What's on my desk this week? Quite a lot as it happens, but I open with a conundrum. When I was sorting out Mum's stuff last June, I came across this in her sewing basket. Do any of you know what it is cos I haven't a clue!

It's about 4" wide and 2.5" high. Please put me out of my misery if you can, thank you!

I have done the mother of all sort outs (or is it sortS out??) this week. In order to ascertain what I have:
(a) already made (b) cut out but awaiting sewing (c) good fabric of a reasonable size (d) largish scraps (e) scraps to go in the stuffing bag
It needed everything pulling out of boxes and wardrobes...

The fabric is mostly sorted out into heavier and lighter weight cottons.

All the ribbons, ricrac, piping cords, elastic and bling embellishments are together in one box....

In another lies the wherewithal for making bunting -  a veritable box of bunts!! I'll start running some lengths up in order to send off to folk for their charities.

And I know I said I wasn't going to buy any more fabric...you know what's coming here.....but I was in Salisbury last week with Julia and we nipped into one of our fav fabric shops and they had a sale rack with all these gorgeous heavy cottons at £3 per metre instead of £10-12!!! I couldn't let that pass especially as I'm going to be making fleecy backed quilts for a project that JoZart has thought of.....
Aren't they fab? I made myself be restrained cos I could have bought an awful lot more. £60 worth of fabric for £15, not bad eh??

Then I found these fleece remnants for 90p in my local wool/fabric shop in Pewsey...
There's enough to make about 4 little beanie hats, I reckon. Isn't it pretty?
So. that's enough to keep me busy for a while - if not quiet!!!

Thank you to all the folks who entered my '99 Not Out Giveaway'. Here are the winners....

Hooray and congrats! If you lovely 
ladies would like to send me your snail mail addresses, I will get your prizes off to you forthwith. Morti, I'll pop around for a coffee and bring you yours, shall I?? Lol Thanks to my random answer generator (G3, my son) for picking the winners for me :)

And finally, we had a rare day of blue skies and sunshine on Sunday. We wrapped up for a bracing walk and enjoyed a good old stamp around the village. It was glorious...
and even in this freezing weather are signs of burgeoning life. These pussy willow buds were glowing in the sunlight, just starting to burst out of their shiny black carapaces. Beautiful :)


MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I did a quick Google search and your Mum' mystery item seems to be an automatic needle threader,especially for thin needles. I need to follow your example on the major sort out front, then I might find what I need more quickly. Hope your efforts are soon completed. xx Maggie (no number as yet, depends on what time I wake up.)

JoZart Designs said...

Maggie is correct and I have a similar smaller one. Your Mum's looks like it's for thick needles or thin needles.
Your sort out is going to produce all sorts of wonders to help so many folk or raise funds in many way. Thanks so much for helping me and the preliminary launch of LilliBo Quilts is on my blog!
What a brylcream sheen on the pussy willow! Super pic.
Lots of love Jo x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ha ha Maggie did same as me!! good old Google.. love it!
..and how wonderful it is for those winners on your generous 99 and not out!! and love your clean out need you over here, happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x # 4 I think..

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Lunch lady Jan,
In case you want to see how it used here is the you tube link:

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Yup..a needle threader and I'm at the point where I have to use my grandmothers!! I started picking them up at garage sales, as there are many differnt kinds. I love old sewing things. And it must be sorting season for most of us. But you have a nice assortment to keep you busy!! Happy WOYWW #13 this week and hard at trying to visit everyone.

Annie said...

I have a smaller version of your needle threader.....but fall out with it every time I use it :-) When you've finished sorting your stock of fabrics you can pop over and make a start on mine for me if you want to. :-)
A x #50

Words and Pictures said...

Ah, yes... attorneys general, courts martial, passers by and now sorts out - I'm definitely in favour. And what an ordered existence your fabric stash is now leading!! Glad others have solved your conundrum, no way I could. Happy WOYWW!
Alison x

MrsC.x said...

gotta love a sale and you cant pass itup when its on sale that would be rude and bad business sense! ;) lol

Happy WOYWW Mrs.C #46 {i think?!}

Helen said...

Glad someone knew what it was, as I didn't!! Love all your fabric bargains, it makes me want to be able to sew! Your box of bunts is gorgeous...hours of fun ahead there.... Well done to the lucky ladies winning your goodies. Helen, 10

lisa said...

Love your song words, Jan..oh so true. Hope you are keeping warm this chilly Wednesday. -6 here at the minute!!
Your fabric bargains are gorgeous, love the animal one.
No idea what your mystery object it but I shall show it to be sewing Mum and MIL, they are of an age that might know!!
Congrats to the lucky winners.
Off for my first day of paid work now..... wey hey crafty pennies to spend again!!!!!
Hugs Lisax #70

BJ said...

What a delightful blog post you have today. Thanks for visiting me already, yes I rather like the turquoise version too (must link it to Timmy's site). As for skiing in the Beacons? I am a tad confused? May you mean the Breacon Beacons which are in Wales but I live currently in Surrey?? But there again my DS's school is called "The Beacon" but not sure I'd want to ski there - LOL. Anyway, no idea what the first item is, love all the boxes of goodness and the pussy willow, I need to get out to see some myself methinks. BJ#55

okienurse said...

WOW you have been busy sorting! I am clueless as to what that strange thing you have from your Mom! Looking forward to seeing if anyone knows. Congrats to the winners! Have a great week. Vickie #43

sandra de said...

A needle threader ... who would of thought of that?? Well done for getting involved in the quilt project Jo has started sounds like a wonderful idea. The pussy willow buds are lovely.
Sandra @16

Julia Dunnit said...

It's a needle threader, and still very available! Oh, I see you already know that. Ah well, better late than never! Am impressed by your sort out, love the winner's list..secretly you're using that board more and more........
And am terrified by that big box of bunts. Oh my.

Redanne said...

So glad you found out what that contraption is for I had no idea either! Love how you have organised all your fabric/ribbon stash and also love your new fabrics - well you could not leave them on the shelf now could you? Tee hee, I would have done the same. Congratulations to the lucky winners too. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #35

shazsilverwolf said...

What is it with us crafters & post-Christmas sorting? I do it every year, but I was pretty ruthless this year. I always think if I throw something out, I will instantly find a need for it. Proved it to this year,lol. One thing that got thrown was some Velcro I bought years ago, used some, rest has been lying in a box untouched for 3 or 4 years. So I chucked it out. Two days later, what did I need to make my 'blending tools'? Yes, Velcro. Fortunately, our bins are emptied on a two-week rotation, and the general bin wasn't due yet. Outside to retrieve my Velcro, my squirrelling habit now firmly reinforced, lol.Have a Great Wednesday, Hugs xx Shaz #64

Morti said...


Wow - I won! And that is SOOOOO cool because Lil Miss B keeps going on and on and on and on and on about getting an animal hat..... Thank you thank you thank you!

Yes indeedy - do pop round for a cuppa ASAP - Mrs Doctor has just signed me off for another week, so I'm home till next Thurs....

Happy New Year M'dear!

Morti said...

Oh yes, meant to add that I'd gone and googled the needlethreader too - I thought I recognised the brand name when I saw it!

Karen said...

My Mum has one the same - it's a needle threader!!! Looks like a strange contraption, but it does work! Love your new fabrics, and I agree, how can you leave a bargain like that behind! Happy WOYWW! Karen 90 x

SueH said...

You already know by now that the object that has had you baffled is a needle threaded. You can still buy them, in fact I got one last year when I had the trouble with my eyes….a clever little invention I must say.
Well, you certainly are in sorting mood Jan, aren’t you……..would you like to come round and make a start on mine?

Happy Crafting!
Sue @79

Angie said...

Thought I'd drop by even though I didn't woyww. Wow what a collection of material ...how good are you to sort it all out ...good luck with Jo's charity project.
btw I love Pussy Willow

Glenda said...

Everyone seems to be sorting and storing and packing and sacking. What is it about January that makes us go into this mode? I too have been doing the same!
Glenda #97

Caz said...

Another one having a sort out!! Definitely needed at this time of year! You simply can't miss out on sale bargains - they don't count - it's only full price fabric you mustn't buy any more of.
I've got the sewing desk on WOYWW this week and (on of) the latest project - it's addictive, this sewing lark!!!! LOL!! Class tonight so I'll try and get a post up tomorrow of last week's and tonight's completed blocks......

Anonymous said...

I could use one of them - the ageing eyes are struggling with threading :) I need a proper sort of of all my stuff, fabric and paper, and I know from Jo's blog your charity project is gearing up so who knows if I will actually sew or just pass on stash :)

If you pop by, look back to yesterday to see the e-reader/iPd beanbag I mentioned a week or so ago. Bet yo could whip up a ton of them in minutes..... :)


MiniOwner said...

Hi Jan - a super post as always with lots of interesting stuff to read. I'd like to know if the needle threader works. They sell them on Amazon and I waste so much time trying to do it by eye. Happy Wednesday. :O)
Sue x (MniOwner@104)

Unknown said...

I have looked and looked at that thing you found--I can't even imagine what it is. Some kind of cutting device for fabric maybe? Love all that gorgeous stash too. I'm so glad you got some sun at least one day. It is sunny here, but feels like Antarctica! Have a wonderful week dearest! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #119

Anonymous said...

That's an automatic needle threader you've got there, my Gran had one that I used to love to play with! Lovely new stash, who can resist? Nice to see the sun again, love to see Mother Nature's resilience.

Brenda 106

Twiglet said...

Oh such gorgeous fabrics. I love the fleecy hearts. If that is an automatic needle threader like Brenda says - I can't imagine how it does it!! Show and tell. x Jo

ria gall said...

How busy have you been with all your sorting, as long as it makes life easier then it has been worth it. I hope you will start using your mums needle threader now you know what it is.
Ria #114

voodoo vixen said...

I hope someone solved your mystery tool because I haven't a clue!! LOL Everyone I go to visit is doing organising... do you think it is the fresh new year that gets everyone wanting to sort stuff out? I think you made out like a bandit with your material haul!! How brilliant is that? I don't really sew (well, not your sort of make something you can recognise sort of sew)but i can never resist material if it is on sale... I figure I can make tablecloths if nothing else!! ;) Annette #3

Bernice said...

Yes its a needle threader - let us know if it works and if its 'pupil proof' - my creative craft class girlies have just broken three of the traditional type needle threaders so a more robust type would be useful - considering as I now have to thread all their needles myself! Lovely bargain fabrics there - I splashed out on fabric this week also - its difficult to pass by!

Jackie said...

I see you know what it is now
Lovely fabric at great price
A new year sort out ... That's what I need to do
Jackie 26

CraftygasheadZo said...

Hope someone can help you with that sewing thingy! Fab sorting there, and am sure you'll find it easier to find stuff then?! well that's the theory I hope for when I sort but then it takes ages to find stuff again with it all neat and tidy! Take care lovely Zo xx 80

Laura said...

I'm eyeing up that fabric with fruit hearts and flowers - very nice
Laura 92

Laura said...

Oh and check out this youtube link for the needle threader in action...

Angie said...

Just popped back to say she is a pygmy hedge hog and they are bred for pets. She is going to be quite big I think, as her grandfather was huge .... and those felines who think she has no right in the house soon steer clear after they tap her quills. Most of the time she is in her special cage and then comes out to play in the pen....cant let her loose in the house.xx

Erika said...

Hi Jan more beautiful materials there, sorry don't know what your machine is. Hope you've had a super crafty Wednesday, hugs Erika.

SandeeNC said...

LOL, you might be due for a fabric intervention of sorts! Have fun with your sort-out! ♥ waving hi from the soggy laden hills of North Carolina :)

Pam said...

that brings back memories my mum had one for threading needles. Your looking very organised Jan, putting me to shame my craft room is a tip!

Hugs Pam x

famfa said...

What a great tidy up you had. Loved the big box of bunts. Good finds at the sale

Andrea said...

wow what a stash and my you have been very busy.I can see why you couldn't resist the fabrics they are such a good buy. glad to see your puzzle has been solved hope you have a wonderful week andrea #22

Kyla said...

No idea what the item is...looks sweet though (a nice retro piece).

I can see why you couldnt resist those new fabrics, so bright and cheerful.
Hope the snow is ok over the coming days!!
kyla #17

Anne said...

Great fabrics. I didn't know what the gadget was - glad you found out - I must admit I was very curious. Happy WOYWW Anne x#137

fairy thoughts said...

Hi LLj
I think it must be the week of boxes, love the idea of a box of bunts LOL. love the animal fabric. I am joining Jo on her quilt making.
glad you liked my green bead box... you should see the red box, the yellow box, the blues boxes, the crystal box... I have 11 of those boxes ... all full... have you been to the southampton bead shop.. if not.... you should.
jante #30

Kim said...

I reckon your gadget does exactly what it says on the tin. It fills in things that need filling in! Lovely bright fabrics. Not looking though as I'll want to start another project!!

Di said...

Wonderful fabrics there Jan! And am glad the gadget mystery seems to be solved :)

Happy WOYWW, hugs, Di xx

505whimsygirl said...

Hi there LLJ,

Oh, I can see why you couldn't pass up on the fabric. Mind you, I have a stash and I haven't used my sewing machine in YEARS. Jo's project is a wonderful one - so glad you are participating.

Hmm, my house. I've had one looker and that's it. It will be a month tomorrow that I advertised on the website. I still need to put a sign out by the road but the ground is so frozen that I bent one of the sign legs. The home that I was VERY interested in has an offer in on it. Awaiting the home inspection so my realtor says it's not a done deal yet.....


Hettie said...

Ooo! Didn't you have a bargain Mrs!! Love the fabrics. Need to see what Jo is up to so I can see if I can join in. Not that I have much fabric to spare mind you!!
That object, is it not a needle threader? I dont own one but it looks similar to some I have seen at shows??

Eliza said...

My mum had one and it is a needle threading machine, really good to so don't throw it away you might need it one day.

Yep totally yummie fabrics yet again.


Eliza said...

You made me laugh and laugh woman spy-ing on the private parts of the males, but you are right they are huge. LOL That particular Roo is 6 foot 6 inches tall from what my uncle tells me and it's a man, big man.....


Queenie Jeannie said...

For you it's fabric, for me it's stamps, lol!!! Either way, we're addicted! And I use the sale rationale ALL the time too. Enjoy!

Jeannie #47

My name is Cindy said...

Hi Jan! Never mind my feet, everything is bloomin' cold, I can't wait for Spring to arrive! Seems like everyone is having a clear out, been hearing from Jozart about your quilty things, sounds great! Yes I had heard about the meet, it is in the diary, thanks for mentioning it. Happy WOYWW Cindy

Lori said...

You have been busy.

I have no idea what the item is, so i hope someone else does.

Congrats to all the winners.

Sorry I am a day late. Fighting the nasty flu.
Lori #84

Nan G said...

Beautiful nature pic! Lovely boxes of fabric! A late Happy WOYWW! Nan 113

Caro said...

First of all....thank you so much for my win. I am uber excited about it! That is gorgeous lot of fabric and related items there. Good luck with the mega sort out. Thanks for sharing. Happy 'Belated' WOYWW. Caro #63

Nicky said...

The item is a needle threader - one side for small eyed needles the other for larger one. My mum has one and when she was shown how to use it and told how simple it was to use she could not get the needle to thread then we noticed she has put it upside down lol - looks like you have had a major sort out – I have not shared my desk this week as am busy looking after my friends cattery but am enjoying looking at everyone else craftiness – Have a great week

Darnell said...

What a major sort you've had, LLJ! I'm noticing that January seems to do that to a lot of peeps. You love fabric like I love paper. I keep saying to myself, NO MORE and then I'll see something lush or whimsy and my hand will reach out to touch ... I'll stop there as this is a family show!

Thank you so much for stopping by the Playhouse and for your sweet anniversary wishes for me and the Mister. I'm sorry I've not gotten by sooner. I took some time off to celebrate with Himself and I'm slowly, slowly making my way 'round.

I've heard you are getting snow in some parts. Enjoy! (If it's not so much that it turns into a pain in the as I was saying, having a great weekend!! Darnell #64

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, the sky won't snow here - no matter how much a I dance for the snow god!

I found odd old bits and bobs in my mum's stuff too - little gems of needlework and crafting history - just like your needle threader. And I've get them because they tell us so much about mum - she was an ace gadget collector :)

There is nothing quite so satisfying as having a stash sort out - and, oh boy, have you got some lovely pieces of fabric to play with :)) You're going to be making tons of bunting - we enjoyed, once again, hanging up your Christmas bunting from 2011 - it sure beats paper chains :))

Look forward to seeing your charity makes in future weeks. Late as ever - Elizabeth x #52

Lucy said...

It's one of these - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFK0CT68rmE

We sell smaller ones at work. It's a great feeling when you get all your fabric up together and in the right places! Lucy #38 x

Darnell said...

You're too kind, LLJ! I'm following you, too, which I thought I was, but that keeps happening to me. You didn't show up on my followers little thumbnail faces tho, so perhaps you are subscribing? Or else it didn't take for some reason.

I'm all ready for you at the Playhouse with your vod, er, tea. Be careful, it might be slippery on the walk!!

JoZart Designs said...

Thanks for your comment Jan and you might like to read my DDs message I've jus added at the end of the LillyBo blog post.
Love Jo x


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...