Hello lovely gals, hope you've had a good week. I know it's whizzed by, that's for sure!

So, What's on my workdesk this beautiful Wednesday?

Brace yourselves........

It's finished - only taken me two months...cough. Still better late than never, eh?!
And yes, I realise that it's not exactly my desk but it is the workchair, so that still counts, right? :-D

And so it's ready at last to be sent off (with the two splitty yarn blankets) to the outreach project in Wales. 

I'm still in lurrrrve with my berry colour blanket and it's still floating my boat :-)
So I thought I'd treat you all to a shot of my living room floor because I wanted to enjoy the pleasing colourfulness in a different shot!

Two more rows of colour and then I can start the border. It's not going to be a blanket for show, it's going to be picnicked on, snuggled under etc etc.  I'm going to do the Happy Crochet Dance again, so you'd better look away now :-D

Boogie, boogie, boogie....



Nikki said...

Jan your berry blanket it's looking soo good I love the colours and I'm sure your going to smile having your first picnic on it :)
hugs Nikki

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ahhh do a berry blanked boogie eh, Lunch Lady Jan????!!!!

Those berry colours look so awesome from every angle! Wonderful work, Jan, but so also are the labour of love with the two rugs with the splitty wool and the two weeks work patch rug.

Not sure if WOYWWing today as am sluggishly moving through list today, your 6am is our 5pm so still time to get inspired ..or not..
Thanks so much for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Helen said...

oh dance away, dance away! the colours are beautiful. the quilt looks gorgeous draped over your chair, too. Helen #?

Unknown said...

OOh lovely blankets Jan and such cheerful colours. Enjoy a good snuggle under it and pray for good weather soon so that you can have that first picnic!
Hugs Lynda B X

Judys Lace Creations said...

Love those lovely bright colours Jan! So much work on those blankets.Lovely of you to give these to a good cause.

jill said...

You always seem to have a very good eye for matching colours .no matter what project your working on. Happy woyww Jill #2

Crafting Queen said...

What a lovely quilt, well done. Love the blanket the colours are super. Have a great day.

Lynn Holland said...

Fabulous Jan, I can feel the snugglyness of your blanket from here. Happy dancing round the house day haha
Lynn 6 X

Sue said...

Hi Jan, I love the crochet blankets and the quilt. Your berry coloured blanket is fab. If you could get yarn for the job, it would make a great rug.

Sue #13

Lynsey said...

Hi Jan, the quilt is a beaut and hey 2 months isn't too bad, I've been working on a scarf for approx. 8 years - woops! The berry blanket is just gorgeous, I love love love the colours. Thank you for sharing. Lyns #17 xx

Sharon Traynor Designs said...

That's definitely a go to snuggle down blanket. Still in love with the colours too.
Your quilt looks fantastic pic too.
Sharon xx #10

glitterandglue said...

Fantastic, Jan - well done - a quilt, 2 splitty yarn blankets, and a lovely snuggle blanket. Well done you. Great work!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #16

Annie said...

Your quilt looks amazing as do your splitty blankets....I'm sure they will love them. As for your latest crochet.......I love those yummy colours. I'm sure you will get loads of use out of it when it's finished.
Keep up the good work supporting that very special friend of ours and remember to give her an extra squeeze from me when you see her next.
Annie x

Christine said...

Congratulations! Good job done, but I would remind you that Rome wasn't built in a day ...etc...etc...
I know exactly what you mean about the blanket, it is beautiful in every way and definitely a snuggly under blanket!!
Take care and have a good week

Bishopsmate #29

buterfliecrafter said...

It would take me way longer then 2 months to finish of such blanket (probably forever) Those colors are just to die for from your berry color blanket. happy WOYWW, Vicky #9

Mrs.D said...

Jan, always such beautiful stuff on your page, always a pleasure to visit. The patchwork is lovely, I really should have a go, but that berry coloured crochet is wonderful, I just want to touch it and snuggle in it, definitely made my day. Is it done in double DK, it looks very thick? Please make a video of the Happy crochet dance, it will be well worth a watch!
Thanks for your nice comment on my cards.
Chris #15

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, what an awesome sight that berry blanket is! ( Good job I proof read after typing, I'd put Beery, lol). I was very pleased I went with Marg, I hadn't expected to be very entertained, to be truthful, and said to Doug I'd probably be calling him after half an hour, so I could leave Marg to enjoy herself! We were there for nearly 3 hours, lol. Huge hugs and lots of love to you all, Shaz xxxx

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Such beaufiful colors. I'm still in shock for Julia's news. Thank You for stepping in to keep us WOYWW deskers organized and updated. Waiting is a long journey when it comes to health results. Have a wonderful week ahead, you are a gem.

ToadilyDiane said...

The patchwork quilt is adorable. I love the colors in your blanket. Do you need my address so you can mail to me! LOL
Have a great day.
Diane - WOYWW #32

Laura said...

Wow, your work is so lovely! The picture of your blanket up close on the floor makes me want to touch its lovely texture. The people who will receive the first three are lucky, indeed, and I hope you enjoy the last one immensely. Happy WOYWW! ~ Laura #42

J said...

Jan your blanket is gorgeous and looks big enough for a snuggle, I really love those colours, so warm. The patchwork is great, funny how all those tiny pieces of scrap just look so good together
Have a great weekend
Jan x no 43

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Beautiful colour explosion, Jan! Love the second photo - so neat and sharp! Professional job - could be straight out of a catalogue! How come you don't have dust in your house, LOL! The crocheted blanket looks wonderful! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #41

Caz said...

Well done on finishing - it looks fab - so bright and cheerful.
Love the berry blanket - I wouldn't want to use it, I'd sit there stroking it - such beautiful colours!!

Unknown said...

Wow...I am loving your work, beautiful colours they just make you smile. Thanks for stopping by earlier.
Dawn #25

Anne said...

Your berry blanket is gorgeous!!! Love the quilt - I have one done but not sure about sending it as the back hasn't come out too well - not very smooth - thinking of giving it to someone for a pet blanket. How big are the 'splitty yarn' blankets :-) :-) Anne x #50

Claire Grantham said...

LOL. I want to see the happy crochet dance. Love the quilt...I had to cheat with mine and sandwich it together and 'quilt' through the layers, no squares..it's for a baby, she'll never know. Looks alright - you can see the post on my blog - Mon Mar 14. The crochet blanket is amazing I love the technicolour..one day I will be brave enough to crochet something this big. Claire #51

Shoshi said...

Lol Jan, I'll join you in the happy crochet dance! I love crochet. That blanket is absolutely juicy and gorgeous - I think I'm in luuurve with it too haha! Your quilt is fabulous too. Two months is nothing. My Hebrew alphabt sampler has been on the go for about 25 years lol lol! I'm surprised the moths haven't chomped away at it faster than I've been working on it. Thank you for your great comment - yes, music is food for the soul and I am so enjoying getting back into it. My fingertips are a lot less sore now and getting quite nice and hard. I can see that calluses wouldn't be much good for touch screens. When did you last play the cello? You don't get calluses from the tuba do you - except perhaps on your lips haha!

So awful to hear Julia's news and it's wonderful that you are stepping into the breach for a while to keep all of us WOYWW-ers going, and no doubt you will keep us up to date with news of her. We never know what is round the corner, do we, and I suppose it's a good thing we don't. Bless you for being such a good friend and helping keep the ship afloat!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #31

Sharon said...

The berry blanket is filled with wonderful, luscious colours.

The quilt is lovely. They do take a while, but well worth it. I was watching a wonderful programme last night about this woman who makes quilts from fabrics that she dyes herself. Wonderful!

Have a great week
Sharon K #45

Twiglet said...

I would be doing a happy crochet dance too if I had made that gorgeous blanket! Just posted a few twiddle mitts and a couple of knitted dollies to St Asaph today. I am still knitting so may send more in a few weeks. x Jo

Diana Taylor said...

Your blanket is just gorgeous - I am in love with those colours, and it's great that it's going to be used and loved. For some reason I now have Billie Jo Spears 'Blanket on the Ground' going through my head, probably for the rest of the day now!
Hope you have a great week,
Hugs, Diana xxx

Kim Collister Studio said...

Wow, your work is beautiful. I don't crochet, but I LOVE the results of it. Love the colors!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Hooray for finished projects. I love, love, love the colours in that blanket. Hope you're keeping it for yourself.

Fiona #58

Unknown said...

Good morning and glad to hear that you have finished your quilt and I am still in love with your crochet work. The colours are so bright and beautiful just warms me up looking at it. Happy WOYWW and have a fabulous week. Hugs ~Anne L #36

Neet said...

The patchwork is lovely and will be much appreciated when it reaches its destination with it's sister splitty blankets. But the crochet! How wonderful it looks, I just love the colours and I thought (had it not been wool) what a wonderful rug it would make. Now it is to be used for picnics so it will be spread on the ground and look absolutely wondrous.
Thanks for sharing and visiting me - Neet 18 xx

Bernice said...

Well done on finishing your blanket - it looks great! The crochet colours are fantastic. Happy WOYWW.
Bernice #20

Tilly Tea Dance said...

Ah that blanket it splendid. Such fab colours! I really think you need to share footage of the crochet dance. Is it a bit like the Gay Gordons?! Happy crafting, Max #49 :-)

Stacy Sheldon said...

hahaha you are lucky no one filmed the boogie boogie happy crochet dance for you... I am grinning from ear to ear. Love the colors of the berry blanket under construction so much Jan. ~Stacy #55

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, I hope I get to spend lots at the NEC or I will be disappointed Lol! Love the blankets and the hare is gorgeous too!Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x 22

Lisca said...

What an amazing blanket! beautiful colours! Yes, I can see you boogying in my mind´s eye...
Happy WOYWW,
Thanks for visiting,
Have a good week,

trisha too said...

Well, Miss LLJ, I'll not only look away, I'll slink away in sad despair at my personal lack of crochet ability . . . but good golly, woman, that is one AWESOME berry blanket!!! You dance all you want!

Happy woyww to you!
#52 this week

Julia Dunnit said...

Boogie on gal. The song words say a lot!

Elizabeth said...

Listening to a rendition of Give A Little Bit whilst reading your post - brilliant! Love your patchwork cover - a bright and cheerful combination of colours and the polka dot backing is perfectly lovely ... life would be so dull without polka dots, don't you think :) Your striped covers are also fab - bet you are glad to be done with that splitty yarn. Have a great week. Awesome colours on your berry coloured rug too. Listening to a rendition of Give A Little Bit whilst reading your post - brilliant! Love your patchwork cover - a bright and cheerful combination of colours and the polka dot backing is perfectly lovely ... life would be so dull without polka dots, don't you think :) Your striped covers are also fab - bet you are glad to be done with that splitty yarn. Awsome colours on your berry rug too. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #44

Kelly said...

Two months is not a long time in the grand scheme of things. Love the colors you always choose to work with. So 'happy'! Creative Blessings! Kel #53

SusanLotus said...

I love the colours you use! The result is beautiful and
makes me happy to look at.

Happy creative week! And thank you for your visit on my desk.
I´m very late... I say just like you do: "Better late than never" ;)

Sussie, nr 28

Patrink said...

WOW oh WOW loving those colors. Berry berry nice.

Thank you so very much for stepping up to take care of us while Julia is on the mend. I know you will do a fabulous job.

Happy Belated WOYWW
Pat #61

Kyla said...

fabulous quilt and the backing looks SO snuggly.
The crochet blankets are great colours and its a lovely idea to make them for charity.
Thanks for visiting my desk already

BJ said...

So love your crocheted blanket, would float my boat if I had a boat too! BJ#69


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...