I tell you, my crafting life has been two steps forward and one step back recently!  No sooner do I get my Jan-cave up and running than it becomes a dumping ground while our upstairs is still a work-in-action!  Never mind about not making anything, I can't see my desk at the moment!

Curtains, hat boxes (not containing any titfers...there's a good word, eh?!), shoe boxes with old bits and pieces from my parents' house, two of my son's lego models which we have to box up and store in HIS attic, clothes rails, boots, hangers...I could go on!  But if you take a peak at the front corner of my desk, you will see some embroidery floss that I bought in a local bargains shop. Don't hold your breath for any amazing creations, it's for when I make a few knitted creatures for a charity :-D

I have been busy in my downstairs craftroom though...ie the settee, whilst tv watching:

I bought 2x100g balls of this variegated yarn in the bargains shop as well, thinking I'd knit a toddler jumper. It's bright and breezy and makes me smile! Fortunately, I already had some green DK at home that matched quite well. The creamy blob to the right is another of those upside-down cardies that needs steaming and three buttons attaching.

It's very nice feeling wool, for all that it was cheap and I'm really enjoying the way the changes in colour are forming almost an intarsia fairisle pattern....without all the aggro of stranding yarn across the back of the work. Happy Dance :-)  I think it'll make a fun jumper for a 3-4 year old!

And that's it for now - I've had two requests for personalised bunting which I have to knuckle down and get made. Hopefully there'll be a bit more to show you next week.....



Nikki said...

That knitting is looking great and the way the wool is making the pattern is pretty neat looking like it knows what you have planned for it
I'm sure you'll get your room in order one day :)
hugs Nikki ?

Helen said...

Hopefully you'll have room in the Jan cave (love the name) to make the bunting; the jumper looks gorgeous! Helen #?

Inside the artists shed said...

What yummy wool - that would go with most of my clothes. I saw some bunting in the shape of knickers on a programme on TV called Crafty Beggars (Community Channel) - good luck with your bunting x Jackie #17

Diana Taylor said...

That wool is gorgeous and I love the idea of making a pattern without having to think about it! I am really into lime green at the moment and it looks 'totally delicious' with the peachy colours. I hope you get your room sorted soon,
Hope you have a great week,
Hugs, Diana xxx

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Hope you are soon able to get back to your sewing.

I love the wool for the cardi.

Sue (I am not taking part this week.)

Anne said...

That yarn is so pretty. Happy WOYWW Anne x

Neet said...

Love the effect that yarn is having on your knitting. Very nice and ideal for a toddler.
As for the dumping ground, can just imagine that happening to me. This afternoon we are having a guy call to do a design for a new kitchen - guess where all the stuff we need to tidy will end up? Mind you I have spread all over the utility rom with my crafting since posting this morning.
Hugs, Neet 3 xx
ps not heard titfer for ages

Christine said...

Love, love that wool!! Don't get 'distracted' when clearing a space to sew your banners ...... I know what happens!!!
Have a good week
God Bless

Bishopsmate #25

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh that's knitting up even nicer than it looks as a ball - and still fresh and fun my. LKove it. You'll have that room back to a Jan cave very soon, I know you!

Sue Jones said...

I love the colour combo of your knitting - Beautiful;. Sorry you can't get to your desk at the mo - hopefully it wuill be worth it in the end. Soojay 23 xx

lisa said...

The colours in that wool are beautiful, Jan. I had to smile at the lego models. I fall over those in DD's bedroom, she won't break anything up and then needs more bricks as she hasn't any left!!
Hope you get your craft cave back soon.
Hugs Lisax #35

Lynn Holland said...

I know exactly were you are coming from with the dumping ground thing it happens all the time here.
That aside the wool is fabulous, such happy colours
Have a good week
Lynn 7

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, what fantastic citrusy colours in that wool. Huh, Google underlining citrusy and trying to tell me it's not a word- what does Google know?That green is the perfect match, isn't it? You saying about the jumper needing steaming- I can remember my Mom doing that with jumpers she'd knitted. I can also remember her taking apart knitted items,to use the wool again, and steaming the wool straight, over the kettle spout! Bloody 'eck, that going back a bit! Huge hugs and lots of love to you all, Shaz xxxx

Elizabeth said...

haha. it's gon-a-be-alright... Het komt goed, alles sal reg kom.
and the knitting is great.

Annie said...

I'm having a lunchtime catch up with my fav blogs today as my curtain cutting assistant came early and I then went on to shorten the dreaded curtains first....they are all done now :-)
I love that wool Jan....I can do cheap if it's as pretty as that :-)
Hug's Annie x # 10

ToadilyDiane said...

Nice pattern going on there. My craft space ends up being a dumping ground but it's normally done by me so no one to blame. :(
Have a great day.
Diane - WOYWW #30

Sharon said...

Beautiful colours on the knitting! I'm lucky my room is upstairs or I'm pretty sure it would be a dumping ground - however that seems to be the dining room table. I would hate to have to take a picture of that. It didn't used to be that way when we sat down and ate as a family at the table. However we're (almost) empty-nesters now so we can always find a space to eat!

Have a great week
Sharon K #42

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Oh wow! That variegated wool is so clever! Now here's a weird coincidence for you. I'm half watching "The A word" while I hop round the deskers and would you believe the little boy is singing that very song lyric! Have a great week Jan x

Fiona #48

Lisca said...

Oh I love that wool! So bright and cheery. You are right, it makes a beautiful pattern.
Happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting,
Have a great week ahead,

buterfliecrafter said...

lovely yarn, Happy WOYWW Vicky #12

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oh dear Lunch Lday Jan, do feel for you with your dumping ground, find that here at times too...

Now that knitting is truly gorgeous and enough to bring a smile to anyone's face, lovely! Guessing you're at Oxfam now, reading your previous post :)
I should've been in bed ages ago. Happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x 36

Tracey said...

I love that wool & it's knitting up fabulously :o)

BJ said...

Is that luck with the colour changes or what???? It looks FAB. Happy WOYWW BJ#51

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, as I type, I'm really enjoying listening to Orange Juice and Rip It Up and Start Again ... you're doing wonders for my music knowledge :) This one is really catchy and I'm sure it's the one that features in the series, The A Word, which I'm following at the moment. I think we've been to the same bargain shop ... we've had a new one open in Ayr and it is massive. I bought a pack of the embroidery floss too but only stop to admire the yarn, promising myself that I'd be back when I needed some more. Love how it knits up to look like fair-isle. Hope it's not too long before you can get back to your sewing machine. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #41

Unknown said...

Funny how when 1 room is ready for use it becomes the dumping ground to work on another. Love the bright colors for the jumper! Hope you get your upstairs completed soon! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #45

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Yep, that's how it goes. You get the room ready for action and then a completely different kind of action happens. It's the gods laughing at you. Fun yard and fun yarny creation. The embroidery floss made me laugh. I was just googling embroider floss bobbins on Amazon because I need them for the large quantity of fun fibers my friend gave me (along with the enormous roll of ribbon on my desk today). PJ #57

Unknown said...

You had me at variegated. I love variegated yarn, embroidery floss, anything! And I love how that one is striping out--it looks like you did that! Gorgeous! It's so funny too, because I have a lot of the same storage issues that you do. Things from my mom's house--I've been trying to either work them in, sell them, or donate...too many boxes of things around. Trying to decide the best way to store my fabric so it's all together and accessible, but not taking up space in my crafty corner. Right now, it's folded nicely in tubs, but it's scattered in places throughout the house. What's a sewist to do! *sigh* I'm thinking though, you may have some solutions, depending on if you have to ever pull that table out when you're working. If you keep it against the wall all the time, You could put a shelf unit over it. On the wall where the clothes are hanging, I'm thinking a nice Ikea system could go right in there! Wait...let me get on a plane and come right over and get this all designed for you. Tee hee! Hugs. Sandy Leigh #43

Kim said...

Wow, that yarn pattern is really cool! So are the Lego models! LOL! Good luck with the rest of the remodel, hopefully your room will be yours again soon.

Tilly Tea Dance said...

Love the knitting - you're right, almost fairisle. Hope your renovation work proceeds smoothly! Happy crafting, Max #26 :-)

Twiglet said...

That wool is fab - certainly will make a great jumper for a little one. Hope you soon get to reclaim all your crafting space. x Jo

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, I can't see my desk most of the time Lol! Are you meant to? Love the wool and your knitting looks great. Happy crafty belated woyww, Angela x 24

JoZart Designs said...

Lovely to that your are still managing to create such lovely things through the chaos of decoration. I've just got the chaos without the decoration going on!! Loving your stitching and the wool is wondrous.
Jo x


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...