Happy New Year everyone! Wishing you joy, health and happiness in 2025 - last year was one of ups and downs for many of us, this one is going to be better!! ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž

The JanCave has seen some action, woohoo!

I've been sorting out the baskets to go in the Harbour Lights Tearoom when it reopens next week and also making some new sets out of a jungle fabric I already had. My boys gave me fabric vouchers, good lads, so I've a big parcel on order.

These two bags are from stash as well, I love those rows of little ducks, they make me happy.....

especially as they waddle along the handles. I tell you, it's the little details that are most pleasing.

I had some great Christmas presents, this fab little cross stitch was made by my mate Sue!

And I also got two jigsaws, the first for ages....

This should keep me quiet for five minutes......

But one of my bestest prezzies was from G:

This really made me happy, I love it and it'll take pride of place in the JanCave!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, sending love and hugs to you for another amazing year of friendship and crafting xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Susan Renshaw said...

I love those little ducks too! Especially the handles!
That is a lovely cross-stitch - what a great image!
Enjoy the jigsaw...
But your best prezzie is definitely the best!
Happy New Year Susan #3

Twiglet said...

What lovely gifts Jan - the cross stitch is perfect.๐Ÿ˜ƒYour sign will make you smile every time you go in your cave. All the best for 20025 - may it be a happy healthy and crafty one,!x x Jo ๐ŸŒˆ

Helen said...

Happy WOYWW and Happy New Year - love the pressies, especially from G! those ducks on the bag handles are just sooo cute! Wishing you all the best for a fabulous 2025. Helen #6

Sarah Brennan said...

Happy New Year Jan. Fabulous Christmas gift from G. Love the ducks on the handles too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Lynnecrafts said...

I love your sewing room sign! Your ducks waddling along your bag handle are so cute! Happy WOYWW and happy new year to you. Hugs Lynnecrafts 11 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

I love your sign for your room. Excellent present. Those ducks are very cute. Happy New Year and happy WOYWW. Angela #9

Annie said...

Really love your new sign and all the thoughtful gifts you had.
Happy New Yearโ€ฆ.heres to many more filled with fun and friendship.
Annie x #4

Neet said...

What a great sign for your Jan Cave. G certainly knows how to make you happy. Love the cross stitch too, fab gifts you received and fab sewing you did with those little ducks in a row.
Here's to a new year full of fun and friendship.
Hugs, Neet 12 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Happy New Year Jan, love the new sign. Oh dear now I feel guilty as I have so many jigsaws that we bought during Covid and I think we opened one and then never finished it.....crazy. Love the ducks, great fabric. Happy woyww Angela x7x

Lindart said...

Happy New Year! I love your new sign...but I might take exception to the "open 24 hours" - you need some down time! The ducks waddling along the handle of the bag made me laugh, brilliant! Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas! Have a wonderful first week of 2025! Lindart #13

BJ said...

Oh WOW what super pressies, love the sign. I've still not done the jigsaw I was given a few years ago but with my left hand carpal tunnel symptoms returning is vying for an operation so it will come in useful then. Love all the baskets of colourfulness and yes the little things, waddle waddle. Hugs BJ#10

Chana Malkah said...

Hi, Jan! So nice to see all your marvelous fabric work again! I am loving your sign! That puzzle is a monster but you appear to be well on your way!
Happy New Year!
Chana WOYWW #14

Eva said...

Dear Jan!
Happy New Year to you, familiy and the crafting room!
Fabric vouchers - such a cool idea! Your boys know, what Mom needs. Oh how cute are the little ducks!
The cross stitch present is lovely and full of humor.
G made you happy!
Best wishes, Eva from Austria

Kyla said...

ooh love Gordons Jan Cave pressie, perfect and that the boys got you fabric vouchers :-) totally agree too, those ducks on the handle are really pleasing.

Mary Anne said...

Wow. That puzzle looks great - Dear Son always warns me cats like to eat puzzle pieces so not a great idea to do them, but then Poppy expresses zero interest in the tree, and doesn't do usual cat things so I might have to take a chance. And OMG what a great gift from G!! Fabulous, so true and just an amazingly thoughtful thing from the one who loves you best. So late - so shameful, but deep cleaning takes time!
Mary Anne (1)


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...