I'd like to start off with an explanation and apology.  It may seem to some of you that you're always having to comment on my blog first - the reason for this is that I am able to visit and comment on a Wednesday morning, usually reaching No 30 or so in the list, but then I go out for my Oxfam Volunteering stint so everyone from 31 onwards won't get visited until the evening. By which time you've already commented on mine!  So please understand, it's not that I can't be bothered, it's just that I'm not here!  Thank you for all your wonderful feedback about the blog, I really do appreciate it :-)

I have two desks for you this week - the first is from a couple of days ago:

You can see the finished tote from the fabric I showed you last week, plus a little cardi I've knitted from odds and sods of yarn that needed some pretty buttons; this will be one of many that I'm making for the Outreach project.

I found three different buttons in pinks. Twiglet gave me this pattern - it's knitted from the neck downwards with a nifty bit of casting off and on for the cap sleeves. And BEST of all, there's no sewing up afterwards!! I love knitting but detest the sewing of the garment/picking up of the button bands etc - just like I love patchwork but hate the quilting bit - weird, huh?!
So one down, a few more to go.....

And here's the tote - I'm rather pleased with the way it turned out. Not sure where it's intended for yet!

24 hours later.....

I already have a few things to send off to the Greyhound Rescue charity but thought I'd use up some of the doggy scraps to make some pencil cases/make up bags. You can see two fronts more or less made, two rectangles of a sueded fabric for the back and some ecru spotted cotton for the lining.

I cut out one of the Scotties with pinking shears and zigzagged it onto a scrap of the brown spot I used for the tote - it gave it a raggedy edged finish which is ok. Those little wooden buttons are used for everything, I think they came from Hobbycraft.

Bright pink zips finish them off - I enjoyed making these, especially as they used up tag ends of fabric, ribbon, a single daisy from ric rac....pleasing on all fronts :-D

Hope you have a lovely day mooching around all the desks - people make such interesting things, I love it!


Nikki said...

OMGosh how darling are those love how you quilted the puppy on the brown dots you have a great eye for mixing fabrics together and that TOTE is so prefect just for anyday in the summer/spring time hugs Nikki??

Sharon said...

Those are beautiful bags! I love the scotties ones. Nice knit! The buttons are really cute. I love polka dots.

I don't post until later as I am in the US and I hop around the desks in between doing other things too. It is still Tuesday night here lol and sometimes it isn't until the UKers are all in bed that I'm visiting! Thank goodness your clocks changed - ours changed two weeks ago - and I've had a heck of a time remembering what time to call/skype mum. Now we're back to our usual five hours difference.

Have a great week!
Sharon K

Helen said...

I love those scottie dogs! great bag, and love the little cardi. what a clever idea to knit downwards as it were. I visit the desks that I can before I go to work, then catch some more in the evening, so there's a great gap in my commenting times, too! Happy Wednesday. Helen #?

Unknown said...

Gorgeous makes as usual Jan. The scottie material is so cute as is the little cardigan. My Mum loves making baby knits and I dread to think how many she's made over the years! I love being on holiday as I can spend time commenting on as many blogs as possible on Wednesdays. Otherwise its spread out over a few days!
Hugs Lynda B 9

jill said...

A pretty little cardigan Jan & more lovely sewing on your desk as always . Jill #6

Neet said...

What a desk full of loveliness you have today. Not that you don't other days but today seems extra full. Great cardigan/jacket, fab bag (knew the spotted would look well) and the pencil cases well, they are fabulous. How do you fit all of this in to one week?
Hugs, Neet 11 xx

Inside the artists shed said...

Beautifully executed bags Jan - folk will think they're from Radley's. Great to hear you are helping those greyhounds. Happy stitching - Jackie x 16

Lynn Holland said...

You always have the cheeriest of fabrics Jan and the most gorgeous makes.
Have a good day at your volunteering work and a happy week
Lynn 14 xx

Mrs.D said...

Morning Jan, love everything on your desks today. The tote is fab, you seem to turn out beautiful ones incredibly fast and that pink woolly is lovely, I don't like sewing up knitting either.
The scottie dogs are fun too.
Thanks for sharing
Chris #19

Annie said...

Your post has made me smile today Jan. That little cardy is like a close friend cos between us Jo and I have knitted that pattern many times....we love it too for just the same reasons as you [no sewing up to do]. Your bags and little pencil cases are really gorgeous Jan....you are a gem.
Have a great week.
Annie x # 13

Chidkid said...

Oh those projects are so wonderful! What a great idea to send them off to charities..so inspiring! Well done for volunteering too..you're a rock star! Elaine #14

Sue Jones said...

I don't usually get to comment until after work unless I can managed one or two if it is quite at lunch time. I Adore the bag - mine is used all the time :D. The cardi is so cute. Have a wonderful week xx Soojay 22

buterfliecrafter said...

Love love love the butterfly bag!!! Happy WOYWW Vicky #8

Chidkid said...

No 19!

Sue said...

Hi Jan, That little cardi is so pretty.

Loving the tote and those make up bags will be a real hit with the Greyhound charity. You are a real star to keep making things for them. My girls are sending you an extra big hug (((Jan))).

I'm not doing WOYWW this week, as no crafting done and too much on with real life.


glitterandglue said...

Morning Jan. That tote is lovely - well done. Great little cardigan as well. No sewing up - oh bliss!!! I'm with you - if I had a little sewing-up-fairy to do it.... can dream, can't I??! I like those little make up bags, too. You are one industrious lady. Did you get the room finished and find your son?!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #21

Diana Taylor said...

Hi Jan,
I love your little fuzzy dog - zig-zagging him makes him look like he's just had a bath and dried all fluffy - soooo cute! The butterfly tote is beautiful and the colours work fabulously, you always have such an eye for putting fabrics together, clever girl! The little cardi is so sweet, and I love the idea of no sewing together!
Have a great week,
Diana xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

The cardi is cute...I will be trying to find extra long needles for you, the thought makes me laugh! You've been busy in between being busy with everything else!

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, I knew you'd recognise that picture, lol. Taken when we'd been down to visit you, then went off to Avebury on the way home. When I looked at the pic, I thought' going to be a year or two before I can walk that far again,' rofl. Loving the tote, and the little cases. Not a dog person, but that fabric makes me smile. Lots of love and huge hugs to you all, xxxxx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Adorable baby cardi! So cute! Love the tote and the pencil cases too. I've been thinking about making pencil cases from my own printed fabrics, but it's still in the clouds somewhere. It's nice to have some projects lined up though, even if they never happen. You're doing so much for charity! Enjoy your time at Oxfam! zsuzsa #26

Unknown said...

Oh my! The cardi is just adorable! I never got past K1, P2 when I was knitting. And love the tote. The little cases are just TOO TOO cute! Hope you have a great week!
Carol N #43

lisa said...

Well I know you're not there but that's Ok, it's just so nice to be back amongst you and catching up with old friends. You are looking and sounding as busy as every. Love the totes of course and I have every admiration for anyone that can knit, you'd just get a scarf from me as I can't do anything complicated!!!!!
Hope all is good with you and yours.
Hugs Lisax #48

ToadilyDiane said...

I'm the same way with commenting. I can only sneak during the day when I'm at a break! But I'm excited about comments even dats later. It's like a surprise!!! Lol.
Love your sweater and bags.
Have a great day.
Diane - WOYWW #34

Laura said...

I'm sure I have that butterfly print in paper form in my stash!
Love the dog pouches too, very cute!
Happy Desk day!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

That butterfly is just gorgeous as is the tote. I've got a stack of zippy pouches cut out which I really should get round to sewing up. Hoping my sewjo is back now that my boy is here for a while. Enjoy having yours home too x

Fiona #55

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Here I was feeling all proud of myself for sewing on a couple of buttons this past week and then you go and put me to shame. Well, not really as I'm not kidding myself into thinking I'm the sewing type. Love all your scrumptious fabrics and your wonderful makes. I really like those pencil cases with quirky decorated dogs on them. PJ #54

Bernice said...

Wow - you've been busy! Great tote bag and pencil cases. Cute wee cardigan and that certainly is a bonus that it's knit all in one piece with no sewing up at the end - I hate that part as well.
Bernice #15

Tracey said...

Beautiful projects :0) & I love that fabric.

Unknown said...

That little cardi is just the cutest thing ever! And I'm so happy because now I have a new phrase to copy from you--odds and sods! Of course, being across the pond, I'm used to commenting first, so no worries soul sister. You do your thing! Plus, I get to go visit my favorite desks, and I get to discover new places that delight me and comment on them first too! It's a win-win. And it's very weird right now, because the sun is shining at the same time a huge thunder storm is rolling in--oh my. Think I'll stay put for a while!! Hugs to you soul sister. Sandy Leigh #61--somewhere around the end

Kim said...

As always, I'm loving your totes and cases. And what a cute little sweater! Have a great week.
-K #63

Lisca said...

Oh what a cute little cardi! I can just imagine a gorgeous little girl wearing that.
The tote is absolutely amazing! as are the pencil cases with the dogs. You have a winner there.
Is your bedroom sorted yet?
Happy WOYWW and have a great week

Twiglet said...

Oh Jan - we don't mind even if you don't get round to our blog - Just as long as you post all your crafty gorgeousness!! That little cardi is so sweet - it's one of my favourite things to knit - haven't made one for ages. Your little bags are perfect for the job - it's so satisfying to use up bits and bobs and create something beautiful. x Jo

Christine said...

Thanks for your visit earlier ....exhausted as I am ..... can't resist doing a bit of visiting!!!!
I replied with the link but have now added it to the posting.
I am not a 'brown' person (pun intended) but I love all those doggies with the browns, soooo different.
Have a good week

Bishopsmate #47

My name is Cindy said...

Love that doggy fabric, I know some people who would love those bags! The tote is gorgeous - I am ALWAYS blown away by the beautiful fabric you showcase. Glad to hear you are a fellow hater of the finishing touches - I had to smile at the no sew baby jacket. I too often start the day commenting and then get waylaid by having to go out - unfortunately I don't always manage to get back!! Thanks for stopping by, Happy WOYWW Cindy #27

Stacy Sheldon said...

you have been so busy :) Love the butterfly print bag and (did you get your room put back together again?) I either skipped that part or didn't see it :) oh yeah, and don't feel like you are on a time clock for comments. seems to me since this hop is global I receive comments through the weekend depending on work schedules and such so, I don't stress about leaving comments on every link either. :) (( HUGS )) ~Stacy #64

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Oh what cute totes. And that darling little cardio is so sweet. Peg 56

BJ said...

Oh your desk is always such a delight. Adore the cardi and the tote and the little bags too. I was very late last week, nearly midnight, but I hopped in and hope to maintain a presence again! As for my cards "crafting overdrive" having been poorly I had got the the stage of buying cards so I really was pleased I got my mojo back. Thanks for visiting me BJ#49

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Lovely photos. I'm playing catch up, a sleepless night but has been fun visiting and being inspired. Some weeks we just cannot keep up with visiting, but I'm ok with that. Excited for our weekend forecast 60's, SUNSHINE! and with two retirement parties, I should be back on track. This rain, damp winds and gloom put me in a funky mood. The raggedy edged Scottie, looks like almost real fluffiness. Love their proud little walk!~ Have a fun weekend Jan.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated WOYWW and thank you for your visit yesterday. I have not seen the Robin Wood Tarot, but it definitely sounds like I would like it. Yet again I am amazed at your productivity. Still not turned my sewing machine on since last year. Ali x #18

CraftygasheadZo said...

Love your desk. That little cardi is adorable as is the bag. I'm always late visiting people. I rarely comment on Weds! Better late I gues!! lol Take care. Zo xx 41

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, you couldn't be any later than me, that's for sure :) The little cardigan is gorgeous and it's all the better if you don't have to sew any seams up. The finished tote and pencil/makeup bags are lovely. Hope you have had a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Elizabeth x #46

Mary Ann Tate said...

You are always so productive. I love those little bags. So sweet:)


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...