My dear acquaintance, it's so good to know you

For strength of your hand 
That is loving and giving
And a happy new year 
With love overflowing
With joy in our hearts 
For the blessed new year

May 2013 be a happy, healthy and peaceful year!
Before I show what's on my desk, I have a few thank you's to give out. Cards that arrived at various points from lovely folk that I haven't shown. From L-R, Vickie (Okienurse), Dolores (Cardarian), Di (PIxie) and Brenda (Butlers Abroad) Thank you girls, they have brightened up my home this Christmas.

Vickie also sent me this little lot, which was very unexpected and much appreciated! Some fat quarters, ribbon, a great ideas leaflet and a funky green angel. I live next to a huge forest and she really is The Angel of the Woods for me. Thank you so much, Vickie, your thoughtfulness has really touched me. How lucky am I? :D

Julia was right when she said that if we could bottle the WOYWW bonhomie, it would make the world a better place. I am going to try, in my own little way, but more of that later.....

OK, the desk is a bit weird this week (I know, I know, it's always weird...but this week, it's a games related gift for my son, The Big O)
It's an upside down Creeper from Minecraft!! If you don't know what I'm referring to, lucky you :) It would take too long to explain..... This is the front piece of a cushion cover....
The finished cushion!
I think he likes it - yay!!

Other things to show you are the two cocktail rings I received as presents.
Both blingy and gorgeous yet quite different..I love them both!!
And two beautiful glass hangings (they are coaster sized) that my boys gave to me.
They're made from layers of glass with two of the White Horses of Wiltshire carved into them. They shine in the sun and appear to be 3D, I adore them not only because they're beautiful, but because they just sum up Wiltshire for me. I'm so lucky to live in this amazing place. (For folk who may not know, Wiltshire has 6 gigantic white horses cut into the turf on the Downs to reveal the white chalk underneath. The first was the Uffington White Horse, pictured left, which was done thousands of years ago. Sir Terry Pratchett, my favourite author EVER, says 'It's not what a horse looks like, it's what a horse be')

So here are a few reasons why I consider myself to be a fortunate and lucky girl - my gorgeous husband and boys, my family and my friends. This year, I'm going to change the angle of what I do slightly. I'm still going to craft, but what I make is all going to be for charity this year. So, if you have a favourite one, let me know and I shall see what I can come up with.

What goes around, comes around......


peggy aplSEEDS said...

a blessed and joyful new year, Jan! i googled those horses to look at pictures and wow, they are amazing!

Annie said...

What a lovely post Jan. Good luck with the Charity makes and a very Happy New Year to you and yours.
A x #26

Claire said...

what gorgeous coasters! and what a fun cushion!!
and i'm sure the charities will love all your creations this year :) i'd put forward the stroke association - as a stroke survivor! it's not very trendy, but stroke IS the no. 1 cause of disability in the UK! http://www.stroke.org.uk
wishing you all good things in 2013 and happy WOYWW :o)
no. 14

okienurse said...

Great post this week. Love the cushion and the tiles! I am glad you liked the Angel and gift...You are an awesome person! Hope you have a Happy and Prosperous New Year! I look forward to seeing your posts in 2013! Vickie #17

Redanne said...

Such a lovely post today Jan, very uplifting and how lovely to give to Charity this year. Your boys have given you such a beautiful set of horses, they are stunning. My Charity of choice would have to be Cancer research, but for Prostate Cancers as it is underfunded compared to others. Hope you have a Happy New Year and that 2013 brings you everything you could wish for. Anne x #7

Sandy said...

Great cushion gift.. Friends son plays minecraft looks very complicated. he is always making rooms or something like that, he shows me and I nod and agree.. Lovely cards you received and wonderful woodsy angel, lucky you.. How wonderful of you to do all your craft for charity this year..
Happy New Year
Sandy :) #33

Belinda Basson said...

Fab post full of interesting stuff. Did not know about the horse thing...

Julia Dunnit said...

You are a very special gal. Your immeasurable generosity will I know, drive you harder than any motivation for a secondary income ever does. proud to know you.

Kate said...

We'll take your word on the 'Creeper from Minecraft' thing! Looks great though, I'm sure dome pacman and other retro games ones would go down a storm.

Happy new year.

** Kate **

shazsilverwolf said...

What a lovely idea.One of the Christmas gifts I got my youngest son this year was a virtual gift for Cats Protection- his 'pressie'fed an abandoned kitty for the Christmas period- he loved it and has signed up as a regular donator.Love the angel, and I agree you live in a beautiful part of the UK- we love visiting Wiltshire. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #41 xx

My name is Cindy said...

What great gifts and you are a star to be so generous with your crafting. I have no idea what the creeper thing is and not sure I need to but the body language looks pleased (!) with the gift. Happy New Year Jan, Cindy #60

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Oh yes, I know exactly what Minecraft is! Prising my son off it and into some revision for upcoming exams is my primary occupation right now! I think I wished you a Happy New Year on your previous post but I hope it's a good one for you and yours. Fiona xx #64 I think!

Helen said...

Happy New year, lovely lady! Love your gifts - especially the two hangings. Helen, 4.

sandra de said...

wishing you a delightful 2013... Lovely gifts one can never have enough bling and horses in your case. I am now off to google all about those horses. Woyww always sends me off in search of new things.
Sandra @24

lisa said...

A very Happy New Year to you and your lovely family, Jan. I'm glad you enjoyed your Christmas although I know it can't have been an easy one. It sounds like Santa was very generous. What lovely pressies you received.
Love the cushion but anything computer game related just passes straight over my head, whoosh!!!!
I hope you have a very crafty year and how brilliant to pass your wonderful talent onto others.
hugs Lisax #65

Eliza said...

Charity wow, I understand having devoted my last near on 20 years to a charity service provided here in Melbourne Australia it is people like you that make the world shine in glory. If it be big or small it all helps and good for you. I know the sence of good that I feel even when exhausted of all the work, knowing that I have put a smile on someones face that otherwise would not have been there from circumstances beyond our comprehension. You my dear lady have a beautiful heart and soul. May your year be filled with joy, laugher and happy times.


CraftygasheadZo said...

Hello lovely, glad you all had a fab festivities. What a generous and wonderful lady you are, may I bring to your attention the charity that has helped me not only with support and advice but also with valuable booklets for me to pass on to Keagan's school & our family about my main condition and is one that Keagan has mildly. It's http://www.hypermobility.org/
hope you don't mind me saying. The charity has been running for 20yrs & I'd have struggle without their support. The other is the Mineral Hospital in Bath. Anyway I hope you have a superb 2013 cos you deserve it lovely lady. I shall definitely be coming your way at some point to catch up with you and Julia. Take care Zo xx 69

Karen said...

Happy New Year to you!!! Well done in donating to charity - another charity friend to help others - it's a great thing to do. I'd charity donate for cat shelters (as you know and have helped in the past!), cancer and kidney charities (I have cancer and kidney failure so like to help where I can). It's a lovely thing you are doing and it's a great feeling helping others. Take care, Karen 71 x

MiniOwner said...

Yo LLJ you have some fab things on your post today especially hte cushion and those amazing coasters. Happy Wednesday and a Happy New Year, too. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@67)

Jaki Morris said...

Bugger, I managed to delete my comment!
Anyway, Happy New Year and what a wonderful idea to make things for charity. My favourite is Epilepsy Action as unfortunately, we have experience of that in my family. I give tea parties and raise money for them every year.

If you are interested in doing swaps of craft stuff or fabrics, I'd be interested as I am not buying anything this year, unless it's essential!

Take care and Happy New Year

Jakix #65

Robin said...

happy New Year! Love those pillows....they look,like they were a hit!


Robin #81

CraftygasheadZo said...

Hey lovely, I've emailed you. Take care Zo xx

Tracey said...

What a wonderful post. You have received some beautiful things and I too looked up the carved horses history. Donations to the Stroke Charities is such a worthy cause, I too had a TA (mini stroke) last year, that changed my life. I am one of the fortunate ones and think myself lucky every day. Happy New Year to you. Tracey R ±48

mamapez5 said...

Well done Jan. That is a lovely idea for this year. There are so many people more needy than us, so it is great to give a little back. Kate x #66

Anonymous said...

Sorry to say I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. DS loves Minecraft and I've watched him play a LOT. Lovely you find time to do charity crafting too. I always have the best of intentions to do some myself and yet....

Have an excellent WOYWW and a great 2013!

MA (5)

Neet said...

What gorgeous gifts your sons gave to you. I can imagine how spectacular they look. Lovely collection of cards and things Jan but not sure I understand the, er, cushion!
Have a wonderful year, you deserve to.
Hugs, Neet xx 12

Erika said...

Hi Jan and Happy New Year, I finally gave my pal her bag you made, she loved it to bits. Many thanks. Here's to a fabulous crafty 2013, great post as always, hugs Erika. 59

505whimsygirl said...

Hello LLJ,

Nice gifts from your sons! Wow - everything to charity! When I first started knitting I made scarves for girls that were in a special home. Since then the home has shut down -- but I'm sure there are other organizations that I can donate some of my knitting to. Thanks for the inspiration. I'll start looking in to that.

Happy New Year, my dear blogging buddy!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out re the card, glad you liked it. I have no idea what a creeper is or what Minecraft is either and I'm happy to keep it that way, lol! Love the Green Wood Angel and very pretty fabrics from Vickie, love those glass hangings too, very vibrant, green is my favourite colour too. Like the charity idea, hope you raise lots for them. Hope you have a wonderful and Happy 2013 too.

Brenda 73

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention that my folks are fine, thanks for asking. They're in Yeovil and the town rarely gets affected, unlike the farmers fields and The Levels do.

JoZart Designs said...

Beautiful and really thoughtful gifts that you have received. The glass hangings really are keepsake treasures... love them.
Will email you privately about your lovely idea of crafting for charity.
Love Jo x

Ann B said...

Happy New Year to you and yours. Lovely presents on your desk this week especially those glass hangings, what a beautiful present. As for Minecraft, I know all about that having a 16 year old Grandson to stay over the New Year.
Ann B

Andrea said...

what a lovely post I enjoyed reading it and such lovely gifts too those coasters are beautiful. what afab cushion and I hope the crafting goes well for 2013 and you have a wonderful happy and healthy year Thanks for visiting Andrea #9

Unknown said...

Dear soul sister, you are truly blessed and blissed! I love your plans for crafting for charity! Love the cushion you made for the game--that is fun! What a cool mom you are! And I hope you get to wear those rings A LOT! I am mad about both of them, but especially love the beaded one! Gorgeous!! That green angel is really cute with the loot you received...so fun! Thank you always for your lovely visits--your comments always make my day. Big crafty hugs, and I hope you are enjoying this beautiful new year! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #63

donnalouiserodgers said...

Ah charity (as in registered one) is a fine thing, however,
charity is a noun without a registered charity code,
so by definition - everything we do is, or is not, charitable,

so my chosen registered charity with a code is (and they get all my donations) - Amnesty International because it's philosophy is as apolitical as it is possible to be - accepting that everything has a political angle- and AI are not at all religious but fight for those that take a religious point of view, and try to secure support for prisoners of political injustice, actually , AI is closest to my personal understanding of what humanity should be about, and of course they abhor torture (which kind of fits with my desire to improve healthcare in the UK)

however at the personal level `i would hope that everyone of us sucks up our own personal sufferings and puts on our mantle of god/goddess powers and distributes a charitable response and gives succor to anyone found to be wanting a little love this year...

you DID ask and I am on a rant roll so to speak...so just don't ask me to be charitable to my internet provider eh????

dxxx 95

Caz said...

Hi Jan - Happy New Year!! You had some great gifts/cards - those rings are gorgeous!! Love the horses too and your green angel.
When my Dad died and I had to clear out his papers, I discovered that he supported the RNLI - I have no idea why, we have no connection to the lifeboats as far as I know but his funeral collection went to them and I have supported them ever since so if you wanted an idea for a charity to support, I would put them forward!
Happy New Year and Happy WOYWW

Twiglet said...

I love the cushion and obviously the recipient does too! Those little glass hangings are perfect - what a lovely gift. Your idea of crafting for charity is a brilliant one. If you need any help feel free to shout up. Annie and I were so glad of the help from all our WOYWWer friends when we were making dresses for Africa. Happy New Year! x Jo

belldoubleyou said...

Hah! Minecraft crafts, most excellent. But you'll forgive me, I'm sure, when I say that I like the beautiful presents FROM your boys more than your present TO one of them. The horses are gorgeous and so are their beautiful backgrounds.

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

What a lovely post. Really nice little presents you received. Hoping that the New Year goes well for you and yours. I'm hoping things will be back to normal, after I get the holiday things packed away and time will be a little more plentiful. Happy WOYWW too. #87

Anne said...

Love your post and love the idea of your crafting for charity. I did a little last year and hope to do more this year. Great cushion and beautiful glass tiles. Happy New Year. Anne x #120

Victoria said...

Wishing you the very happiest of New Years! As always, I loved reading your post. The cards are lovely as are the gifts. And isn't that cushion the part?!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Happy New Year to you! Love your chatty post and all the good things you have going on in it. Here's to you and all you do!

Creative Cardiology said...

Happy New Year Jan!
Love the idea of making crafts for charity. Your generosity will make many people smile I'm sure.
Michelle #124

Ali H said...

What a happy post to start the New Year ! The children's hospice always need help - and I sponsor a child through Plan International if you are thinking of charities to support ?
Happy New Year to you Ali #121

KatzElbows said...

Terry Pratchett is seriously amazing. Always nice to meet another fan. And those pieces of glass are stunning. What lovely boys you have.

Happy WOYWW,
Love Rachel, #6

pearshapedcrafting said...

What lovely presents you received! We stayed in Wiltshire last year but sadly only got to see one of those horses! A beautiful part of the country! Thanks for your comments about my grandsons art - made him smile! Chrisx

okienurse said...

tried to send an email but guess I have lost the email addy I once had. Just wanted to say I read your comment at Doones about the mug and the amount of gin it would hold! I am still rolling on the floor! My 50th was a blast with the Booze Mum's out of Taverham, Norwich drinking gin and floating the broads with the broads as they taught me to say with the 50th gallon of gin! I am having fun with memories on WOYWW today as you can see! {hugs}

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, lovely post - your pressies are lovely, how nice to receive fat quarters and that green angel is super. I think I know what the cushion depicts ... just about ... and clearly your son loves it. The glass tiles are gorgeous and remind me of our wonderful holiday down there last summer ... I've just discovered that we have only one white horse in the whole of Scotland. It was created in the 18th century on Mormond Hill, Aberdeenshire - on the other side of the hill is, appropriately, a white stag. I recognised it when I met you but your decision to donate everything you make to charity this year confirms what a really special person you are. I'm sure you will be inundated with suggestions so I'll not add to the list. Most of the little charities will be most grateful as they are really struggling to raise funds at this time. A Good New Year to you, your DH and your boys - I wish you all a healthy, happy and prosperous 2013. Hugs, Elizabeth x #54

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Those glass horses are so beautiful. I hope you do really well with your charity makes, I am sure you will. I am hoping to do more this year. I need to deal with my family and friends cards, then I intend to use all the others I make for my favourite charities. Good luck and Happy New Year. xxx Maggie #45

Nan G said...

What a wonderful thing you're doing...crafting for charity this year. Blessings to you in the new year! Nan 78

famfa said...

What a lovely post and what a beautiful thing you are doing giving to charity. Wonderful lady. Hope you and yours have a fabulous 2013. One of my friends loved your bag (ducks and chooks), I know the other loved hers too but I haven't heard from them directly (family don't always respond as you would like sometimes). I am very happy with them though as I have seen photos. Thank you so much.
Thanks for your lovely comments today xxx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Lunch lady Jan, ah love wee poem or verse of song above your post as ual lovely and thoughtful and cheering post too.

Re the horses (yes love the art work amazingly beautiful too) but did wonder, I knew of the horses but as was saying wondered if they stay that way without trimming, ie does someone maintain or if once cut stay that way??

Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #20

Anonymous said...

Happy 2013 Jan!

I do indeed know what Minecraft is, my lads talk constantly of its brillance! Something l totally don't understand as l thought we were in a time of fantastic graphics but for some reason, they are raving over pixelated imagines - strange lol

Lovely makes :). Happy belated WOYWW xx

Di said...

Happy New Year and sorry I'm a bit late commenting for WOYWW. The ironing basket mugged me and demanded to be emptied! Hugs, Di xx #19

SueH said...

Happy New Year to you Jan!
I’ve no idea how long the cross stitch is going to take, months probably but just out of curiosity I think I may just keep a note of the number of hours I stitch for.

Well, you certainly received some beautiful cards and gifts too, didn’t you. Just love the colours in those glass hangings, they are so bright and vibrant.

Happy Crafting!

Caro said...

I love your green angel! The minecraft cushion is excellent and those horses are stunning...I also like Terry Pratchet! Thank you for sharing. Have a very Happy New Year. Caro #57

Sarn said...


Happy New Year to you.

Sarn xxx

Julie said...

I have been introduced to your blog by the lovely Di who tells me you are just the lady I need to help me in my new venture of Jewellery making,well basic bracelet making for the time being. I'm needing any advice that you feel able to share,how to stop chord fraying,best places to buy,well anything. Your blog by the way is inspiring,you have so many talents,so clever. I'm firstly a card maker but like to try most crafts so loving your style. Look forward to catching up through 2013,Julie x

fairy thoughts said...

great post as usual.. a lucky girl you are indeed.... but hey you deserve it. Love the idea of the charity selling I have sold cards for breast cancer for many years (I have lost friends to this and we girls should stick together)also more recently I have collected for help for heros too.
happy new year
janet #22

Claire said...

dear jan, so sorry for being late getting back to you re. the stroke assoc. - combination of busyness and dodgy internet connection...
sadly, i don't have a way to help right this moment, but one of my plans for 2013 is to get an etsy shop up and running with proceeds going to the SA...
would you be able to donate pieces later this year? i'm hoping sept/oct time...
several crafting friends will be taking part :o)
thanks again, and happy new year - again!
(i did try to email, but google said the link wasn't correctly configured...)


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...