The beautiful weather of the past week has meant two things - I've either been outside or in our bedroom with the windows wide open......
The decorating has expanded!  This is our bedroom - the walls were a medium toned turquoise before. It took 4 coats of paint to cover it....all of which I did. How is it that I can get more paint on me than the walls when I use a roller?!  We've got a new carpet coming soon and then we can move all our stuff back in from our son's room...
He's in there somewhere :-)  We've got two weeks before he gets back from uni, so there's a deadline for us.

But, I have got some fabric out today when I had a spare hour:
That butterfly fabric was calling my name and the sewing machine was sulking :-)

I thought the brown linen spot would be a good lining for a Big Ol' Bag ( oh, and the tote as well!!)

You never know, I may actually have something made to show you next week....steady on there gal, don't wanna peak too soon....

Short and almost to the point this week. blimey, I must be getting the hang of this WOYWW malarkey :-D



Nikki said...

Lol I do the same thing when I paint and the DH us always puzzled on how I use more paint the him always. Your room is looking good and looks like your new little bag will look wonderful when done with that combo hugs Nikki??

Helen said...

I really should decorate here... but there is way too much stuff to move and that puts me off! Love the butterfly fabric. Happy WOYWW Helen #??

Judys Lace Creations said...

You'll have a lovely lift when all the gear goes back into your room, and it feels nice and fresh.We have bathrooms to do...Sigh!!Loather reno's but they Have To be Done!!
Nice bag/tote coming.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah well done Lunch Lady Jan, fancy doing all that painting and I too would have more on more that the walls.
Great work going on with your desk too lovely butterfly fabric fluttering by! Am sure it would go well in the butterfly challenge over at Mrs A.'s :D
Thanks so much for sharing.
Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x # 8

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

buterfliecrafter said...

the 2 fabrics look great together, and butterflies are always a win with me, happy WOYWW, Vicky #9

Neet said...

That brown spotted fabric is too pretty to be used just on the inside. Love it as a contrast to the butterfly stuff.
Well, you obviously have had better weather than us up north lot - good job too with all that painting you have been doing.
Good luck with the bedroom
Hugs, Neet 12 xx

Virginia said...

Ah bless, decorating, I keep wanting to start ours but the weekends disappear and its still not done and now we are nearing the end of March - whoops!

Loving the fabric mixes too!

Crafting Queen said...

Can't wait to see the finished room. You are doing a great job with the painting.

Lynsey said...

Hi Jan,
You are doing a brilliant job, I hate the disruption of decorating and I so badly need to do some... but it gives me anxiety thinking about it.

I love the fabrics, beautiful! Thanks for sharing, Lyns #21

Sue said...

Hi Jan, I want to get my flat decorated this year, but it's daunting thinking about moving furniture and boxing up ornaments, pictures, etc., I keep putting it off.

Hope you get your things back into your bedroom before your son comes home. He may well have to sleep in the bath:)

Love the fabrics.

Sue #20

Anne said...

Well done on the decorating - hope it gets done before your son is home - he'll be on the sofa :-) Loving the fabrics - and your comments do make me giggle - I'm afraid I think I may be told off this week as my post was rather long with lots of photos ' Anne x #24

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

The decorating looks brilliant but scary moving all that stuff, hope you get finished in time. Love, love, love the fabric, gorgeous. Happy woyww, Angela x 23

sandra de said...

Well done for doing all that organising to paint your room. I think about painting my craft room and just groan with the thought of organising all that stuff. Looking forward to seeing the colour you have chosen.
sandra de

Glenda said...

You have quite a bit going on in your world. I just know you are going to love the finished room and getting things back to normal! We too have Spring coming in the Southern US! Finally! Glenda #27

Annie Claxton said...

HI Jan, my!! you've been busy this week - funnily enough, I'm just trying to psych myself up for some decorating too, must be that time of year. It's always good to have a deadline :o) That butterfly fabric looks fab with the brown spot and I LOVE your gorgeous bright crocheted blanket from last week, those colours are just mouthwatering! Good luck with the decorating :o) Annie C #25

Inside the artists shed said...

Glad to see that even in the midst of chaos you have time for important things - sewing. Strong colours on walls are bs to overpaint - well done. Not long until its all done now x Jackie 33

Mrs.D said...

Oooh, love the butterflies, excited to see what you make with it, but are you going to have to make furnishing for the bedroom before you finish your playing with butterflies?
Chris #31

Diana Taylor said...

Gosh I hope you get it all done before your son comes home - isn't it amazing how much stuff we discover we have when we actually have to move it - it seems to triple in volume! Covering darker paint is always a nightmare, so give yourself a gold star for all that hard work. I love neutrals on walls as I like regularly changing my colour scheme with cushion covers, duvet covers and throws etc.
Those fabrics look gorgeous together, and I LOVE the butterflies!
Hope you have a great week,
Hugs, Diana xxx

ToadilyDiane said...

Wow you've been busy. I'm glad I'm not the only one that ends up with as much paint on me as the walls!
Have a great day.
Diane - WOYWW #32

glitterandglue said...

Morning Jan. Fabulous material. That's going to make a great bag and tote. Well done. Amazing job on the decorating... Hope you find your son in the second room when you move everything out!!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #35

Twiglet said...

I enjoy painting but, like you, I get more over myself than the walls at times! AND it always creates such havoc everywhere else doesn't it. Hope it all goes well and that you find a bit of time for that sulky sewing machine - the fabric is fab. x Jo

Elizabeth said...

I hate breathing in fumes from paint so when the EM gets the brushes, rollers and tins out I head, if not exactly for the hills, anywhere but the room being decorated! I like turquoise but the white looks so fresh and inviting. Love the butterfly fabric - it looks perfect with the brown fabric. I think I might have mentioned this before (a hundred times or so) but I love polka dots :) Hope you find time this week to cheer up your sulking sewing machine. Whatever you do, have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #46

Sharon said...

Hope you get all your decorating done! I've got to do our bedroom this year but am still waiting for it to warm up a little bit first.

I love the fabric you have. You always have such beautiful fabric. Where do you find it all? I can't wait to see the finished bag!

Sharon K #51

Unknown said...

Good morning I see you have had a very busy week painting and a two week deadline no problem you'll make it. I love the butterfly fabric can wait to see bag you make. Happy WOYWW and a fabulous week. Hugs~Anne L#7

Annie said...

I am doing a very quick whistle stop tour of my fav blogs in my lunch break today. It's pretty manic returning the bungalow to a little nearer normality for when our Dutch friends arrive tomorrow so please forgive me that it is such a quick visit.
It's soooo good to share a little chaos with you my friend. One day we will both get straight....I hope :-)
Annie x # 11

Unknown said...

Oh Jan, Violet has been sulking too! She's begging to embroider something!! I'm liking all this fresh painting and decorating. I think you need a cute pillow for the new bedroom from that gorgeous butterfly fabric. Also, I know you are taking good care of our Julia, no doubt, and bless you for it because she is special and we all want to see her through this! Please keep us updated when she doesn't feel like getting on here, and we certainly don't blame her. Hugs to you soul sister. Sandy Leigh #55

Princess Judy Palmer said...

*GROAN* I don't want to see any more piles of stuff or things that need to be moved. I'm traumatized enough now. The room looks good with its bright fresh coat of paint. Love the fabrics you picked out to go together. PJ #61

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, I see what you meant about the decorating & cramming everything into one room. I agree with the 'paint gets everywhere' thing, how does it manage it? No matter how careful you are either.Good that you managed to get a bit of me time squeezed in though. Love and huge hugs to you all, xxxxx

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Visitng short today also, had to get water saved and food prepared. We are having winds and ice. Never know how long it will be if electric goes out. Thought we were past this. So far everyone I visit is re doing rooms. Hope it's all done before the holiday and company. HAPPY EASTER to You and Yours. We've no plans yet, (weather & energy levels !!!! ) but that's ok, sometimes I enjoy quiet.

Kim Collister Studio said...

Good for you! To take a break and create!! Happy decorating and Happy Easter!
Kim #64

Julia Dunnit said...

Love the idea of a two week deadline, you so don't need that length of time when you've got the bit between your teeth! I like the spot with the butterflies.

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Jan.
I need to freshen up the paint in my home too. Most of my walls are different shades of yellow. The fabrics look great together. You'll have to show us the "bag" when done. Give Julia a big hug for me. And hug yourself for me too!!

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Jan.
I need to freshen up the paint in my home too. Most of my walls are different shades of yellow. The fabrics look great together. You'll have to show us the "bag" when done. Give Julia a big hug for me. And hug yourself for me too!!

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW and congrats on the first place. I am very much down the list this week. We have had our decorators here this week - but painting outside (gutters, pipes, shed doors, around the roof line etc). They will come back in the summer and do inside (it will be 3 years since we renovated and there are a few cracks, paintwork freshening up etc). My sewing machine is definitely sulking, although I did tidy up around it today in preparation for actually turning it on! Ali x #63

Unknown said...

Wow! 4 coats of paint to cover! I hope you get the room done in time! What an undertaking! Great fabric combo!
Carol N #50

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Lovely decorating job, Jan! When you have freshly painted walls AND new carpets as well, it's feels like moving into a brand new house - nice and clean. Enjoy! Not doing WOYWW this week, but will return next Weds!

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Fresh paint is always good. Love the fabrics! Peg 70

Kelly said...

Love the dot/ butterfly combination. You have such an eye for pairing patterns! Have fun painting! Creative blessings! Kelly #49

Christine said...

Spring is definitely in the air round here as the sun is shining, birds are singing ... I am up out of my sickbed so all I am fit for is sitting in the sunshine virtually visiting folks! Lucky me, I get to chat without moving around very much!
Have a crafting Easter (if you can!)
Take care
Christine aka Bishopsmate #36

Tertia said...

It is starting to get colder over here, thank goodness, its been the hottest summer I can remember. Hopefully I won't be complaining about the cold in a couple of months time. A little late I know, but my mom (who was a building contractor) taught me to always cover dark paint with a layer of light grey paint, before trying to paint over with a light colour. Works like a charm. Good to know for the next time you want to paint in about 5 years or so.
Happy belated WOYWW!
Tertia #62

Ohhh Snap said...

I'm very impressed with your diligence in redecorating. If I start to think about such things, I start crafting lol. The naked tea pot might be getting a form fitting peach cozy (with gaps for the handle and spout) and a willie warmer for the spout thanks to the giggles you and Julia left on my post lol. As ever, I am loving your fabrics, looking forward to seeing what magic you stitch them into : D.

okienurse said...

Looks like you are one busy lady...when you are done want to come do mine! I have a lot of redecorating I need to do and not a bit of time, energy, or money to do it! Love the butterfly material and poor sulking sewing maching....soon you will get back to it. Didn't post this week just snooping about. Vickie

CraftygasheadZo said...

I do miss being able to do my own decorating! Can't beat just getting on with it and making that room yours. Loving the use of son's room. Not considered that option here, am waiting for my dad and brother to decorate my landing, stairwell and backroom for me. Though I have considered turning K room into my craftroom as it's bigger especially now he doesn't live here!! Hehe. Take care Zo xx 43


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...