It's the same old, same old this week - I told you I was doing a lot of bunting!
It doesn't look much different from what I showed you seven days ago - except the name is different and I've knitted another top-down cardi that needs some buttons.
I went to Miss Lemon's, my local yarn store and fell in love with these ribbons and lace. The colours were directly inspired by the gorgeous work that Diana (VelvetMoth Studio) showed on her desk last week. Apple greens and pinks work so well, don't they?  I didn't use that hare ribbon on the bunting but thought that a metre of it wouldn't break the bank :-)
Those little ivory blush roses were another purchase too...cough...well, it would have been rude not to.....
I also bought two of these beautiful little butterflies as the bunting is intended for a real nature loving lady.  Lovely colours, huh?
There you go - the finished article :-)  I enjoyed making this a lot, the colours were just so fresh.
And I tidied (sort of) my box of ribbony goodness!

Last week, I'd arranged for a few of the local deskers to come for coffee and a chat at Julia's. Guess whose work this is?

The aforementioned Diana, that's who. She brought this box of beautiful goodies, we all enjoyed a furtle. And her work is as gorgeous in real life as it is on her blog....gorgeouser even!
Some teabag embroidery, so intricate...I was in awe.

And Julia's embroidery is coming along beautifully too!!

Have a great week everyone, I'll try not to have bunting on show next time!!


Nikki said...

Your banner turned out beautiful. Love that colour green in the box Diana brought to play with and Julia embroidery is coming along wonderful. Hugs Nikki? ?

Helen said...

the bunting for Eliza is gorgeous!! I can see why you would need the hare ribbon.. and just love Diana's box of green-ness!! Happy WOYWW Helen #??

jill said...

Seeing your lovely bunting Jan reminds me I was going to make some bunting for the garden out of odd pieces of material I have.
Happy woyww jill #6

Judys Lace Creations said...

Always lots of fabric lovelies on your desk!LOVE that embroidery.I haven't done any for AGES!!It's quite relaxing to do isn't it?
Love that box of scrummy gear to play with and I always love your bunting.

Lynn Holland said...

Can you hear all that weeping and wailing Jan ? It's me crying because I didn't get to share in the fun with some of my favourite and inspirational bloggers.
I'm going sitting in the corner now in misery.
Lynn xxx 16

glitterandglue said...

Good morning, Jan. I love that bunting - especially that lovely heart-edged ribbon on the "E". We don't mind seeing that! I'm with Lynn - sorry I couldn't join the fun.... Mrs D and I get together when we both are able - but we don't meet up with others - I suppose we are a bit off planet over here! You do achieve a huge amount in a week - ANOTHER cardigan!!! It's looking gorgeous - well done.
Take care dear girl. God bless.
Margaret #5

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Lovely bunting and little cardi.

I am drooling over all the scrummy ribbons and lace.

Really like Diana's work.

Julia's embroidery is really coming on.

Sue #12

Inside the artists shed said...

What a lovely name for a shop - Miss Lemons - I want to go there myself. Those ribbons are bostin' as they say in the Blck Country - esp the one with buttons on. Thanks for reminding me about zenbroidery - must get something sorted for the cruch group on that. Happy sewing x Jackie 18

sandra de said...

Love, love love all your bunting and choice of colours is always perfect. Have to agree about Diana's work.... sooooo inspiring. Lucky you to meet up.
sandra de @14

Neet said...

Gorgeous work by you and friends. Love the ribbon on the bunting and yes, apple green and pink looks wonderful together. So clean and pretty.
Not surprised you could not resist that ribbon - love the button one especially.
Hugs Neet 3 xx

Diana Taylor said...

Your bunting is just gorgeous Jan, and I love the green - it looks perfect with the pink. Looking at the photos you took I think I may be a little obsessed by the colour - my box looks very green and very chaotic! I can't believe you've finished that little cardi, you only started it Thursday - what a fast mover! I love the pattern in it, did you knit that in or was it made by the wool - I'll be super impressed it you were able to knit that pattern, while chatting! Thanks for a lovely day - it was great fun,
Diana xx

Christine said...

I love apple blossom colours so much that my back room is pale green with pink accessories - love that it is an extension to the garden.
Love the butterfly - you couldn't have lived with yourself if you had left that behind, wink, wink!
Have a good week
Bishopsmate #27

Mrs.D said...

Jan, what wonderful things, you have displayed there, I'm stuck to praise just a few. The bunting is gorgeous and the ribbons, oh, I could just handle those and enjoy the feel and colour of them.
Right, drool over!
Thanks for visiting my desk, your nice remarks, and yes, my fingers are definitely still purple.
Chris #10

Annie Claxton said...

I love that colour combo too, really fresh and spring like, I never get tired of it, I'm a sucker for ribbons too, must find a use for some of my stockpile! That's a great word, "furtle" ... and "gorgeouser"!! Looks like you had a lovely crafty day - nothing better than a day spent crafting with friends. Oh WOW!! that embroidery is inspiring isn't it? Have a great week :o) Annie C #26

Annie said...

You show us all the bunting you like my friend....I love it. You really do have a way of putting colours together to make them sing. Good to hear you've been having frafty fun with best buddies....life should be filled with days like that,
Hope you have a great week.
Annie x #9

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Lovely photos, beautiful colors. Your bunting is beautiful. Wish you weren't so far away or there was low cost postage, I could share ribbons with you. If you ever have a color you can't find let me know !!!!! Have a fun week.

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

How lovely that you were able to meet up! I recognized Diana's green velvet moss immediately! Fantastic ribbon collection, Jan! I really like the one with the doodle flowers and leaves. Gorgeouser, LOL! Please use the quirkiness of the English language responsibly - something like that confuses the hell out of us, language learners! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #32

ToadilyDiane said...

It might not look much different - but you don't mess with what works! It looks great!
Have a great day.
Diane - WOYWW #30

pearshapedcrafting said...

Same old my foot!! This is a fabulous post! The bunting is beautiful! Love your ribbon buys too! Great to have some crafty time with friends! Hugs, Chrisx 34

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I'm always in awe of your beautiful needlework. The gathering with Julia sounded like a very inspirational event. Blessings!

Sharon said...

Your desk always looks so bright, colourful and cheery. I love your buntings. Please don't stop showing them! Sounds like you had a great gathering.

Sharon K #39

Twiglet said...

Oh go on you know we love a quick peek at your bunting!! I love those little cardis - I might have to knit one as my friend has become a grandma to another little grandaughter - it will make a change from twiddling muffs.x Jo

Julia Dunnit said...

The cardi is already finished....blimey, you only started it at my place last Thursday afternoon! Brilliant you. And I never mind looking at bunting. And I laugh hahahahahahahahaha at the thought that you'll use the hare ribbon.....

Unknown said...

Oh all the beautiful colors and textures! It seems to pull me in. That green is mesmerizing. Oh I just love, love, love everything!!! I want to go to Miss Lemons and I also want to come to Julias place and share a cup of coffee with the gals!!!! We can create!!! That would be soo fun.
Wishing you a creative WOYWW!! Hope to see you next week!
Hugs, MiSchra ♥
P.S. Thanks for stopping in at my place earlier!!

CraftygasheadZo said...

Well it all looks fabulous. Pretty colours can see why you buy what you do. Hugs! Take care Zo xx 35

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Beautiful bunting. Love all the gorgeous lace and the butterflies. Thanks for the visit o mine, have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 24

Unknown said...

The bunting is adorable! Love all the elements in it! And what a bunch of fun you all must have had playing together! Hope you have a great week!
Carol N #42

LisaDV said...

The bunting is so beautiful. I already visited the desk with those lovely green buttons, but to see the work it's going on is even better. The embroidery is so cool. Happy Wednesday, LisaDV 36

RosA said...

Thanks for telling me about the bunting. I had a zoomed in look and it looks to me as though they are finished off beautifully! All the latest bunting looks gorgeous :)

Unknown said...

Hello just wanted you to know your banner is so stunningly beautiful, love the butterfly. Have a wonderful week. Hugs~Anne L #8

Scrapthology said...

Lovely bunting, there's a great eclectic mix of crafts there.

SLScheibe said...

Oh wow! That's just adorable! So pretty!

Unknown said...

Oh Jan--I nearly missed you this week! I feel like Wednesday was a minute ago, my office was crazy for a couple of days as the school year is ending. Whew! Catching my breath. But now I'm gasping again at all this gorgeous work by you, Diane and Julia. I am so inspired. Love it all. Would give anything to sit down, have coffee, and embroider with all this talent in the room!! Hugs dearest. Sandy Leigh #37


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...