Apologies, Julia, but I really couldn't resist it.... this was on my workdesk earlier....
*Snigger*  Honestly, I don't know why she's still friends with me!!
These have also been on my desk..
A pile of my stash that I've been having a sort through for a charity project suggested by the lovely Jozart. Hettie, are you sitting down??? The project involves P.A.T.C.H.W.O.R.K..... heavens to Betsy, what is the world coming to??
I've also been cutting out fabric for another tea cosy for my mate Sue.
She came around and picked out these two fabrics for her kitchen. Good choice!

I don't know about you but when I log on to my blog, I tend to scroll down and check out the comments straight away. Well, earlier on, my eyes flicked to the sidebar and Stap Me, I noticed that my followers had gone up to 99!! When did that happen...?  I am seriously amazed and my gob has never been so smacked. Now call me crazy but I prefer odd numbers to even, don't ask me why, I just do and 99 has got much more of a pleasing feel to it than a boring old round century. So I'm having a

LLJ'S '99 Not Out' GIVEAWAY!!

There are no rules, you don't have to be a follower to enter, just check out the items featured below and stick the word KNIT or CROCHET or COLOUR or CHARM next to your name/WOYYW number. Please feel free to enter more than one category if you would like.
Books on Crochet, Colouring and Knitting!
One of my handbag charms (or keyring if you prefer!)

I shall pick out 4 winners using my random generator, i.e. my son.
Thanks for cheering me up with your fab comments. I still find it amazing that folk read my drivellous witterings every week....but I love it!!

And finally, last Friday I helped a dear friend clear out 20 years' worth of detritus from cupboards prior to her moving. She gave me this....honestly, what DO people think of me, LOL!! Bye for now :)


JoZart Designs said...

You've left me laughing and oohing and ahhing at the contents of your post.Lovely fabrics!
I hope to make my first next week so I can blog it and plug it next week. looks like you'll beat me to it!
All your Blog Candy Gifts look super but I think colouring might be nice to do, or snowflakes, oh anything is nice when it's a win. Thanks for the chance and congrats on 99...... someone will make it 100 and spoil the oddity of it.... then it will be 101 and you'll be happy again and so it goes!
Love the oink!
Jo x

Lisa Richards said...

Colour! Your posts make me laugh and your fabrics are always so cheery! Keep up the good work and have a great WOYWW!

Lisa (who doesn't yet have a number)

Kyla said...

Colour too! Love the cupcake t cosy, will brighten up your friends kitchen a treat. The pig made me laugh (as did the list!)
Kyla #18

fairy thoughts said...

hi LLJ
seriously dont you think that sign could apply to most of us crafty people, especially WOYWWers, great though he he
gosh what a choice but i think i would have to go with colouring too.
have a great day and enjoy your patches
janet #23

CraftygasheadZo said...

Oh you make me giggle lovely! A perfect start to my day chuckling at your post which is as always a pleasure to read. 99 sounds perfect, like the summer ice cream perhaps?! Anyway I would opt for CHARM please as I was given that very colouring book for Christmas! Take care Zo xx 43

Annie said...

Oh Jan....thank you so much for the giggle today. I love your notice board and that little piggy bank is fab....bet it's full already!
A x #41
ps don't forget to check out the bargains in the Jan sale over in our blog shop...

mamapez5 said...

Hands up: I am a list maker, but I always put something at the top that is attainable so that at least one gets crossed off! I did laugh at the piggy bank! Your giveaways are great. I think I would go for the crocheted snowflakes. That book has been on my Amazon wishlist for ages, but whenever I am making up an order, there is always something else I need more!
Have a great day. Kate x #57 (crochet)

Queenie Jeannie said...

Love the piggy!!! So fun!! I too, am I proud list maker!! Not to say I get everything done, but making a list is the natural first step, no?? I love your handmade charm - darling!

Jeannie #60

lisa said...

Just my style of list, Jan. Trouble is things never get crossed off and more just get added so I give up with the lists in the end!!!! I shall definitely add the effort bit though. I really do need to do that!!
You look in full flow and off to a flying start with lovely projects for the new year and Congrats on your 99 encouragers (as Shaz would say). It's definitely charm for me!!!! To remind me of my charming WOYWW friend. Is that enough crawling!!!!
Seriously, thank you for your lovely comments last week, you made my week and I return them wholeheartedly. I can't wait for the day when we actually say hello in person. You won't get rid of me you know and I talk for England...you've been warned!!!
Have a great day and Happy WOYWW
Hugs Lisax #59 (Charm)

Helen said...

I love your list for Julia!! You are a great friend to have, I just wish I lived closer.. looking forward to June already. (shall I bring the sign back to recycle?!) Congrats on your followers, 99 is a great number - not too big, not too small...I like your style! I would love to be in with a shout (charm) See you soon. Helen 7

Julia Dunnit said...

Your gob will be smacked! Am proud for you - that many followers is a real testament to your drivellous witterings. And I think, by a no scientific poll of comments, that lists are much more de riguer than you care to believe, Non? *happily staying on the (cough) organised high ground*....................

Morti said...

LOL - I'm a listy as well....heheheh.. Happy New Year, m'dear, hope it's all you wish for.

Oh, put me in for a CROCHET or a KNIT.... rofl

JoZart Designs said...

Re your comment...You can furtle in my drawers any time!! Tee hee!
Jo x

Lynn Holland said...

Great page, lots to smile about and lots to ooh and aah over too.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

had to laugh at your sing for Julia and your sense of humour is why you are such great friends.. and well done on 99 not out..

I remember so well when you began and think standing n for Julia might well have been one of those things on here list :D and Crochet is what I am putting...
.... as should get to my crotcheting UFO, happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #6

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

oops typo yet again meant "sign" not "sing" but your probably do that too! Shaz in Oz.x

Jaki Morris said...

99 makes me think of an ice cream, mmmmmm
Just delete any further followers then you can be forever 99

Take care

Jakix #76

BJ said...

I like odd numbers too, but maybe I'm just odd! Adore the CHARM Happy WOYWW BJ#52

Anonymous said...

Oh crochet please.

Your reputation goes before you Jan, the writing is on the 'pig' as they say lol

Your friend has good taste when it comes to picking material, love the cupcakes myself.

Hope the holiday plans are coming on, do l need to warn our locals of your arrival???

Happy WOYWW xxx

shazsilverwolf said...

Jan, loved the post, you always manage to put something that makes me laugh. The pig is great, but your noteboard for Julia is ACE! Looking forward to the crop, Beloved Hubby is getting none too subtle hints about it, lol.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #73 xx

Karen said...

I love your "To Do List", it looks familiar! Your charity work is wonderful, whether it helps one or one hundred people, it has made their day better than it was which is a good thing to do for someone. I'd love to be in your Candy Draw for the Charm, thanks for the chance of a win. Happy WOYWW! Karen 93 x

Cardarian said...

Oh Jan I just love your posts - so much fun, please keep up the good work! I am so happy you got my card - one always worries wether the postal service will come thru or not! He, he a new crop has been announced! YIPEEEE!
Love the tea cosy, I might have one myself one day!!! We will discuss it!
Have a lovely 2013!
Lots of hugs

Ann B said...

99 no longer - I like round numbers.
Beautiful fabrics and congrats on a century of followers. That pig reminds me of one I had quite a few years ago now but mine had blue flowers painted on it - wonder what happened to that one.
Would love a chance at the Chram.

Have a good week.
Ann B

Tertia said...

I am in LOVE with that piggy bank. As always, so much happening at your desk, my head is spinning. The tea cozy fabric is great too.
Happy belated WOYWW
Tertia #17 (colouring)

Eliza said...

Why on earth would you think that no one would read your ramblings your words make people smile, laugh and oh and ahhhhh. I do love the cupcake a treat with the spots and it's going to look good in a kitchen, wish you were around the corner from me LOL I can crochet but not read a pattern, I can knit but am slow at it so I don't unless I am desperate, the charm is beautiful that is for sure but that piggy is precious, treasure him forever.

Eliza #8

Twiglet said...

Lol - I love your blog!! That piggy is perfect - what I call "a conversation piece"!!
Well done on the 99 - put me down for KNIT please. x Jo

Anonymous said...

You make me smile every time. And it takes me ages to read your blog as there is always so much lovely eye candy on it I can't tear myself away. Congrats on your milestone and have an outstanding day!

MA (4)

(dithering - I have more books on knitting and crochet than I will ever read so I think I will pass and let someone who really "needs" one have a better chance at one)

MrsC.x said...

i love your postings you always make me smile
Happy woyww TFS Mrs.C.xx #28

Annie said...

Thanks for calling by and writing such lovely comments. I buy my wool rovings from a blogging friend called Sara. Here is the link to her shop.....


She comes highly recommended :-)
A x

Lori said...

Ok, I want the pig!! I may have to find one and paint "Immoral Earnings" on him So me!! Love it!!

I am new to WYOWW and a friend of Sandee. I hope you get a chance to check out my blog and desk.
Lori #81 (Charm)

Karen McAlpine said...

Now that is my kind of list--no boundaries. LOL Great fabric assortment. Congrats on the new followers too. And, some goodies to give a way too. Wow, can't beat that! The piggy bank is a hoot!
Karen 119--crochet

Caro said...

I love the sign for Julia...it really made me smile! Wonderful fabrics and great post all together. Thanks for sharing. Caro #46 (colour or charm).

Neet said...

Oh he k what do you do when you get to 100? I think that calls for a happy dance. Well done on growing numbers. Well deserved.
Love what you are doing, think I should join in.
Have a good day
Hugs, Neet xx 11 charm

MiniOwner said...

(Charm) Hownice to read a post and come away smiling - thank you. Happy Wednesday. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner @53)

Laura said...

'Drivellous witterings' ?!?! More like quality makes.
Good luck with the patchwork - it really is fun you know!
Happy WOYWW,
89 Colour

SandeeNC said...

CHARM<CHARM<CHARM< lol, I really liked the charm, it would look fabulous on my key chain! Love the pig, too cute! oh and I just rolled my eyes at Julia's list, said I'm sorry, and posted mine anyway...lol She'll probably ban me at some point! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Debs Willis said...

Oooh, a new phrase from the WOYWW dictionary of oddities - drivellous witterings - love it!
Hi Jan, sorry not been by for ages, life got in the way of fun :-)Love your list for Julia by the way, maybe you need to stitch that onto a wall hanging for her ;-)

And if I;m lucky enough - CHARM please!!

happy woyww - Debs #132

ria gall said...

Charm please
this is my first go at WOYWW and I am enjoying seeing other peoples blogs and work.

Spyder said...

Happy New Year, in case I forgot last week, I was having trouble getting in to comment on some blogs...(maybe they were keeping me out!!
oh yes, I'm going to have to say Charm too! although I do love colouring too! charm..desk looks very charming...and drivellous witterings is even charminger! Happy woyww

voodoo vixen said...

I am sure Julia will forgive you... I have to admit that I only do lists when under stress, it helps to relieve it when I get to tick each one or I would lose track of what had to be done and when, especially moving to tother parts of world!! Congrats on your 99 and if I had to chose then it would be a bag charm or keyring, they are beyoootiful! Annette #37

Unknown said...

I love your immoral earnings piggy bank! But I'm curious about the backstory on the Julia list. (there's always a backstory) How fab of you to have a lovely drawing! I like how simple you've made it too! I must have a Sandy-cleaned-out-her-stash kind of drawing very soon. Hope you are having a wonderful week dearest! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #104/Knit

Anne said...

You've made me laugh and cheered me up ( and I need it) gorgeous fabrics and love the piggy. I don't really mind what I win but I do especially like the handbag charm. Congrats on 99 don't think I'll ever reach those dizzying heights. Anne x #135

pearshapedcrafting said...

Can't have you feeling odd! Love your list although, I have a friend who used to say when you do something on your list tick it as it's more positive than crossing out!! Oh and just in case - COLOUR! Chris 87

akilli melek said...

Now that is a blog post to be proud of....a laugh at the start and a giggle at the end. I actually did laugh out loud!
Would love a crochet book, my MIL and SIL made little Miss A such a gorgeous cardi, now feel suitably embarrassed into learning to crochet. They are too far away in Turkey to teach me, but I'll have to try and learn so that I can attempt to make something.
caroline #123 CROCHET

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I love the immoral earnings piggy bank! I want one that says "ill gotten gains" now that I think of it. My cat Fido used to sock away his money-in a little sock made into a coin purse. No, really. So we'll be expecting some patchwork things from you then, eh? Well, we'll keep our eyes open for that. I love the to-do list. I think the first item should be "write to-do list." Yeah, I'll get on that tomorrow.

Words and Pictures said...

The pig is fabulous - full yet? Great list - but how come "make a list" isn't crossed off yet!?! Congratulations on the 99, and what a lovely way to celebrate, thank you! Happy WOYWW!
Alison x
#99 (colour)

Apryl said...

Great post :) Love the pig ;) Happy WOYWW!

Apryl H #9

Shoshi said...

Fabulous post, Jan! Adore the list. reminds me of my sister who makes lists of where her lists are.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #77

Di said...

Ha, you're up to 103 now I see! For me it would the knitted hats :) Belated Happy WOYWW! Hugs, Di xx #32

jude said...

hiya Jan ,
happy New
hugs judex Year so pleased you have reached loads of followers your creations are amazing.well been Awol due to ill health and no mojo but im back to get some inspiration.
Happy woyww day late i know not got the days back to normality after christmas totaly confused me ..lol
would love to win the charm 144

Tuire Flemming said...

Love that cup cake fabric - and the piggy is absolutely cute ;)
I´m in with KNIT and CHARM!
Have a lovely day!
Tuire #2

Darnell said...

Hi Ho! What? No, I'm not calling you that. Years ago, when I was making my immoral earnings, we didn't have nicknames and ho meant laughter or a garden tool. Which reminds me, in my day, tool meant ... you see how there isn't really a simply sentence I can type without the wittle gray cells go off down side roads ... well, I rather think you do know!

I'm glad I caught you by surprise over at the Playhouse yesterday! That was fun! Congrats on your 99 followers! You are so ego-less not to notice - it's the first thing I check. But me, no, I'm not needy. At all. Snort.

Have a wonderful week!! Darnell #30

Erika said...

Great post as always Jan, great notice board and loving your materials as always. I'd love to learn how to crochet, my mum was really good at it but unfortunately lives to far away to show me. Have a great week and sorry for the late post. Hugs Erika. 97

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your lovely comment, Jan - actually I can't take credit for the original idea which came from Sandy Hunter - http://tanglebucket.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/for-my-fellow-tangle-junkies-some.html# but she uses coin pouch pages and I thought they would be too small. As I already had a few ATC pouch pages I thought I'd make mine ATC-sized, and this seems ideal. I'm very pleased with how it is going so far. It will be fun to decorate the cover of the ring binder too.

Thank you also for my new title! Bridget Larsen calls me the Zentangle Queen lol! Actually, I keep on finding more and more people online who are far better at it than I am, but I am having fun designing some patterns of my own. In time, when she is less busy, I am hoping that the owner of the Tangle Patterns site (which is as major source of patterns) will approve mine and make them available on the site.

Shoshi #77

Kim said...

Charm! (but i didn't show a desk this week; no changes, so sad!) I love your Board, of course she's still friends! After all, it is the truth! LOL!
Have a great weekend.

Hettie said...

Tee Hee! That is one thing off my List then...get LLJ patchworking! Yeay!! Love that money box. I hope it is a large one to take all the earnings! Hmmn as for choice I really like the subject matter of the crotchet but I cannot crotchet. Maybe I could get my neighbour to crotchet them up for me! Tee Hee! Better say Charm. I bought my sister that colouring book for Christmas!

Caz said...

That pig made me chuckle!!!! You'll be seeing more fabric on my desks as the month goes on - first night at the patchwork class went well - loved it - first block (of 9) made for my first ever quilt!!! Amazing how excited you can get over cutting (straight!!) some strips and sewing a perfect 1/4" seam!!
Happy (late) WOYWW
Caz #68 (CHARM - how beautiful!)

Victoria said...

Oh so many things to chuckle at! Love the piggy bank, love the gorgeousness, love the noticeboard! I'd better make some effort this week....... but I just don't feel like it!

April said...

Your board is hilarious and I'm sure that's why she's still your friend. :-) Congrats on your 99 followers. April #136

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I love your list. How many things have you crossed off, or did you get sidetracked like I always do. As for the pig, I never seem to earn anything, just spend it. Congratulations on reaching the grand target of of 99. As you say, a good number. I understand what you mean about it being a better number than 100. By the way, I would love that Crochet book. Have a great week. xx Maggie #32

JoZart Designs said...

Hi Jan
Just a quicky....Thought you'd like to see this little idea on my friend, Alison's blog. Really simple useful handbag tidy.
Love jo x
PS Shall we launch the charity project this WOYWW do you think? email me if you can. I'm only starting mine today but I have been in touch with people re their use and it's well anticpated.

sandra de said...

Had to respond to your comment ... DH has two Harley's and his workshop is very close to my craft room. No wonder I am into metal he is forever making a racket just outside my window. Now I can sing along when he roars off!!

Tamika said...

Your bank is awesome! So is the background of your blog!#108


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...