from Julia - they're gorgeous, fresh colours and I need to have a bit of a think about what to use them for. The little cardi is one of those knit-from -the-top-down ones again - I've made this one to add to the charity pile and need to sew those buttons on. Good colour match, aren't they?!

I thought I'd leave you with The View from my Workdesk!
My tree is just coming into bloom and is looking very gorgeous. And all my fav bits and bobs are on the window sill - so, from L-R we have:
* a squirty water bottle sent by Sandy (EatWriteDreamStitch) in Missouri
* a stained glass panel made by my friend Jenny
* a little wooden mushroom given to me by Chris, my dear late SiL
* an exquisite little picture from Diana (Velvet Moth Studio)
* a gorgeous pic and frame made by our talented Debbie Rock (the pic is me and Julia)
* a teeny thimble in the shape of a teapot, one of the very few things I have of my        Grandma's
*a beautiful perfume bottle made by Bristol Blue glass, given to me by my lovely friend Sue
* a friendship canvas made by Julia
* a Piggy Bank, with 'Immoral Earnings' on the side...this makes me laugh a lot!
* and finally, the big sign, again a present from Julia. All I can say to that, Mate, is Pot calls    the kettle black :-)

So, I gaze at these all the time because they're in my eyeline and I think of the lovely peeps they're associated with :-D

Have a great week xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Nikki said...
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Nikki said...

Your bunting is looking good I'm sure the kids will just love them hugs Nikki

Sharon said...

What a lovely view of your window. I love the stained glass. It's really beautiful.

The bunting - wow - it is really beautiful. I love the Emma one. It's really beautiful and so detailed.

You asked when you visited mine whether I'm staying in the states or planning to come back. I would love to come back. Unfortunately to hubby this is home and to my (now grown)kids it is also home.I think if I had the choice again I'd stay in England. I miss it. It's such a big decision to make, moving countries, and is especially hard now that Mum is getting older.

I have a green card to live here but haven't become a citizen.

Have a great week!
Sharon K

Chidkid said...

Gorgeous bunting! No wonder they are happy. I love the idea of your windowsill and all those people around you. Elaine no. 11

Lynn Holland said...

Everything in my house has an association with a person or a place. For birthdays and Christmas I ask for little things like a new ruler or potato peeler, things that need replacing. Then when I use them I think of that person and smile. I still have a plastic watering can Shabir at work bought me 20 years ago when I was 40.
Lynn 12 xx

Sue said...

Hi Jan, What a lovely view you have and nice to have your precious things on view as well.

Loving the bunting. I love the ribbons all tangled up ready to be untangled:)

Sue #17

Judys Lace Creations said...

I adore bunting.So cheery.Bet the kids will love them. Pretty tree.
Judy #25

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

What a lovely little collection on your windowsill. All that love and friendship. Love the little butterflies on the bunting. A great use of them.

Fiona #23

Judys Lace Creations said...

Lynn, you CAN"T be 60!!!!Sure that's not a typo up there!! ??
I love that you have little reminders of people around your home.I am like that with my garden. So many plants given to us when we moved in here 16 years ago.

Annie said...

Such a lovely post today Jan. I love the bunting, the knitting is gorgeous, all that love and friendship on the window and that pretty blossom through your window....it all made me smile today.
We are blessed Jan to have so very many smiles in our lives aren't we?
Have a great week.
Annie x #10

Crafting Queen said...

Love the bunting your created, very pretty.

glitterandglue said...

A beautiful collection there on your windowsill Jan. They are all lovely. I, too, have some little silver thimbles - no idea who they belonged to, but they came in a box left by my maternal grandmother, along with lots of special letters, jewellery, etc. Lovely to look at and dream...
The bunting is just great - well done. Another cardi knitted, too. Where can I find a pattern for knit from the top down jumpers and cardis?? I think they look just great.
Thanks for the visit. God's own country, indeed... we love it here, and feel so blessed that we don't have to leave it to go home - it IS home!!! Yes - what a surprise to meet up with Neet. She and hubby are lovely.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #2

Susanne said...

Lovely job on the bunting. And what fun bits of this and that you shared. Happy WOYWW. Susanne #38

Christine said...

Smashing post, interesting song quote etc ...... Love the way the bunting has turned out, I just love bunting!!
I think the family quote is marvellous - absolutely wonderful for a sign!
Take care and have a good week

Bishopsmate #49

CraftygasheadZo said...

Haha I love that sign! Fab sewing as alwyas. The colours are just fab.Take care Zo xx 44

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say I love the bunting you made, looks trully beautiful with the colours and trims you have added. The sign is priceless... My sister sent me a tiny one years ago and it says friend welcome family by appointment only. Have a wonderful week and thanks for the visit earlier. Hugs~Anne L#14

buterfliecrafter said...

nice collection on your window sill. Happy WOYWW Vicky #6

Lisca said...

What lovely buntings! I'm sure they will be well received.
I love your windowsill of treasures. Don't you just love that blue glass! I have lived in bristol for 22 years and I don't posess a single piece of Bristol Blue! Disgraceful!
Thank you for visiting,
Happy WOYWW,
Have a good week too,

Diana Taylor said...

Gorgeous bunting - I'm sure it will be loved for a long time to come. I love your windowsill and feel honoured to have a little picture up there - it's a wonderful, happy thing to do - I also have to say I love your Bristol Blue glass - one of my favourites.
Diana xx

Anne said...

Hi Jan - love the bunting- both my granddaughters have bunting in their rooms with their names on - love it.
Also love the collection of special items on your windowsill - I have a thimble that belonged to my grandma = along with her crochet hooks - which I treasure. Anne x #56

Princess Judy Palmer said...

What a lovely view out your window! And yes, I mean both the view of nature in her finery and the meaningful items you have on the sill. How nice to share that with us. I love the two buntings you are working on. Emma's is so sweet and girly! I think I should hire you for a bunting as well to hang off my window treatment thing. But should it say "Judy" or "Dio"??? Hmmm... PJ & Dio #57

Tilly Tea Dance said...

Great bunting, so lovely to have each flag slightly different. I love your window of treasures, that's fab. Had a hectic day wet-felting loads of new background pieces so just dropping in for a quick snoop! Happy crafting, Max #37 :-)

Sue said...

Jan, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have emailed you with the info you asked about. Sue

ToadilyDiane said...

Cute banners.
Have a great day.
Diane - WOYWW #36

Helen said...

Love the sign - it sums you both up I reckon! the bunting is gorgeous. Helen #1

Mrs.D said...

Love that bunting, the families must be very pleased with them. I'm sure your piggy bank must be completely empty, and I don't know of any family that is normal, so of course your must be abnormal and lovely with it.
Chris #20

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Loving the beautiful window and special way you can display Little Treasures.
Your banners are always lovely. It was in 2011 I was lucky enough to win one in the beautiful red and whites. I have it hanging here in the office window. where has the time gone? Have a great week

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Jan, What a beautiful tree you have outside your window - is it magnolia? I love all your treasures, I have little treasures like that, each one has a story and makes you think of someone special, priceless :o) Annie C #35

Unknown said...

The bunting turned out fabulous! How could it not be liked! And the Thomas one looks pretty cool, too. Love your view. And the window sill treasures with their history is wonderful! Hope you have a great rest of the week!
Carol N #41

Julia Dunnit said...

There's loads I'd give you if you were a real collector of stuff...I do have to sit on my hands!! The buntings are lovely...

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Gorgeous bunting. Interesting collection too. Have a great week and happy woyww, Angela x 21

Neet said...

What a lot of 'love' to stare at when you are in your craft room. Lovely view too.
Good to see you doing some bunting as only you can do - love the pink with the touch of lilac which lifts it.
Thanks for visiting me yesterday - I will be on time one of these weeks.
Hugs, Neet 3 xxx

pearshapedcrafting said...

The bunting looks great! Love the view from your window and the lovely collection of goodies! Actually made it this week, after preparing a post last week and then failing to post it! Hugs, Chrisx 47

sandra de said...

Your bunting always looks gorgeous and the view from your window with the blooming tree is lovely. Sorry bit late this week as it has been busy hopefully will get back to painting the highs and lows of that rose.
sandra de @31

Twiglet said...

Hopelessly late at visiting again this week - busy with Ben, curtains and lunch out with Sister in law - all good fun! You made a lovely job of the bunting - I am sure it will be much loved. I can just imagine you sitting gazing through that pretty window as you ponder the angles of life! x Jo


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...