Happy Wednesday everyone! Hope you've had a good week and are raring to do some desky snooping over at Sarah's Craft Shed - it's fun, free and a great place for friendship and inspiration xx

I've been up to all sorts this week!

A big old cutting out session and tidying up of the strips again for the next lot of squares. Fun colours huh?

And some trios got packed up and beribboned.

My beloved apron got slightly ripped....

So a reinforced pocket will protect the area a little!

Lynnecrafts commissioned a small bag for a her projects:

It worked well, that fabric is so lush - this was the first buttonhole with the new machine as well, I had to read the manual! Wonders will never cease.....

And I had a proper bargain from a Dunelm sale bin, getting 100% cotton duvet cover sets for £6, there's a huge amount of fabric there, less than £1 a metre when you work it out.

And you automatically get contrasting outer and inner fabric for the syringe driver bags - I got 15 sets out of this duvet cover, woohoo!

It seems as if I haven't left the JanCave, I just cram a lot into the couple of hours I spend there. The downstairs crafting has been a little bit of knitting, creme egg covers for the first craft fair in March:

Chicken! Bok Bok. A noble friend has offered to do the far more complicated Peter Rabbit pattern, for which I'm very grateful.

Another busy week lies ahead, I'm doing a regular slot in the RNLI shop on a Wednesday afternoon so if I don't get to you today, I will be there tomorrow xx

Have a great week!


Helen said...

a busy time it seems, the duvet fabric is lovely, what a bargain that worked out at. Hope your shift at the RNLI shop goes well. Helen #1

Twiglet said...

Wow what a bargain Jan - and well done on making driver bags. Why have I never thought of duvet sets - the mix n match fabrics are perfect. I love the little chick pattern- so much nicer than the basic chick! Aren't we lucky to be crafters - never a dull moment.😀x x Jo 🌈

Annie said...

What a great idea with the Dunelm fabric...so much fabric in a duvet cover and as you say a perfect match for the lining. I must keep my eye out for the bargains.
Annie x #6

BJ said...

Fantastic load of projects there. I think you've seen my fabric buy, just had to after seeing your desk each week LOL. Adore Lynnecrafts little bag and your knitted chicken is FAB. Hugs bj#3

Neet said...

Oh dear, sad to read that Peter Rabbit is difficult to knit. I was hoping to do one but I'll settle for something easier.
Clever you utilising the duvet covers like that - a cheaper source of fabric is always a good idea.
Shame about the favourite apron but what a great idea - guess the rip was in a good place and it reminds me of my many patched old cardigan that comes out so much. Couldn't let anyone see it though!
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Mary Anne said...

Clever you and a great find with the Duvet covers! Loving the chicken. I might one day knit the Elizabeth Zimmer-hen emotional support Chicken but not till I finish two jumpers! I have that stripey fabric too - love it - and Lynne's bag is fab as well. You are amazing - how ever do you manage it all??
Off for knitting but a Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (4)

Crafting With Jack said...

You work in the shop has well as creating all the products!! Do you have time for anything else? Absolutely love the bag you made for Lynne. Happy WOYWW. Angela #13

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, I love your little chicken so sweet. Sounds like you'll have an extra busy day today. Well done at fixing the apron but the little bag.....now I'm wondering what she has planned to use it for. Love the fabric. One of the ladies at our craft club has a little bag with an inner padded section to protect her cup that she takes to the club, very useful. Happy woyww, Angela x11x

Lynnecrafts said...

Thanks so much with tipping me off about the error in my scheduling. I managed to correct it under the desk! Your crochet bag is stunning thanks! I adore your chicken egg cover and the colours of all your cutout pieces are lovely. Such a bargain to buy sale duvet covers! Happy WOYWW, hugs Lynnecrafts 12 xx

Chana Malkah said...

Oh, my! You are a machine! Sorry about your apron, but the pocke was a brillant recovery! Lynne's bag is fabulous and I am in love with your chicken. The duvet cover was a fabulous find!
I know your week will be productive, so have a wonderful, creative week!
Chana, WOYWW #10

Lindart said...

Wow! You have been a busy little bee! A lot to show this week! I love that bag for Lynne, looks so lush and soft! And great fix for the favourite apron! I love the chicken egg cover, those will sell well! Thanks for your visit to mine, my Mom was surprised and delighted at her birthday lunch! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #15

Susan Renshaw said...

Another busy week! So much to see and (virtually) stroke! Love the chicken!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #5

Eva said...

Dear Jan! Happy Valentin!
Today I finally get around to comment. I had a busy week. But not as busy as yours!! Stunning - your cutting out session. And I love the colors of the "trios"!
You did a clever job to rescue your apron.
The fabric for the small bag for Lynnecrafts is so nice. And the bag looks pretty. Cool idea to take the cotton duvet cover for the syringe driver bags. How cute is the knitted creme egg cover.
Have a good time, Dear Jan and Gordon!
Eva from Austria

Sarah Brennan said...

Love how you find all sorts of ways to get bargain fabric Jan. Such a cute hen cover too. Love Lynne's bag. Sorry I am late visiting this week. It has been manic in the lead up to half term. Stay safe and Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah

Kelly said...

Hi Jan.
Yep, Castles would be on my tour list for sure.
I love seeing your vast array of fabrics. That was a 'steal' on those duvet covers! 'Charity' shops around here skyrocket prices like they're new. So nut fun but I go snooping anyway LOL
Hugs & Creative Blessings! ~ Kelly #14

Kyla said...

ooh thats a brilliant idea, you are a GENIUS! I never thought of cotton duvets in that way. However, on FB I have just found a denim upcyclers group which have some amazing makes on there too (and ideas for my old jeans).

Crafting Queen said...

Wow, you have been very busy. Love your sewing projects. Anesha


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...