No song lyrics today, just a YouTube link: Aberystwyth

It's been a tough couple of weeks, I've had to spend a lot of time at my dad's bedside in hospital while he's been battling pneumonia; he's rallying a little, which is a relief. The link above is one of his (and mine) favourite Welsh hymns. I do love a Minor key :-). Then we heard about the earthquake in Ecuador where my brother and SiL are on holiday, thankfully they managed to email us that, while they were close to the epicentre, they are ok. Phew.

And thank you to the lovely gals who missed me and checked that I was ok via email xxxxx

But I do have a desk to show....well, the start of something at least. I've been asked to make some personalised bunting so have to get on with it.
Pretty pastel colours help lift the mood. I bought some more butterfly embellishments as I'd run out. I think they're supposed to be for scrapbooking but I remove the sticky pad off the back and carefully sew them on!
There you go, a closer shot. Pretty, aren't they?

I have knitted quite a lot while sitting around in hospital and have just got to lightly steam and block out some pieces.

Some folk asked how our decorating was going on...we're back in our bedroom, hooray!!
Nothing fancy, just simple and calming: I love it. I painted four coats onto the wall to cover up the previous darker colour, using a light reflecting paint. It's worked so well, I keep thinking I've left the light on!

Sorry about the rather downhearted beginning today, I shall leave you with something that made me smile. You may remember I've been knitting stuff for a rescue greyhound charity, including matching owner hats/dog snoods? Well, the organisers emailed me a photo....

A lovely chap called Liam bought this set and wore it all day apparently!!  It was so nice to see that what I made is actually of some use and raised some cash :-) Yay. happy dance.

Have a grand week, lovely gals xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Nikki said...

That is patience to sew those little butterflies on to a project I don't see why you can't use them for something else that's a smart idea
Happy WOYWW hugs Nikki? ?

Helen said...

So glad your Dad is improving, must be such a worry. your new bedroom looks lovely - so neat and tidy and bright! Love the knitted goodies for the greyhound charity; glad they are appreciated. Take care lovely LLJ. xx Helen #??

Bridget Larsen said...

Sorry to hear your dad is not well. Happy to hear your B and SIL are ok, nothing worse than having relatives either living or visiting a disaster. Your bed looks so comfy, I love how that sheet/cover looks. We have much cooler weather now so its more comfortable which is a godsend, its been a hot horrid summer this year
Bridget #2

jill said...

So to hear family have been poorly Jan Wishing all a speedy recovery.
Now that bed looks rather comfortable & looks like I might get a good nice sleep in that which is more then I do here.
Happy crating Jill #5

BJ said...

Sorry to hear your Dad is suffering but glad to hear he is rallying a little. I had months of Flu, Bronchitis and possible Pneumonia over the Winter, thought it would never end, it is horrid to go through.
So love your bunting and my (your) union flag bunting will surely be making an appearance in our preschool for the Queen's birthday this year.
BJ was #4, then #16, finally #17 but could end up as #15 if my incorrect links are removed - what am I like!

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Sending your dad positive healing thoughts.

Lovely colourful bunting.

Your bedroom looks lovely.

Your lovely creations are definitely raising money for the Greyhounds, so thank you very much from me and my girls.

sue #21

buterfliecrafter said...

Good news that your father is on the mend and that your brother is safe after the earthquake. Those butterflies are awesome, I have similar ones but without sticky backs, i have to put glue on mine :-) The picture of the dog are cute. happy WOYWW from Vicky #10

Bernice said...

You certainly have been having a stressful time recently. It's good you had your knitting to keep you occupied in hospital - I remember knitting scarves galore while we sat with my Dad - and it gave all the nurses something to chat about as they popped in and out! Dog snoods - now that's a new one for me - maybe I should try one for our cat! You've chosen lovely colours of polka dot for your bunting - very pretty.
Bernice #23

Lynn Holland said...

I'll kick off with a massive hug as we all need one sometimes. Next I'll give you a laugh, go and have a look at my Banksy style decorating over on my post. Don't give me the key to your house or I'll be over with a brush destroying all your peaceful walls haha.
We were in the greyhound rescue charity shop in todmorden last week. My friend bought a coat.
Stay positive
Love Lynn xx 20

sandra de said...

Now that is such a gorgeous pic of owner and doggie in matching knits. Hope all goes well for your dad. I love a neutral room for bed.... my dreams are technicolour. Have a lovely week.
sandra de @11

Diana Taylor said...

I'm so glad your Dad is rallying - what a time you've been having. I am loving the bedroom and especially the bed linen - wow, what gorgeous bright colours. The doggy/owner outfits are so sweet and it must be a great feeling seeing your work being so appreciated.
Sending positive thoughts for your Dad's recovery and big hugs to you!
Diana xx

Barb said...

My Goodness Jan what a time you're having. I'm glad to hear that your Dad is improving a little and hope he is soon very much better. I do understand some of what you're going through right now. I'm also glad to hear that your brother and SIL were safe. That will be a holiday they won't forget.

How lovely to see the photo of that beautiful greyhound and her (assuming as that is a pretty face) friend wearing your super colourful garments. You bedroom looks nice and bright and the bunting your making looks fantastic. I love the colours. Thank you for your recent visit. Hugs, Barbxx

My name is Cindy said...

Sounds like you've been having a stressful time. It is difficult when our oldies are ill isn't it? Love the polka dots and that last photo did make me smile. The bedroom looks great - I have been meaning to paint one wall of our bedroom to cheer it up since before Christmas - have new bedlinen and curtains already. The fact I can't move the bed on my own doesn't help! Oh well, Rome wasn't built in a day.... I'm sure dad will be on the mend soon, Happy Wednesday, Cindy #29

Crafting Queen said...

Sorry to hear about your Dad, hope he is improving. Great news about your brother and SIL. Have a great day.

Mrs.D said...

Jan, I'm so sorry you have had such a difficult few weeks, but glad to hear your Dad is improving and your brother is safe.
That link to Aberystwyth was wonderful, I listened to it several times and enjoyed the pictures, very beautiful. Of course I then had to do a trawl of Youtube for lots more Welsh hymns.
Thanks for visiting my page and your nice comments
Chris #22

Chidkid said...

Glad your Dad is on the mend.. and what a fabulous idea for the greyhounds! You're amazing. Elaine no. 24

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oh dear Lunch lady Jan did notice you were missing but thought things were super-uber busy that was all, so very glad you darling dad is on the mend they are very precious.

Thanks so very much for the link Aberystwyth!
I hadn't heard it before truly is awe inspiring, such beauty as you say, not that unmusical me would know it was a minor key.. love the grey hound pickie and think your bunting cardy and also your bedroom (love the colours or non colours :D) are truly wodnerful works, in their different but charming ways!

Thanks so much for sharing.
Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x # 34

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

CraftygasheadZo said...

Sending you big hugs, hoping your dad improves soon. Fab colours on show for the bunting and I love your doggy snood and owner hat!! Take care Zo xx 35

Carol Rigby said...

I looooove those colourful pillows.

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jan, good to hear the news about your Dad. Poor you. you've had such a worrying couple of weeks. Honestly Jan, she sent me so much stuff, loads of it unopened! The whole thing started to be honest, when I used to make cards and take into work to sell. Never one to be backwards at jumping on a bandwagon, she decided to do the same, and promptly started buying anything and everything advertised on Create & Craft. Then she'd come in to work and ask me how to use it! Now the novelty of collecting all this stuff has finally worn off, she's moved on to quilting.So she's bought a top of the range, has a zillion computerised stitches sewing machine, and an overlocker, along with enough cotton and fabric to start a shop. I don't think any quilts have been attempted yet, but I hope this hobby takes root a bit better. Some of it has been stuff I already have, or not my taste, but I will gift it on at some point. By the way, love the sound of that light reflecting paint- what was it called? Some of our rooms, being small, would benefit from that. Huge hugs, and lots of love to you all, Shaz xxx

Annie said...

I'm doing a lunchtime whizz round all my fav blogs having had a busy morning shortening trousers and a very posh long dress in the sunshine.....what more could a girl wish for?
I did miss you last week Jan but wrongly presumed you were having a holiday. :-( I really hope your Dad continues to improve steadily. Sending him healing hugs.
Annie x # 15

Jill said...

you have been busy, I love your bedroom, it's peaceful . Your hats and dog coats made me smile, they are a great idea.

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Hi Jan! Glad to see you're back and that your dad's feeling better now - beautiful choir music - it made me feel like standing in a church! Love the polka dots - such a friendly pattern! The doggie photo is adorable! There's something about greyhounds that's very endearing. Perhaps because they are so timid, a bit like horses. The matching kit is so cute! Thanks for visiting earlier - so glad you liked my bubble paper! zsuzsa #36

Unknown said...

You sure have had some stress lately. Glad your dad is doing better. Would love to see the bunting when completed! Great colors! And fab pic of the greyhound and owner! Definitely does make one feel good! Hope you have a great rest of the week!
Carol N #47

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, forever busy as always. Pleased your dad is picking up. Gorgeous fabrics and the photo of the dog and his man is brilliant. Happy woyww, Angela x 25

Twiglet said...

Oh yes! That hat/snood combo is fab - so glad all your efforts pay off in wonga for the cause! We did miss you last week and hope your Dad is recovering - a long slow job I suspect. Your bedroom looks lovely - so bright and cheery. Having fab weather here today for my girl's birthday! x Jo

Sharon said...

Your bedroom looks lovely - nice job. I hate decorating but I want to get out room done. It needs it!

The fabric is beautiful - gorgeous colours.

Sorry to hear about your dad. Hope he is doing better. I missed your post last week.

Have a great week
Sharon K #49

Princess Judy Palmer said...

A man and his dog in matching outfits. Great photo! The fabric colors and embellishments you are working with right now are so pretty--such happy spring colors. Hope your dad is feeling better!

Kim said...

I hope your Dad keeps rallying! Cool way to use the butterflies, and love the matching hat/snood! What a clever idea, which I would think would raise a bundle for them. I hope you have a better week.
-K #64

Lisca said...

Yes, those butterflies are gorgeous. I have some too but I have never thought about sewing them onto something.
That greenish yarn is really nice, as you say in your provious post, it makes a pretty pattern, and the wool you had lying about matches perfectly.
My DH and I both enjoyed Jesus lover of my soul. I was playing it and my DH just came out of the shower and started singing to it at the top of his voice (he has a lovely voice).
Thanks for visiting earlier,
Have a good week,

Artatag said...

I am sorry you had to go through such a hard time. Thankfully your dad is getting better now.
I always love to see your new projects, you seem to be painting with fabrics, it is amazing!
Gabriele 53

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW and thanks for your earlier visit. There is always so much to comment on your blog posts, that I forget and keep having to go back to look again! Firstly - the colours for the bunting are gorgeous. Secondly - loving your new bedroom style (so calm). Thirdly - the greyhound snood and matching owner picture is fabulous. Ali x #33

Neet said...

Thanks for visiting me yesterday whilst I was out and about.
Love the Liam cheery photo - what a great idea and a great charity to help.
Obviously you were missed last week, who could fail to look for LLJ on a Wednesday? Glad things seem to be a bit better but still prayers for dad, brother and friend.
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

Elizabeth said...

nice blogpost. And thank you for the great link of that choir. I'm impressed..
And my husband also.. We hope your father will recover soon. Give him our greatings. Groeten uit Nederland.

Elizabeth said...

nice blogpost. And thank you for the great link of that choir. I'm impressed..
And my husband also.. We hope your father will recover soon. Give him our greatings. Groeten uit Nederland.

RosA said...

Hi Jan,
Your bedroom does look light and calming, very nice!
That bunting will be lovely. Very clever to use scrapbooking embellishments on it :) Here's a sewing question ... was just curious, when you make the bunting pieces, do you turn back the edges on the triangles, to finish them off? Or are they just left with the cut edges? (Maybe you just overlock them?) Sorry, just wondered :)
My wrist is very much on the mend now. So pleased I had the metal plate removed :)
Hope your dad is on the mend soon.

April said...

OMG! The matching hat and snoody are awesome! What a great thing to donate to a great charity.
April #38

Sharon Madson said...

Jan, thank you for stopping by to see me earlier and for your comments. I bet it is great to see people and dogs wearing what you made. And that is so funny about you using butterfly stickers for sewing. I have done it the other way around and used things meant to be sewn and stuck them on cards or in my scrapbook! Hugs! #54

Kyla said...

Love the greyhound knits such a great idea.
Glad your Dad is rallying and that the decorating has progressed too.
Kyla #7

Kelly said...

what a great cause and they look perfect on the models. ;-) Hope you dad is recovering. Love the bunting colors. So bright and springy. Thanks for stopping by my blog this week! Off to work towards my deadline. Creative Blessings! Kelly #43

Christine said...

Thanks for your visit earlier - floating my boat was the most fun I have had for years, wish PJ had taken some photos of me but .......
Glad to hear your Dad is rallying, give you chance to finish off your knitteds!!!
Love that photo of Liam and his dog ....
Take care and have a good week
Bishopsmate #30

Christine said...

Thanks for your visit earlier - floating my boat was the most fun I have had for years, wish PJ had taken some photos of me but .......
Glad to hear your Dad is rallying, give you chance to finish off your knitteds!!!
Love that photo of Liam and his dog ....
Take care and have a good week
Bishopsmate #30

Unknown said...

Glad to hear that everyone is safe and hope your father feels better soon. Love the new fabrics and super cute butterflies. Also that is a great photo with the fundraiser to help grey hounds and Liam and his adorable pup styling your knitted fashions....priceless. Thanks for visiting my blog with your sweet comments and the t-shirt my sister sent was super perfect....lol. Have a great week Hugs~Anne L#12


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...